Based on the Belgian animated cult TV series (which was released by Wallace & Gromit’s Aardman Studios), Panic stars three plastic toys named Cowboy, Indian and Horse who share a rambling house in a rural town that never fails to attract the weirdest events. Cowboy and Indian’s plan to gift Horse with a homemade barbeque backfires when they accidentally buy 50 million bricks. Whoops! This sets off a perilously wacky chain of events as the trio travel to the center of the earth, trek across frozen tundra and discover a parallel underwater universe of pointy-headed (and dishonest!) creatures. Each speedy character is voiced - and animated - as if they are filled with laughing gas. With panic a permanent feature of life in this papier-mâché burg, will Horse and his equine paramour - flame-tressed music teacher Madame Longray (Jeanne Balibar) - ever find a quiet moment alone? A sort of Gallic Monty Python crossed with Art Clokey on acid, A Town Called Panic is zany, brainy and altogether insane! (texto oficial do distribuidor)
Stéphane Aubier
Os melhores filmes:
Há Pânico na Aldeia (2009)
Jeanne Balibar
Os melhores filmes:
Há Pânico na Aldeia (2009)
Cold War - Guerra Fria (2018)
Va savoir (2001)
Bouli Lanners
Os melhores filmes:
Há Pânico na Aldeia (2009)
Toto le héros (1991)
Un long dimanche de fiançailles (2004)
Vincent Patar
Os melhores filmes:
Há Pânico na Aldeia (2009)
Benoît Poelvoorde
Os melhores filmes:
Há Pânico na Aldeia (2009)
Aaltra (2004)
Le Vélo de Ghislain Lambert (2001)
Nicolas Buysse
Os melhores filmes:
Há Pânico na Aldeia (2009)
Oscar et la Dame Rose (2009)
Je suis supporter du Standard (2013)
Alexandre von Sivers
Os melhores filmes:
Mina Tannenbaum (1994)
Há Pânico na Aldeia (2009)
Toto le héros (1991)
Ben Tesseur
Os melhores filmes:
Há Pânico na Aldeia (2009)
Brian Lykke
Os melhores filmes:
Há Pânico na Aldeia (2009)
Klassefesten (2011)
Ronaldo o Bárbaro (2011)