Datastream: Column exclusion does not work with Backfilling

New Member


I have excluded certain columns from certain tables from replication from Postgres to BigQuery.

However, this setting does not seem to be persisted, and on pressing "Backfill", I can see in the logs an ALTER command to add the missing columns to BigQuery.

As a result, data, which I don't want to be replicated, ends up being replicated.

In addition, going back to the settings screen, on the option
`Edit source configuration` -> `Select objects to exclude` - this does not get persisted once I save it, and then go back to edit it.

I also tried assigning COLUMN level privileges to the replication user in Postgres for the excluded columns, but then I get permission errors!


The option

To exclude some objects from automatic backfill, define them below.

does not seem to persist columns as well.


I think this might be more of a UI problem, but not sure. Hope you're able to identify the problem.

Thank you!

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