A pleasant surprise on the drama side, although the realization of the story being just ridiculous
14 June 2007
I rented "New Police Story" a few days ago. I was just looking for an easy action movie, nothing serious, so I was browsing through the DVD's at the renting store and the name of Jackie Chan in one of the covers just popped into my eye. So I watched the movie and I was very surprised how dramatic it also was besides the action it, it's not often you see Jackie Chan doing drama anyways. And to be honest, the main focus to me was more on the drama, so the whole story had surprisingly much depth in it too, the action side was just sort for spicing up the movie a little bit and a good spice that was. The movie tells a story about a police, Inspector Chan Kwok-Wing, who's entire team gets killed in a tragic mission. Kwok-Wing feels guilty for the deaths of his fellow police officers and becomes a drunk without hope and not being capable of forgiving himself. A young man pretending to be a police officer suddenly comes into Wing's life, helping him to get back on his feet and stop the gang who's guilty in the deaths of the team.

There's the main plot about the gang and its members, then there's these subplots which include a love story, a story about friendship and a story about courage and not giving in. The subplots are the best thing the movie has to offer, as the main plot itself is just silly. The members of the gang, cop haters, are somehow obsessed with video games and decide to make a game about how they killed the team mates of Wing. It could work if done properly, but the thing which makes it so bad is the acting done by the gang members, all the screaming and shouting when they're excited is just so overacted it's garbage. The cheering which is repeated annoyingly too much throughout the movie just doesn't work in any part of the movie, the characters of the gang are so unrealistic and have nothing to do with reality. However, the character of Wing does. I was so surprised of the fact that Jackie Chan can actually do drama as well, the acting he does is believable and it's overall a pretty flawless role performance as well. I've always known that Chan is a master when it comes to facial expressions, but drama, honestly? Jackie Chan doing drama. You're kidding, right? No, I'm not. I honestly have to raise my hat for him, as he was so enjoyable in the movie, both drama and action wise.

There wasn't as much action I expected, but that's alright, as the drama side of the movie was more enjoyable, although the action scenes are once again incredible. The movie sadly suffers from a slight dullness, it is actually a bit too long. You just wait for something to happen and there's this part of the movie where it feels like the movie would simply stand on its feet without moving along. You don't receive as much as you hope. Anyway, everyone knows Jackie Chan does his own stunts and you just have to give some respect for the guy. When you know the actor himself is doing his own stunts it really gives the movie that extra something and the stunts are simply better than they actually are. The fighting scenes are definite entertainment and when it comes to Chinese action it's always an art form of its own, it even can't be compared to Hollywood action. Hollywood may do it more visually, but China does it more technically and with experience and you just got to love it. The action scenes in this movie are guaranteed Chinese quality action and they won't be disappointing you, although there are just a few of them.

If you're looking for action and nothing else, then this movie isn't for you. If you're looking for a decent action/drama movie, then this will be a recommendation for you. It's nothing phenomenal, but it's a good film. Nothing to be praised but nothing to be slaughtered either. The love story, the slight humour, the whole depth in the plot besides the main plot and the great Jackie Chan are the best thing this movie has to offer. Though some of it may be a bit too cliché it's still enjoyable, it's not THAT serious after all. "New Police Story" isn't a light movie, but it's not a heavy movie either. If you want to see Jackie Chan doing a good role performance, I suggest you watch this movie right away, as you will most certainly be surprised. Hopefully as much as I was.
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