Wreck-It Ralph
Wreck-It Ralph is a 2D platform game based on an animated film of the same title created by Walt Disney Animation Studios. Players take on the role of Ralph and Felix that have to face dangerous invaders.
developer: Disney Interactive Studios publisher: Activision Blizzard
Wreck-It Ralph is a classic two-dimensional platformer where players control the title Ralph and Felix - his Fix-It Felix nemesis.
The game tells the story of what happens after the movie is over. The two heroes face a Cy-Bug invasion. During the game, players use Ralph's destructive abilities to defeat the invaders and then switch to Felix to repair the damage. During the adventure we visit such places as Sugar Rush, Hero's Duty and Fix-It Felix, Jr.
The game was developed on Wii, DS and 3DS. The version for the stationary Nintendo console offers a cooperation mode for two players.
Game modes: single / multiplayer. Multiplayer mode: split screen.
Last updated on 23 October 2012
Game mode: single player Multiplayer mode:
PEGI rating Wreck-It Ralph