
Marci is raised by his mother only, and he takes his surname from her. The twenty-year-old informatics student is jealous of his mother's relationship. The man moves into the two-storey luxury villa, from where Marci's girlfriend Elvira is driven out by his mother. Marci learns who his real father is and starts to work for the debauched, indebted bio-dealer in the countryside. He is unable to regard either him or the infantile Professor Sárossy as his father. He gets a 13-year-old girl for two bags of onions from a Gypsy family. Juli turns out to be a witch: she helps Marci to get money from cash machines. Turned in by Elvira, Marci gets imprisoned. After being released he wants to get rid of Juli, but the girl makes „Lady Wolf" disappear, along with the luxury villa, as well as „Feather Prince" and „Elviragone". (Budapest Film)
