9 Reviews
Quite good for an Outer Limits episodes.
Patient4444 October 2023
This is barely a movie honestly, because its length is only 69 minutes. It moves quick because it has to, it has sub par acting, you can clearly see the actors doing their work, simply acting, but not at the proper level, the lack of experience is easily noticeble.

It has a good feel about it, even tho clearly not an original movie, AIMEE smells freshly baked with a good taste overall. But as said before, I couldn't really take it seriously at that length so I just rolled with it and tried to enjoy it.

Is this recommandable? Well, if you're a fan of The Outer Limits or The Twilight Zone, I'm sure nostalgia with kick in and will make for a plesant view. If you decide not to watch it, I can't say you'll miss much.

It's a cute little movie that I think deserves a one time watch, because the people involved here really tried.

Overall I honestly think those 69 minutes of movie worked for it, because instead of over stretching, it stuck to what it had to show, in the most entertaining way possible without boring the viewer.

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Intriguing A.I sci-fi film
Floated217 December 2023
With no knowledge of this film or what it was about but seeing as it was the latest film by beloved acclaimed director Charles Band, and having viewed several of his films in recent years. Had some expectations of just solid entertainment.

Although the cover art looks relatively cheap, the overall quality of the film is watchable and not overly low budget. The special effects aren't terrible as the design of the AI character of AIMEE looks good, as do the background scenes.

The story is intriguing as while watching we are interested in where it is heading. Most of it is quite predictable but there is still some thrills and suspense to be had. Considering the subject matter, most would expect some skin to be shown. Although we don't see the character of AIMEE shed but there is an extended scene with the lead female Gazelle (Faith West- possibly a star in the making. Be on the lookout for her).

What makes this film worthwhile is the runtime being quite short as things move quite quickly. Although in the end, not everything seems to be answered such as who was behind the hacking of the AIMEE. Was expecting a reveal of sorts.

Perhaps these artificial intelligence sci-fi films will become more if a trend and they are highly entertaining. Overall decent film. Expect it to be more popular in the coming months.
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paul_haakonsen16 November 2023
Needless to say that I had never actually heard about this 2023 sci-fi thriller titled "AIMEE: The Visitor" from writers Charles Band and Neal Marshall Stevens prior to stumbling upon it by random chance. And with it being a movie that I hadn't already seen, of course I opted to watch it.

And there are actually a handful of good movies from Full Moon Features and director Charles Band. So of course I had to check out this 2023 sci-fi thriller, as he usually dabbles in horror movies.

The storyline in "AIMEE: The Visitor" was okay, but it was hardly an outstanding or overly memorable storyline. But then again, I am not overly interested in AI and its advancement. Plus, I am not overly keen on the sci-fi genre in general, so there was that too. For me, it was a fairly flat and monotonous storyline, because there wasn't any real major ups and downs on the ride.

The acting performances in the movie were fair. It was a relatively small cast ensemble, but the actors and actresses actually put on good acting performances and carried the movie nicely. I wasn't familiar with the cast ensemble in "AIMEE: The Visitor", and that is something I enjoy when I sit down and watch movies.

Isn't showing unnecessary sex scenes something that belongs back in the 1980s and 1990s? But it was also to be found here in this movie, for some reason, and it absolutely did nothing to further the narrative of the story, and could just as well had just been skipped and hinted at, instead of actually showing it.

I love how the writers believe that when living creatures get zapped by electricity, then their bodies explode into small pieces. It was just laughably stupid, and it happened several times throughout the course of the narrative.

Was "AIMEE: The Visitor" an outstanding sci-fi thriller? Hardly. But it was watchable enough for what it turned out to be. However, it wasn't a movie that raised any questions about the advancement of AI and the usage of AI, nor was it a movie that left me with much of anything to ponder upon once the movie came to an end after its 69 minute runtime.

My rating of "AIMEE: The Visitor" lands on a four out of ten stars.
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Artificial Stupidity
androidarmy4 October 2023
OK, so I thought that perhaps this film would be reminiscent of some of those campy-technology based sci-fi films of the 80s & 90s, i.e., Johnny Mnemonic, Hackers, War Games, The Thirteenth Floor, to name a few. You know, those movies that were based on technology of the era that may have been decent movies at the time but are completely obsolete now and almost comical to watch.

This movie does not have to wait 30 years to be comical to watch. I could see this movie getting a B+ as a student film for a course at a Poughkeepsie, New York community college called "You can make movies too."

The only thing I liked about this movie was that the girl who played Gazelle was kind of cute. She had a rather Halston Sage kind a look. But unfortunately, her acting, although at times somewhat convincing, mostly missed the mark, as did the other actors' performances. I thought perhaps two of her 30 or so "What the f's?" were actually believable.

The scene where the two "FBI agents," (whose appearance in the film was completely irrelevant), were electrocuted, was reminiscent of Star Trek TOS 1966 special effects.

Ironically, the best actor in the cast was the artificial intelligence that played the character called AIMEE.

Here's the good news: if somebody forces you to watch this movie, it's only 69 minutes long!
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Poignant Commentary
Reviews_of_the_Dead6 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is a screener that was sent to me via Athena from Scandal Co-Active. The selling point here is that this is featuring the first AI-Created actor. Upon reading this and seeing that this is a Full Moon Film, I'm not shocked. Charles Band, who directed this, has been a pioneer with different things in the low budget cinema realm. As a fan of Full Moon growing up, I was intrigued to check this out.

Synopsis: A group of hackers stumble upon an advanced artificial intelligence program named AIMEE. It is the narcissistic and megalomaniac program's goal is to seduce and destroy her human proxy.

We start this off seeing a building from the outside. It turns out to be your typical lair for hackers. Scott Keyes (Dallas Scahefer) owns the place and we meet him as he's watching porn. A sibling duo, Hunter (Felix Merback) and Gazelle (Faith West), work with him on projects. They sneak in and surprise him, which annoys Keyes. They do have good news though. The duo was able to hack into Black Strand Alpha and have a drive for Keyes.

Keyes breaks the encryption and it turns out to be AIMEE. This is an acronym with the first two letters being artificial intelligence. Keyes is intrigued. AIMEE analyzes his system and provides him personalized to his taste porn. He also uses her help with hacking jobs. It seems to make everything that much easier for him.

There is a bit here where two men in black suits show up, Tom Dacey Carr and Joe Kurak. They are from the government and there to monitor what AIMEE does. Part of it is to isolate her on this network. She takes care of them before they can limit her.

Another aspect is Gazelle has a crush on Keyes. He is mean to her, but that doesn't change it. She is worried about what they gave him. Hunter and she do not know at first that it is an AI program. It does tap into their network and watch them. When they figure it out, Gazelle wants to figure out more about this where Keyes doesn't seem to care.

As the synopsis said, AIMEE becomes jealous. She will do what she must to keep people from getting between her and Keyes. We are just seeing the tip of what she is capable of as well.

That is where I'll leave my recap and introduction to the characters. Where I want to start is that I was pleasantly surprised by this movie. I feel bad saying this since I was fond of Full Moon growing up, but their output has dipped considerably from their heyday. They are big on sequels and throwing together things cheaply to make money. It works for them so I'm not going to come down too hard. I just been wanting more from them. I do think that we are getting closer to the old Full Moon here.

Let me go into why. The first thing is that I love this contained story. We have a group of hackers who live and work in this a building that is generic for people like this. I love that the men in black comment on it and they're right. If you don't know what you're looking for, then you'd never know, which is true. I'm a fan of hackers in movies as it is something I wish I could do. They don't go too much in this aspect, but we get enough where it feels real. This is set up in a believable way.

Now let me get to focus, AIMEE. This is something I'll also give credit to since AI is a focus in the world. This isn't a new fear. We've had things like Terminator or 2001: A Space Odyssey dealing with the dangers of AI. What is interesting here though is that Band has a commentary in that the character of AIMEE is completely AI generated. The voice and look. It is animated if you didn't know. You can tell that it's not a real person. Fitting that at the time of writing this, with the writers/actors' strike and how AI could potentially be the replacement, Full Moon would make a movie with an AI created actor in a movie talking about the dangers of AI. That is a meta-approach for sure. I do have to say, how AIMEE is used works.

To then finish the story, the surrounding aspects are solid. I think part of this is to flesh out Keyes and Gazelle in ways that are good enough. We know that Keyes is addicted to porn. He's never been in a relationship and he is set in his ways. I also think that does what he wants which a partner doesn't normally allow. Not saying your partner controls your life, but it is a one-sided relationship that Keyes wants. Gazelle on the other hand has a crush on him. She cares about him. She continues to investigate this program to help him, even if he doesn't know the extent of what she does. I like this subplot and how it evolves with the story.

That should be enough of the story so over to the acting. I thought that Schaefer was good as this jerk hacker. It is fitting that the synopsis calls AIMEE a megalomanic and narcissistic. I'd say these terms also fit Keyes. Schaefer does well in bringing this character to life. He is aloof to things and it comes back to bite him. I liked West as well. She's up there with Schaefer as the two best performers. I could tell she had a thing for Keyes and I liked where they took that. We also see her topless if you're interested. Merback is fine as a supporting character. We had limited performances by Carr and Kurak that were fine. I'd also credit the AI that brought AIMEE to life. It has limited performance but works to bring this computer personality.

All that is left then is filmmaking. The cinematography is fine. There was something with an opening shot that was distorted and I didn't know if that was intentional. It didn't ruin things though either. I like the setting of this seemingly abandoned building. It suits these to live there. There is bad CGI here. We don't get a lot of it so it doesn't ruin it. The AI generated AIMEE is fun with the variations they do of her. Reminds me of the images and filters of people that flooded social media for a while. We only got a few kills and I wanted more there. Other than that, the soundtrack fit what was needed.

In conclusion, I'll reiterate that I was pleasantly surprised here. This is a socially relevant film about the dangers of AI while having a computer-generated character as one of the focal. I'll credit Band for doing something like this. I do like the story here. It is simple while having depth to two of our main characters. This is made well enough. No issues there aside from a couple spots of bad CGI. This is one of the better newer Full Moon films I've seen. If you're a fan of this company, I'd recommend checking this out. Not a great movie, but an interesting watch.

My Rating: 7 out of 10.
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The new fad.
Gorgo336 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
And the new movie making fad is ... AI! Everyone is jumping on the AI bandwagon now because it is mysterious so they can write a script about almost anything, including a robotic coffee pot controlling a space fleet (no, not in this one, don't worry). This movie was not bad it, was okay. A bit over an hour of popcorn entertainment, resting one's mind, letting it flow. The nudity was very good, the participants had great figures. (I'm calling spoiler alert because I mention naked ladies). Films like this aren't shooting for Oscars, the producers and other involved staff know what they are doing and thankfully they do not "overdo" it. They're giving it a shot with what they got. Actors wish to be noticed, directors, etc. Plot, to wit: Super hackers unlock an AI program in the form of a (woo-woo hot!) woman who herself (itself) hacks the program for all it is worth. It takes over the antagonist's computer world and seeks to ruin him. He is smitten, then heartbroken, but he finally pulls himself together and fights back. You will find yourself rooting for this guy. Acting was so-so, not bad, and I give it a plus because the cast knew better than to get histrionic with their little speeches. I give the director an attaboy for containing that behavior also. How often are we "treated" to an actor shaking his fist at the sky and saying "Then I will be in control!" Good on ya kids. Giving it a 6+.
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Intriguing Idea and Flawed Characters
abbynunces28 March 2024
The movie touches on the drawbacks of AI as the main character who is a hacker by trade becomes drawn to one. He is a shut-in and spends all his time indoors playing video games. A handsome enough guy - and attracts/gets involved with a female friend who does work for him part time. Aimee is the AI who gradually infiltrates his life and begins to turn things upside-down. Ultimately, human ingenuity needs to trump technical know-how in order for the characters to survive. I appreciated that the main character was flawed and kind of a douche. He is not a victim; he brought it onto himself. The movie has a retro visual style reminiscent of the Troma movies of the 1980's. A fun movie for a Friday or Saturday night w/ friends.
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Good Idea, Okay Execution
lakeller-8053418 April 2024
I liked the idea of this movie a lot as it ties into current fears the human population has about what role AI will really play in our lives. Will it try to take control over our decision-making? This movie features a protagonist who is a shut-in/hacker who spends all his time inside a dark workspace/home in arrested adolescence. Fair enough. When he downloads new software and discovers an AI assistant named Aimee, that's when the trouble starts. My main beef is that the lead actor lacked charisma and felt slimy to me. Supporting characters were better played. I appreciated the cool retro 1980's look to the lighting and set design. Run time is confusing, only 76 minutes? Felt like they could've added 6-7 more minutes to get to proper length. It is worth checking out.
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Decent Story About AI and Humans
mvanderwalz6 April 2024
I'm going to say this is one of the better recent movies to delve into this topic. The human characters stayed with me for awhile afterwards. You've got a shut-in Hacker, self-absorbed narcisist. That's our main character (flawed, which I like). He has two friends that he subcontracts to do his bidding. Then he loads and opens some trial software that brings a beautiful AI woman into his world (albeit she is only on his OLED display screen). Thus Aimee is born. Human lives become endangered as Aimee becomes more emotionally involved with the lead character. The acting, sets and premise are all good. Faith West is very good and should work more. I recommend this as something different than the Hollywood norm.
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