
Este extraordinário filme é baseado numa história verídica de Rocky Dennis, um adolescente com uma doença que desafiou toda a ciência médica ao continuar vivo, cuja cara se assemelha a uma máscara bizarra. Cher no seu primeiro papel principal, interpreta a sua mãe, Rusty. Com a ajuda desta e de uma intensa determinação para viver, Rocky ultrapassa a dor, a solidão e o preconceito, para emergir como um jovem notável que se torna numa inspiração para a sua turma e professores. (Universal Pictures Portugal)


Críticas (2)


todas as críticas do utilizador

inglês Mask is not a fundamentally revelatory film, it's not a film that looks at disability in any different way, but Eric Stoltz is delightful in the role, and incredibly easygoing, and so I imagine the real Rocky that way. I was even more blown away by Cher, whom I don't like as an actress all that much, but here she was perfect to a tee. ()


todas as críticas do utilizador

inglês A beautiful film based on a true story. Given that it was released just a few years after The Elephant Man,  one may get the impression that it is a moving, yet inspired fiction. However, the phenomenon of The Elephant Man could have at most released the atmosphere in society in this case, so that a similar story could be told from the present day without much surprise. Roy L. Dennis (1961-1978) suffered from craniofacial dysplasia and yet lived a relatively pleasant life. Characters like Beau in Murder House or Jake in Grey's Anatomy also have a similar diagnosis. In reality, he also had a homosexual brother, but that would be too much for an eighties film. So we were left with a beautifully tight drama, with Cher reigning as the mother, Eric Stoltz under the striking mask, and Laura Dern as a gentle blind girl. I postponed my viewing experience a bit, but I don't regret it, despite all the circumstances, as it is an experience that can charge you with positive energy. ()


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