Toy Story 2 (1999) Poster


Don Rickles: Mr. Potato Head



  • Buzz Lightyear : Good work, men. Two blocks down and only nineteen more to go.

    Mr. Potato Head : What?

    Rex , Hamm , Slinky Dog : Nineteen?

    Mr. Potato Head : Are we gonna do this all night? My parts are killing me.

    Buzz Lightyear : Come on, fellas. Did Woody give up when Sid had me strapped to a rocket?

    Mr. Potato Head , Rex , Hamm , Slinky Dog : No.

    Buzz Lightyear : No. And did he give up when you threw him out of the back of that moving van?

    Mr. Potato Head : Oh, you had to bring *that* up!

    Buzz Lightyear : No, he didn't! We have a friend in need, and we will not rest until he's safe in Andy's room! Now, let's move out!

  • Alien toys : You have saved our lives. We are eternally grateful.

    Mrs. Potato Head : You saved their lives? My hero! They're so adorable. Let's adopt them!

    Alien toys : [Gathering around Mr. Potato Head]  Daddy!

    Mr. Potato Head : Oh, no.

  • Mr. Potato Head : [From under Andy's bed sheets]  I found it.

    Woody : You found my hat?

    Mr. Potato Head : Your hat? No. The missus lost her earring.

    [singsong to Mrs. Potato Head] 

    Mr. Potato Head : Oh my little sweet potato!

    Mrs. Potato Head : [turning around fast]  Ooh, you found it! Ohh, it's so nice to have a big, strong spud around the house.

  • [the road leading to Al's Toy Barn on the other side has a tonne of Traffic in the way of the Toys] 

    Rex : Oh well, we tried.

    Buzz Lightyear : [Holds onto Rex's tail]  We'll have to cross.

    Rex , Slinky Dog , Mr. Potato Head , Hamm : WHAT?

    Mr. Potato Head : You're not turning me into a Mashed Potato.

    Slinky Dog : I may not be a smart dog, but I know what roadkill is.

    Buzz Lightyear : There must be a safe way.

  • [the toys are trying to find a way to enter Al's apartment building] 

    Mr. Potato Head : I say we stack ourselves up, push the intercom and pretend we're delivering a pizza.

    Hamm : How about a ham sandwich? With fries and a hotdog?

    Rex : What about me?

    Hamm : Ah, you can be the toy that comes with the meal.

  • Mr. Potato Head : Prepare to meet


    Mr. Potato Head : [he accidentally sticks his extra pair of shoes on his face and runs into a wall]  Mr. Angry Eyes! Argh argh!

  • [Woody goes to the yard sale with the help of Buster, Andy's dog, to rescue Wheezy] 

    Mr. Potato Head : Where is he going? He's nuts!

    Slinky Dog : His arm ain't that bad.

    Rex : [yells]  Don't do it, Woody! We love yooooou!

  • Hamm : Excuse me, ladies, but could any of you tell us where we might the Al of Al's Toy Barn?

    Tour guide Barbie : I can help!

    [slides down the slide and into the toy car] 

    Tour guide Barbie : I'm Tour Guide Barbie! Please keep your hands, arms, and accessories in the car, and no flash photography. Thank you.

    Mr. Potato Head : I'm a married spud, I'm a married spud...

    Hamm : [Hopping into the front seat of the car]  Then make way for the single fellas.

  • [Whilst the toys search the Woody on Al's Office, unaware that he's not really there and in Al's Apartment, Al enters talking on the phone and walking over to the Fax Machine] 

    Slinky Dog : [Whispering]  It's him.

    Hamm : The Chicken Man.

    Buzz Lightyear #2 : Funny, he doesn't look like poultry.

    Slinky Dog : That's the Kidnapper alright.

    Buzz Lightyear #2 : Kidnapper, an Agent of Zurg if I ever saw one.

    Al McWiggin : [Putting a photo of Woody through the Fax Machine]  And the Piece de Resistance. I promise the Collection will be the Crown Jewel of your Museum.

    [the photo pops out the Fax Machine through the other side, landing on the floor where the toys hid] 

    Slinky Dog : It's Woody

    Al McWiggin : Now that I have your attention, imagine we added another Zero to the price, huh? What?

    Al McWiggin : [Overjoyed]  Yes? Yes! You've got yourself a deal! I'll be on the next flight to Japan!

    Mr. Potato Head : [Shocked]  He's selling Woody to a Toy Museum.

    Rex : In *Japan*.

    [the toys all jump into Al's Bag] 

    Buzz Lightyear #2 : Into the Poultry Man's Cargo Unit. He'll lead us to Zurg. Move, move, move!

    [Rex's tail hangs out of the bag, Al picks it up and laughs] 

    Al McWiggin : [Cheering to himself]  I'm gonna be rich! Rich! Rich!

  • [Potato Head has saved some alien toys] 

    Alien toys : You have saved our lives. We are eternally grateful.

    Mr. Potato Head : Will you just leave me alone?

  • [Woody explains his newfound past to his old friends] 

    Woody : Oh, you should have seen it. There was a record player. And a yo-yo. Buzz, I was a yo-yo!

    Mr. Potato Head : [to Hamm]  WAS?

  • Rex : What happened?

    Mr. Potato Head : [in disbelief]  Woody's been shelved!

  • Rex : [as he and the Other Toys walk through the bushes]  Losing health units... Must rest...

    Buzz Lightyear : Is everyone present and accounted for?

    Mr. Potato Head : Not quite everybody.

    Buzz Lightyear : Who's behind?

    Slinky Dog : Mine...

    [Slinky Dog's back half catches up with the group] 

  • Slinky Dog : [the Toys are searching for Woody down one of the aisles]  We've been down this aisle already.

    Mr. Potato Head : We haven't been down this aisle, it's pink.

    Slinky Dog : Face it, we're lost.

  • Buzz Lightyear #2 : We've been detected! The walls! They're closing in!

    [grabs Mr. Potato head and mounts him aganist the celing of the vent] 

    Buzz Lightyear #2 : Quick, help me prop up Vegetable man here or we're done for!

    Mr. Potato Head : Hey! Put me down you moron!

    Rex : Hey, guys, look, it's not the walls, it's the elevator.

    [the elevator further down the shaft arrives at the bottom] 

    Buzz Lightyear #2 : [Looking up, it's quite a way]  Come on, we've got no time to lose. Everyone grab hold!

    [Buzz #2 draws out a rope from his Utility Belt, tossing it to the other toys, and activates 2 Suction Magnets from the sides. He then starts climbing up at the side of the shaft] 

    Hamm : Uh Buzz? Why not just take the Elevator?

    Buzz Lightyear #2 : They'll be expecting that.

  • Buzz Lightyear : Woody you're in Danger here, we need to leave now.

    Rex : Al's selling you to a Toy Museum, in Japan.

    Woody : I know! It's okay, Buzz. I actually wanna go.

    Mr. Potato Head : [Shocked]  What? Are you crazy?

    Woody : Look, the thing is, I'm this rare "Sheriff Woody" doll, and these guys, are my - round-up gang.

    Buzz Lightyear : Woody, what are you talking about?

    Woody : What am I talking about? "Woody's Round-Up"! Oh, it's this great old T.V. show, and I was the star.

    [turns on T.V. and "Woody's Round-Up" video starts playing] 

    Woody : See, look, that's me!

    Hamm : This is weirdin' me out.

  • [the Toys have successfully made it across the road wearing Rubber Cones, but have caused a number of Car Crashes] 

    Mr. Potato Head : [Throwing the Cone off him]  Well that went well.

    [the Large Rolling Cyllinder that almost crushed him continues rolling forward, and knocks down a Lampost] 

    Buzz Lightyear : Good work Gentleman. We're getting much closer to Woody

    [as Buzz and the other toys head off to Al's Toy Barn, the camera pans over at Al's Apartment across the road, Woody's Real Whereabouts] 

  • Hamm : [the toys are climbing up an elevator shaft. Some coins fall out of Hamm's stomach opening]  Uh oh. Hey, heads up down there.

    Slinky Dog : [They hit Slinky in the face]  Whoa, Pork bellies are falling.

    Mr. Potato Head : [Lands on one of Mr. Potato Head's eyes, which he manages to flick off easily]  Hey, how much farther Buzz?

    Buzz Lightyear #2 : Half way, there.

  • Hamm : All right, let's review this one more time. At precisely 8:32-ish, Exhibit A, Woody, was kidnapped.

    [Etch-A-Sketch draws Woody] 

    Hamm : Exhibit B, a composide sketch of the kidnapper.

    [Etch-A-Sketch draws Al with a long beard] 

    Bo Peep : He didn't have a beard like that.

    Hamm : Fine. Uh, Etch, give him a shave.

    [Etch-A-Sketch redraws Al without a beard] 

    Slinky Dog : The kidnapper was bigger than that.

    Hamm : Oh, picky, picky, picky.

    Mr. Potato Head : Oh, let's just go straight to Exhibit F! The kidnapper's vehicle.

    [Refers to their toy reconstruction of the driveway] 

    Mr. Potato Head : Now the vehicle fled the scene in this direction.

    [pushes a toy car to the left] 

    Hamm : Oh, your parts are in backwards! It went the other way!

    [pushes the toy car right] 

    Hamm : Hey, put a cork in it!

    [Rex walks through, destroying their model] 

    Rex : Hey, how do you spell F-B-I?

    Mr. Potato Head : My crime scene!

    Hamm : Hey, watch where you're going, Godspilla!

    Rex : I didn't know this was a crime scene!

  • Buzz Lightyear #2 : [Rex having pushed the Other Toys down due to slipping, causes Buzz #2's weight to give in]  What was I thinking? My Anti-gravity servos

    [Presses the button on his Utility Belt, lighting it up, unaware that he's just a toy] 

    Buzz Lightyear #2 : Hang tight everyone, I'm going to let go of the wall.

    [the other toys all look up at him shocked] 

    Slinky Dog : Huh?

    Rex : What?

    Mr. Potato Head : He wouldn't!

    Buzz Lightyear #2 : One!

    Hamm : He would.

    Hamm : Two!

    Slinky Dog , Rex , Mr. Potato Head , Hamm : DON'T DO IT, BUZZ!

    Buzz Lightyear #2 : Three!

    [he lets go of the wall and they all land on the elevator, which is coming up the shaft] 

    Buzz Lightyear #2 : To infinity and beyond! Approaching destination. Reengaging gravity.

    [Turns off Belt] 

    Buzz Lightyear #2 : [gets off the elevator into the vent]  Area secure.

    Slinky Dog , Rex , Mr. Potato Head , Hamm : [all moaning] 

    Buzz Lightyear #2 : It's OK troops, the antigravity sickness will wear off momentarily. Now, let's move!

    Mr. Potato Head : Remind me to glue his helmet shut when we get back.

  • Rex : [as Al drives off]  How are we gonna get him now?

    Mr. Potato Head : Pizza, anyone?

    [camera pans to reveal the Pizza Planet delivery truck] 

  • [Buzz is trying to figure out the vehicle's owner that stole Woody, by trying to see what the License Plate means, as well as the Plastic Feathers that fell out of the boot] 

    Mr. Potato Head : What are you doing Buzz?

    Buzz Lightyear : ?

  • [Buzz #2 straps Buzz into an Empty Box] 

    Buzz Lightyear : Listen to me, listen to me, you're not really a Space Ranger, you're a Toy.

    Buzz Lightyear : [Muffled from inside the box]  We're all toys, can you hear me?

    Buzz Lightyear #2 : Well, that should hold you until the Court-Martial!

    Buzz Lightyear : [as he's being placed onto a shelf, straining]  Do you have any idea what you're doing? Let me go.

    Tour guide Barbie : [Arriving in the Toy Car with the Other Toys]  And this is the Buzz Lightyear aisle. Back in 1995, short-sighted retailers did not order enough dolls to meet demand.

    Hamm : Hey Buzz!

    Buzz Lightyear #2 : [Turns around, pointing his "laser" at the Toys]  Halt! Who goes there?

    [the car stops] 

    Mr. Potato Head : Quit clowning around and get in the car.

    Rex : Buzz! I know how to Defeat Zurg!

    Buzz Lightyear #2 : [Stops pointing his "laser"]  You do?

    Rex : C'mon. I'll tell you on the way.

    Buzz Lightyear : [From inside the Cardboard Box]  No, no, guys! You've got the Wrong Buzz! You've got the Wrong Buzz!

    Hamm : [Noticing Buzz #2's Utility Belt]  Say, where'd you get the cool belt Buzz?

    Buzz Lightyear #2 : Well, Slotted Pig, they're standard issue.

    [the Other Toys drive off, leaving "Their Buzz" behind, struggling inside the Cardboard Box on the shelf, as the Camera zooms out] 

  • [the toys are now in a Pet Carrier, placed onto the Conveyor Belt at the Airport] 

    Alien toys : The Mystic Portal. Ooh!

    Buzz Lightyear : Once we go through, we just need to find that case.

    [They pass through into an Area with Multiple Conveyor Belts and Multiple Suitcases] 

    Mr. Potato Head : [Gasps, as his Extra Pair of Shoes and Angry Eyes fall out of his Compartment] 

    [the toys then slide down at a fast rate, and tumble out of the Pet Carrier they've been in onto the Conveyor Belt below] 

    Slinky Dog : [Spotting a Green Suitcase in the Distance in front of them]  There's the case.

    Hamm : [Spotting Another Green Suitcase on the Conveyor Belt below them]  No there's the case.

    Buzz Lightyear : You guys take that one, we'll take this one.

    [Buzz and Slinky go after the Suitcase spotted in the Distance, whilst Hamm, Rex, Mr. Potato Head, and the Alien Toys go after the Suitcase underneath them] 

  • [Al arrives back at his penthouse, but leaves his bag with the Toys in the car] 

    Rex : He didn't take the bag!

    Buzz Lightyear #2 : No time to lose!

    [Buzz #2 struggles to open the locked door handle, and watches Al head to the Elevator] 

    Buzz Lightyear #2 : He's Ascending in a Verticle Transporter.

    [Jumps back onto the Car Seat and opens up his wings, hanging onto Rex and Mr. Potato Head, not knowing that he's just a toy] 

    Buzz Lightyear #2 : Alright everyone, Hang on! We're gonna blast to the roof!

    Rex : Uh, Buzz?

    Buzz Lightyear #2 : To Infinity, and Beyond!

    [Nothing happens, Buzz #2 remains standing firm] 

    Mr. Potato Head : What are you, insane?

    [Runs over to the Car Lock, with Rex giving him a boost] 

    Mr. Potato Head : Stand still Godzilla.

    [Strains to lift the lock with his weak arms] 

    Buzz Lightyear #2 : [Confused, but still doesn't know the truth]  I don't understand. Somehow my Fuel cells have gone dry...

    [Leans against the Electric Window Switch, which successfully pops open the lock that Mr. Potato Head is still struggling to pull open] 

    Mr. Potato Head : Aaaah!

    [Mr. Potato Head having had his arms pulled off in the process bounces backwards and lands upside in the Cup Holder] 

  • Mr. Potato Head : [in the toy car that he, Rex, Slinky and Hamm hop into to drive around Al's Toy Barn]  Let the guy with the fingers do the driving.

See also

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