Maike HöhneArgumento:
Maike HöhneCâmara:
Sebastian BockElenco:
Helene Grass, Anneke Kim Sarnau, Stephan Szász, Bela B. Felsenheimer, Julia Goldberg, Alexander Merbeth, Mike OlsowskiSinopses(1)
Sabine wants a child. Michael already has one. A family. A perfectly normal wish und precisely because it is so easy, not so easy to fulfill today. So what do you do when one partner wants a child and the other maybe does or in fact doesn't? Split up? What does a child mean for a relationship? What does the wish and the urging do to a relationship? A relationship which works so easily, just as long as neither half really wants something. Sabine makes a decision and Michael can finally say what he feels. (Filmfest Hamburg)
Helene Grass
Alemanha Ocidental
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Die Wölfe (2009) (série)
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Anneke Kim Sarnau
Alemanha Ocidental
Os melhores filmes:
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O Fiel Jardineiro (2005)
Stephan Szász
Alemanha Ocidental
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Das Experiment (2001)
Die Wölfe (2009) (série)
Wo ist Fred? (2006)
Bela B. Felsenheimer
Alemanha Ocidental
Os melhores filmes:
Sportman van de eeuw (2006)
Honey Baby (2004)
Edelweißpiraten (2004)
Julia Goldberg
Alemanha Ocidental
Os melhores filmes:
Rheingold - O Roubo do Sucesso (2022)
Tatort (1970) (série)
Alexander Merbeth
Alemanha Ocidental