Send multiple selected row to report

I'm sure someone has posted a similar request but, I cannot find it.....

I have one table with many rows. This table is presented to the user in a Table view.

I need a way for the user to select multiple rows that will then populate a single report.

Currently, the automation and action I have sends multiple emailed reports for each chosen row. I'd like one email, one report for all rows chosen.

Is this plausible? If so, I'd appreciate any pointers in that direction.

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Platinum 4
Platinum 4

You need a column in a row of a separate table (which could be a user setting) to contain the list of selected rows. Then you need a way to populate that column value with the selected rows. The report would then reference this column value to get the list of rows.

There is no way to send a SET of rows to a report template.  Instead you need to "mark" the rows as "selected".  And then in the template, use a START block with a SELECT() expression to gather the chosen rows.   I would add a [Selected?] column and then provide a view for the user to mark which rows to include.  Then adjust the automation and template using this new structure.

I hope this helps!

The problem I am encountering is that a separate report is sent for each row.

I have done as you suggest: The user has an action that applies a timestamp to a "selected" column.

I have a report template with a START block that selects the rows that are timestamped.

The problem seems to be with the automation. How do I automate the report so that only one report is sent containing all the selected rows? My efforts result in a separate emailed report for each selected row.


How are you triggering the bot that generates the report? If this is to be a user-triggered report, the trigger should occur in only a single row and the bot reacts to that. The report itself discovers which rows to include.

In the table view, user selects multiple rows then clicks the action button. This action then timestamps a column to indicate selection. As these timestamps are applied, these rows populate a slice. All of the rows are not timestamped simultaneously; there can be a significant delay here. This is one problem..... 

The report template has a START block that reports on the slice.

I've tried triggering the automation in two ways: On update; when a row in the parent table is updated (TIMESTAMP), this trigger the report. Two problems with this; all of the selected rows trigger the automation as the timestamp action timestamps each row AND all of the rows may not have had the column/field timestamped yet so, the automation is not only triggered multiple times, the report usually doesn't have all the selected rows.

The second attempt: I added a new table, ReportRequested. This table only has one field, DateTime. I added an automation that watches the primary table for updates to the TimeStamp. On update, the automation will add a row to the ReportRequested. Then a second automation is triggered on adds to the ReportRequest. This method produces the same or similar result to the first attempt.

An idea solution would allow the user to 'check' multiple rows and then click an action that would send one report with only the selected rows.

I would propose the user perform a two step process: select the desired rows (as done now), then click a "Generate report" button or submit a form (rather than a bot reacting to the selections).

I've thought of this also but, I assume the "generate report" button would? Add a row to another table that would then trigger the bot to send the report?

The action to "generate report" function is where I'm stuck at and would appreciate any suggestions.

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

@MichaelN wrote:

Add a row to another table that would then trigger the bot to send the report?

Yep. This then also gives you a log of reports requested. You could capture NOW(), USEREMAIL(), and other useful data points.

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