Review of Awake

Awake (2007)
Intense and indulging
5 April 2008
When I rented Awake I had no expectations really, just another quick grab off the shelf to try my luck. However, I was quite surprised to find that I liked this cunning thriller more than your ordinary every day "waste some time" flick. I thought that the plot and scheme to the story were wonderful. Yes, there were some parts that bored me, and the film seemed even a little egotistical at times, but I was surely concentrated through the whole movie. It certainly knew the sense of keeping the audience on a string whether they cared to be or not.

This is a movie that I had wanted to see ever since the trailer was let out on TV because it looked more interesting than other trailers I had seen at the time, even though I had forgotten what it was about by the time I rented it. There was probably about a few things that bothered me about this film, but I am not going to reminisce on them because overall the movie delivers and you really overlook it's minor problems. Anyway, this movie was entertaining, brilliantly scripted, and shockingly suspenseful. The twist you never see coming and the performances are believable and professional. I loved it for what it was, and a little bit more so..
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