Ocean's Eight (2018)
Just relax and enjoy it!
10 June 2018
The theatre was near full and there were more than a few large groups of girls and women who were clearly out on the town for the night. I read the poor IMDB reviews while waiting for the movie to start and perhaps that lowered my expectations, however, the movie was great. These sorts of things shouldn't be compared to their priors, like a new partner, you take them for what they are in the present. Were there better heist movies yesterday, sure there are. This was another decent heist movie, it hit all the notes a heist movie should, including a slight of hand surprise twist at the end. You leave feeling good, what more could you ask for. Nice to see a couple original oceans characters brought back for cameos and a lovely surprise with you trying to place the older wealthy women gala guests popping up near the end, Marlene, Ethel (Coma), Diana. The theatre emptied out with everyone happily chattering away. No academy awards here but that's nothing any sane person is expecting.
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