I Am Yours (2013) Poster


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A main character who, when it comes to the opposite sex, really needs to exercise some quality control...
euroGary26 June 2014
'I am Yours' is about a young Pakistani woman living in Oslo. Whereas her conservative family have barely made an effort to integrate into Norwegian society, struggling actress and single mother Mina has gone to the opposite extreme, living a hedonistic lifestyle of dancing, drinking - and flirting with a succession of unsuitable men like a moth repeatedly bashing itself against a lightbulb. When she meets self-centred Swedish filmmaker Jesper she thinks her prince may have come - while the audience are thinking instead "No dear, you've already got one unpleasantly needy young child, you don't need another..."

And that's the problem with the film: Mina is a charming young woman, sweet-natured despite being starved of parental affection, but it's hard to feel sympathy for a main character who consistently takes such obviously bad decisions. I don't mind so much that the film doesn't have much structure - it merely plops the viewer down in the middle of Mina's life and 96 minutes later plucks him out again - but when initial sympathy for the main character turns to resignation ("Oh blimey, she's flinging herself at yet another man she knows nothing about"), it's in danger of losing the viewer's attention. But on the other hand, lead actress Amrita Acharia does a nice job of creating a vulnerable character, and, having lived in Oslo for three years, I had fun spotting places in the city that I know.
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Overrated relationships leads to despair and inner-loneliness
siipola14 February 2018
Film main character, wanna-be famous actor Mina, lacks everything - family support, true love and values. It all comes out of control when she meets a handsome guy in streets and starts to overrate her attraction to him. She cannot understand what actual love is despite her kid who needs both of his parents attention. I love all the scenes where Mina is dancing, it portrays how Mina wants to be self-sufficient and admirable but at the same time it shows she is running away from her real-life responsibility (taking care of her child). Movie itself portrays not only desperate single-mum's trying to find love but also the complex situation of divorcing, taking care of a child, muslim-family prejudices of modern-love scenarios.
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Lost in the expectations ruining your relations
OJT6 March 2014
Jeg er din (I am yours) is Iram Haq's debut film. The Pakistani-Norwegian actor has been an actor on stage as well as in feature TV-films as well as cinema released films. The film is of course highly fluster by Haq's Pakistani upbringing, which makes sure this film is quite realistically in the storytelling. The film was chosen for several film festivals, and also Norwegian candidate for Oscars in 2014.

Mina is a young Norwegian Pakistani freelance actor and single mother living in Oslo with her 6 year old son Felix, and has a troubled relationship to her family. The mother is nagging her, and the rest if the family has difficult to understand she is still single, though they have tried to marry her away. She is looking for love and has relations to different men, as short real actions. Then Mina meets the Swedish film Jesper maker during a film festival in Oslo, she falls head over heals in love. But things doesn't turn out the way she hopes.

It an OK film, but due to the great overall quality to most Norwegian films recently, I must admit I had high hopes to this, as well. It's OK, but nothing more. I've read that the film is unconventional, but I can't say I got that feeling while watching. Maybe it's unconventional coming from a director with a Pakistani upbringing. When she is at casting interviews we see everything thee the eyes if the interviewers, and never get to see their faces. The film has a meta perspective, as both Mina and the film maker Jesper involves the film aspect of their every day life from time to time. A homage made to the animation film The Pinchcliffe Grand Prix (Flåklypa Grand Prix) is a part of this during their meeting conversation.

Amrita Zachariah does a great role as Mina, in a fictional take, though loosely based upon the directors own experiences. Hand held camera, though not annoying. The film is maybe not filmed with a green filter, though it feels a gloomy dominated by a kind of green and blue. I'd like the film to have a more vibrant color pallet for my taste, especially because thus is a multicultural story. It's not obvious to my why this is worthy a nomination, since there where far more interesting films made that could have been better contenders. The acting is good, but the film is slow, and maybe even a big boring at times. This is when the film loses pace, which happens every 10 minutes. Therefore this will probably not be to everybody's liking.

It's an every day story about the difficulty in being brought up in two so diverse cultures, and about having different expectations to what life and relations are to be. Expectations from family and her kids father is difficult to combine with her life as an actor and her expectations to find love around the next corner. What she finds us more if the same. The most interesting parts of the film is the ones with the family. The tension runs high. A well depicted every day story, but when we from time to time feel tension rids, it's over in the next moment. Maybe more true to real life, bug still not the way to make everyone drawn into the film. I'm sorry to say that the film failed to make me very engaged in Mina's life, despite the character building and great acting.
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