Iron Sky

  • Alemanha Iron Sky (mais)
Trailer 2


In 1945 the Nazis flew to the Dark Side of the Moon, and established a secret hideout, where they've been preparing for their grand return. The year is 2018, and the Americans return to the Moon in search for powerful energy source, Helium-3. They end up landing too close to the secret Nazi fortress, and although the big Nazi weapon Götterdämmerung" is not yet ready to be deployed, soon the skies are full of iron, as the Nazi war machines take a pre-emptive move against threat from Earth. (4Digital Media)


Vídeos (2)

Trailer 2

Críticas (8)


todas as críticas do utilizador

inglês A trashy subject, a few film references, and a critical assessment of the current political situation do not make a good film - unless you go in with a fearless desire to step "over the edge" a few times. The idea gets full marks, but the execution is lacking, and many things are paradoxically saved by the very decent technical aspects. ()


todas as críticas do utilizador

inglês Fortunately, this time I avoided all the hype, so I can’t be very disappointed. Iron Sky is a nice fun thing, no more than that. It works surprisingly well as direct-to-video sci-fi B-movie silliness, but, if behind the B-movie gimmick of Nazis in the moon, the creators wanted to hide a serious and ambitious political satire, well, we can’t say it was a success. There are some signs, yes, but the satire feels more like a middle-school reflection on “world politics and its afflictions” –  eager, but at the same time too simplistic and superficial. As a parody, Iron Sky fails mainly because it’s hardly funny (do not confuse fun with funny). Thumbs up, but only reluctantly. ()



todas as críticas do utilizador

inglês After spending six months immersed in Finnish culture, I’ve realized Finns are... different. So honestly, Iron Sky didn’t surprise me at all. Nazis building a base on the dark side of the moon? Sure, why not. You have to take this film as pure satire, or it just won’t work. Viewed that way, it’s easily worth three stars—some of the jokes are absolutely brilliant. The script is definitely the weakest link, but I have to give credit where it’s due: Laibach nailed the soundtrack, and plenty of the German actors had no problem poking fun at themselves. ()


todas as críticas do utilizador

inglês A parody of sci-fi that has everything! A caricature of Nazis, a caricature of funny homeless people from Armageddon or The Day After Tomorrow, a caricature of moral and heroic American Presidents or wise Secretaries of State.... And they are all perfect! It has its flaws in the cheapness of some of the special effects or the editing, but a story this insanely entertaining, beautifully affecting the ambivalence of today's political world, for which alien Nazis are far less of a threat than its own ego and power, doesn't deserve to be devalued because of it. Moreover, the visuals look really expensive in most cases, the final action set piece has momentum and even a slightly dramatic effect, and the two heroes are excellent, one with his surprisingly tolerable black wit and the other with his endless charm and cuteness (Julia Dietze deserves to break through in Hollywood). Only Adolf Hitler was missing, there aren’t enough caricatures of him. ()


todas as críticas do utilizador

inglês Iron Sky is an incredible oddity of gigantic proportions, for which I can understand any rating. For myself, however, I have to say that I was not that impressed by this incredibly insane bullshit. I was honestly expecting to be royally amused at the expense of black humour (in this case, you have to be careful with the word "black"), but most of the jokes and innuendos went quite beyond me, and there were plenty of them. From the visual point of view it is not terrible, but it does have some issues – the explosions and fire effects were not very good. Incredible bollocks! ()

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