Partygate (TV Movie 2023) Poster

(2023 TV Movie)

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Enlightening and Very Sad
giselaredman3 October 2023
I watched Partygate to try to understand what went on in No. 10 during the covid lockdowns. I am not surprised by its content but I am angered by it. It's not a particularly good piece of drama but it is worth watching to learn about what happened behind "closed" doors while most ordinary people were obeying the rules. It has an interesting cast with quite a few familiar faces. I quite liked the interplay of acting interspersed with real footage from 2020/2021 although it has left me feeling angry, sad and rebellious. I think it's a drama to be filed safely away for the record and watched by future generations who want to look back in history.
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It's a shocking, but interesting story.
Sleepin_Dragon26 October 2023
Back to the COVID outbreak, and Boris Johnson's government had many tough decisions to make, the country was put into lockdown, people couldn't see loved ones or dying relatives, all whilst no.10 partied.

Credit to Channel four for making this drama documentary, and for using Sue Gray's comprehensive report for its content.

It's well acted, although were they all such a privileged bunch of posh boys and girls? I hope they played the actual people with a degree of tongue in cheek. Clever that they don't focus on Cullshaw too much.

The interviews with ordinary members of the public have a real sobering effect, they really do hammer home what was actually happening in the real world outside of The Westminster bubble.

I wonder how much of this will actually influence the next General Election, it will be a while before the public trust the party again.


Wine time Friday, wtf indeed.
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The Sheep will still Blindly listen and follow.
hewitt-812554 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
At least 14 parties with white powders, sex and lots of fine wine and champagne while we weren't allowed to visit grandad in his care home. Made more as an info documentary with little bits of action here and there, i think most of us knew there was/is crooked stuff going on in whiterhall but even i didn't realise the full extent.

The actors playing the parts did well enough and the production seemed well enough put together.

There ought to be a part 2 where hopefully several arrests are made ands some people are languishing in a cell. Alas they get £50 fines while ordinary folks pay £10 000.
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Changed my opinion of Boris after watching this
cathyannemoore-661964 October 2023
Prior to watching this docudrama I was a staunch supporter of Boris. And defended the parties as work place gatherings as we hear the lady doing near to the beginning. I felt Boris had been hounded out of office unfairly. Watching this dramatisation has sowed the seed of doubt in my mind. If the parties were on the scale depicted in the drama nobody including the prime minister could possibly justify them as small work place gatherings. Perhaps I have been duped by very left wing film makers? Although the film does cite the Sue Gray report throughout to support the account it gives. The acting was appalling though.
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A tough watch, but important to be reminded of the truth
coxl-001485 October 2023
As you're watching Partygate, you ask yourself 'Did this really happen?' And then you are shown the evidence to prove it from the Sue Gray Report; testimonies of family of those who died, who weren't allowed into hospital to say goodbye; film of mourners at funerals who were not permitted to comfort others. Reminders of the awful things the rest of the country was suffering, at the exact same time Johnson and his staff were living it up at 14 parties and then lied about it. This is a tough watch, but as the Covid Inquiry is deliberately kicked into the long grass, I think it's really important we're reminded of this.
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One starts watching slightly amused....but soon one is appalled!
gharropoff5 October 2023
I had a low opinion of Boris as a leader but could see his attraction to some as a sort of cheeky schoolboy charm. I believe he is highly intelligent but totally self centered .. the reconstructions here are Not particularly dramatic or amazing but the sheer scale of continued ramshackle behavior at the heart of Government in perhaps the most serious time I have ever experienced in the UK in my life( I am 73) is sickening... I do think Time will show Boris as the worst Leader and most self centered Prime Minister we have had....

It does cover the period of the crisis and feature real and reconstructed footage Well worth watching and a very important record for future historians!!
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Weakly comic, but deadly serious
paul2001sw-16 October 2023
'Partygate' is a rather weakly comic representation of the events that brought down Boris Johnson; but also, quite literally, a deadly serious one. Right from the start it gets to one key point, when a caller to a radio-phone in offers a defence of the then Prime Minister, accused of hosting "parties" during the COVID-19 lockdowns. For sure, all social gatherings were banned, and if the makers of the laws don't follow them, how can anyone else be expected to. But if people working long hours gathered briefly to wish each other happy birthday, or had a quick drink in the garden after work, was that really so terrible? Even if wrong, you could understand how it had happened. Only, of course, it didn't happen like that. The Downing Street staff, from the top man downwards, acted with complete and reckless disregard for the law they were imposing on other people. Johnson has continued to insist that nothing occured you could really call a party; but that man is a serial liar. 'Partygate' suggests that the reason it all happened lies in the insufferable arrogance of a ruling class who take it for granted that no-one actually gets to tell them what to do, even themselves! It may still not be the worst thing that a British government has ever done; but the story speaks volumes of the contempt of our governors for the governed.
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Surprisingly difficult to watch
paul_cottrell4 October 2023
Having lived through the pandemic, this programme was absolutely fascinating but at the same time pretty difficult to watch - it really hit home hard, as with the majority of us all, the lockdowns and restrictions put in place affected us all.

This depiction of the events that happened at No.10 really dramatises the complete flagrant disregard of rules, and laws our complete inept government put in place, that they clearly felt they were not subject to.

It is a total insult that whilst they were clearly having a jolly good time on cheese and wine, hard working people who simply wanted to see their loved ones, weren't able to, and if they did they incurred a ludicrous and disproportionate fine for breaking these rules....and Boris & crew, who were found guilty paid a measly £50 for the same breaches.

I'm not a politically driven person at all, but this has utterly infuriated me, and I feel downright upset how we have all been taken for mugs.

I didn't expect this watch to be so difficult or emotional, so toy may find the same, so be aware.
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Party on.......
fostrhod4 October 2023
Partygate:The True Story 2023.

We were all taken for fools, and this highlights how the nation as a whole was shafted and lied to by the Tory Government.

Its a painful watch and it should get you pretty angry whether you agree with Covid or not. The people who made the decisions which effected each and everyone of us. We had Christmas away from families, leaving relatives to die and grieve alone. Whilst they did their own thing and partied hard.....and made vast amounts of money at our expense.

If there was any justice in this world, they would unlock their mobiles phones and be prosecuted for withholding evidence. Johnson and Sunak even got minimal £50 fines for attending gatherings when members of the public were fined £1000s.

What a delight it would be if ITV, BBC etc all broke with tradition of protecting the status quo all screened this programme simultaneously on Christmas day 2023.

Top marks for its importance but its not that great TV to be fair so its a 5/10 Don't forget.... this shameful part of our history.
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W011y4m523 November 2023
A crass, self-congratulatory, tone-deaf, exploitative, toothless dramatisation of events which should never have been put to screen unless done so with absolute scorn & vociferous indignation.

I don't want to see quiet disapproval, tired despondency or emotional resignation (cynically resigning ourselves to this utter farce - under the belief that it's simply how things are, regardless of what happens - is lazy, complacent & precisely the nihilistic defeatism which enables it to continue, upholding the status quo we're in full acknowledgement is irrevocably broken); I want fiction to metaphorically tear these damned people limb from limb until there's nothing left of them but an amalgamation of flesh, pulled from their bloodied bones & strewn across the floor in a steaming heap of meat. Forget libel; if the story isn't courageous enough to wage literal war against these rancid, festering, corrupt politicians & their self-serving, callous compatriots - resulting in multiple potential lawsuits, alleging defamation - then the person telling it is cowardly, doing it incorrectly, undeserving of attention & I lose all respect for them.

Seriously, where was the bite?

Channel 4's entire brand is built upon the notion of being 'bold', 'risky' & 'edgy'. What happened?

This should've been a 1 hour, devastatingly excoriating evisceration; a vengeful denunciation so nasty, those at the recieving end needed a tetanus shot & stitches to physically recover.

200,000+ British citizens died as a direct result of the Conservative Party's blasé lack of leadership; a larger loss of life than the total number of deceased individuals, during the Blitz in WW2... They didn't reach their end with dignity or the compassion we know they had a right to expect; most were left alone, gasping for air, choking on their own lung fluid, scared, in pain, waiting for an ambulance that never came or on ventilators within poorly equipped hospitals exceeding capacity, manned by struggling NHS staff (deprived of suitable PPE), trying to save lives whilst keeping their own relatives at home unharmed - suppressing the mental distress caused by relentless pressure & the merciless onslaught of suffering cases, doing their part, we know folks in Number 10 wouldn't. If that doesn't warrant unadulterated furiosity, a march of bereaved families / loved ones armed with fiery torches, pitchforks & a dismantling of the very system responsible for such preventable, national slaughter (of the most vulnerable within society; the elderly & disabled)... I genuinely don't know what will.

Honestly, what was this meant to achieve? 'Partygate's' the equivalent of a creative, randomly pointing towards a disgusting scandal & patronisingly commenting "that's bad" in a flat tone of voice; yes, thank you for that profound insight (I'll cherish the invaluable contribution made forever) - yet if you've no intention of making a wider analysis of the institutions within a democracy which refuse to hold those in positions of power accountable (like, for instance, those ironically in the media), it's a meaningless gesture, devoid of the intelligence or the ability to truly get to the heart of why / how this was permitted to happen in the first place. Thus, you're part of the problem.

Therefore, why depict the grotesque parties through the lense of fiction, if not to fulfill the entire purpose of telling a tale (meeting the criteria for even the most basic premise)... To make sense of something, nonsensical? Hence, what's the motivation, other than to antagonise for the sake - offering no answers?

Do something. Say something. Stop pulling punches. Don't just visualise reports like an amateurish recreation. Use this platform. Speak up.


If you're looking for a sufficiently angry refutation of this government's contemptuous ineptitude & criminal negligence, watch Marc Munden's 'Help'; that lenses the disastrous pandemic response through the perspective of low paid workers who were caught up in the midst of a national crisis that literally decimated the care home population within the first wave of the UK covid outbreak; the mood is unmistakably seething, mournful, agonized, packed with raw, unaddressed grief & brimming with understandably unbridled rage... This, however? Pitifully weak attack against contemptuous villains who've earned a stronger reckoning than the one they've been frustratingly met with. People need so much better. Be better. Do better.
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