Beware the Lake (2017) Poster

(III) (2017)

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Sluggish and amateurish attempt at a horror movie...
paul_haakonsen24 October 2022
Needless to say that I had never heard about the 2017 horror movie titled "The Lake" prior to now late in 2022, as I happened to get a chance to sit down and watch it. I wasn't really expecting a whole lot from the movie, as I didn't know anyone on the cast list and never had heard about it.

But I do believe in giving a movie a fair chance, and thus I opted to sit down and watch what director Elgin Cahill had to offer with "The Lake".

And let me just say that it wasn't a whole lot that was offered. Nay, this movie was amateurish on every level. Sure, there was ambition behind the project, but the script from writers Elgin Cahill and Wendy Winterbourne was just so very slow paced, monotonous, generic and uneventful. So yeah, you're not going to find yourself in for a grand horror experience if you opt to watch "The Lake".

The acting performances in the movie were wooden, rigid and fairly amateurish. But then again, it was fitting for a movie of this magnitude. I can't really point out a single actress or actor and say that this performer stood out.

For a horror movie then "The Lake" was a swing and a miss. Well, unless you consider a slow paced narrative of practically nothing happening as horror.

My rating of "The Lake" lands on a generous two out of ten stars.
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A typical indie
Leofwine_draca20 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
BEWARE THE LAKE is a typical indie horror flick with a high school setting. The protagonist is a successful girl who attracts the enmity of a group of bullies who proceed to see her killed off at the local lake. In a supernatural twist, the girl returns from the dead seeking revenge. This is a mixture of thrills with a little supernatural content thrown in. It's very ordinary-looking, conversation based, and with limited acting all round. Jonathan Lipnicki, the cute blond kid from STUART LITTLE, is unrecognisable here.
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Should be called Beware The Gypsy
dmgil-4736319 September 2019
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The lure set up in the begining was not necessary since we meet her aunt later who has "witchy" powers & the lengthy time spent could have been used better elsewhere. I almost thought I was watching the wrong movie. Tabitha's character is strong, independent, liked by everyone she meets (except cheerleaders) & it's unbelievable she would have a need to be accepted by the local mean girls. The head cheerleader's character is over the top having control over her friends without real opposition & even having the local rapists on her friends list to call & notify when & where there is fresh meat waiting. They clearly have no other purpose in life than to rape on call. There isn't even a gray area in their motives to "party". Party equals rape. There is nothing scary about this lake. If Tabitha got revenge on her killers who went swimming I would "beware the lake" but they could have drugged Tabitha & left her by the side of the road without affecting the plot. Also, why drug her at all if it didn't do anything? She didn't seem drugged or drunk.Just a fool who went swimming with girls who clearly hate her & lured her with a pathetic apology & a sarcastic & weak invitation. What I love about this movie is that they didn't need to use sex or nudity to hold my attention. I actually wanted to see what comes next, even when disappointed. Although the scenarios has been done before, I think with better character developement & dialog this movie can be remade into a pretty good thriller. Keep the one track minded police. That was great comic relief.
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Worst low budget poor acting film I have seen
teamleader-687439 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The acting is very poor and ten minutes into the movie you know it's a low budget film. I didn't pay to watch the movie but I want my time back. It reminds me of being in highschool and you and your classmates had to produce a story with old movie recording equipment. The child flipping like a fish in a kiddy pool pretending like he was dying does not act out a good fake death. The killer dead woman from the lake was supposed to be scary but the poor special effects kills the credibility. I believe it would be wiser to use your time meditating looking at a blank screen. Thumbs down.
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Not that bad for a horror flick, but an overdone ending
dpraptor7 June 2018
I did like this movie, I thought Anja Knebl was quite adorable! Her acting skills were good, I hope to see her in more movies, she has a very likable face.

The story held my interest through most of it, the typical bully/revenge story with some twists. The antagonists were not that great, but they were effective enough to make it believable, and led to some good suspenseful moments. And yea, I think all the young women in this film were pretty good eye candy as well!

The last parts of the film got pretty weak, predicable and almost silly, the ending may leave you hanging, or saying "What?". But overall it was a decent B movie as long as you dont expect too much. Best of luck Anja, you are quite accomplished and I hope to see you do more!
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Horrible lol!
saggirl-5058622 March 2021
The storyline was pretty good but the movie is a complete let down. It looks very low budget and the acting is pretty terrible. The two police officers maybe THEE most horrific thing about this movie smh
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The best part of the movie was before the opening credits
wbwalthers15 July 2022
Seriously the only good part of the movie was the beginning with the Rumanians who lost her daughter before the opening titles. Those were the only people that can act and they hardly said anything. The rest of the movie was one of the dumbest, poorly written and poorly acted movies I have ever seen. Not one person after the opening titles could act at all. Worst bunch of amateur acting ever.. The littlest boy of the family was the only one that was believable when he was scared by the ghost.
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Nothing new here
timothygartin24 February 2019
I did not like this movie. I thought it was slow paced and that it did not have any scares. The acting was terrible. I feel like in a few scenes the lead actors forgot their lines. It is clearly a horror movie, not a thriller, but it has no horror.

The characters are very one-dimensional as well. We have seen them all before.

The plot is a retread as well. There is a creative twist at the end, but it is too little, too late.
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Beware The Water
vengeance2011 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So, I recently saw this, and to be honest, I wasn't expecting much.

The film sees a new girl arrive in town, Tabitha, who quickly makes friends and lands a new Job working at a shop. But, as she gets friendly with the high school hero of the football team, some of her friends don't like it and lure the innocent girl to a secluded lake to her death. It is then, that each of the people involved in her death start to fade out of existence, could it be Tabithas vengeful spirit out for enternal justice!?

I found the film to be ok, but to be pretty weak and cheap looking. The story is simple, which isn't bad but, too simple and lacking in depth or imagination. The deaths were pretty tame and too quick. The films runtime is short at 1 hour and 22 minutes, the pacing isnt too bad, but a little sluggish. The acting is wooden and dumb in a lot of points. The ending isnt too bad...

Overall, its ok, but its not great and could be better. Its short, to the point despite its pacing which is a tad sluggish. The deaths arent great, but seeing an innocent young girl getting vengeance was good to see at least.

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jinnynorth30 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Introduction was interesting but gave off an eery feeling. Some really nice houses in the movie and hot actors. Tabitha moves in next to max and he helps her move in. Max clearly has a crush on Tabitha.

I will be honest for 2017 film the graphics aren't great but not sure if this is the feeling they were trying to come across with. Typical high school vibes set in America with American football and cheerleaders. Obviously the cheerleaders fancy max one of the American footballers. Because who doesn't in these movies these days?

Typical story of parents dying when younger. Especially Maxs parents who were killed in car accident which seems to be the typical reason used in movies these days. I can see why people are saying looks like it was filmed on a budget and maybe it was but it isn't too bad.

Contains urban legends which is useful for fans of these kind of things.
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Quite Interesting but...
groody528 December 2018
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The film was fun to watch but one thing which I thought wasn't very good the character of Max the neighbour, had the rage of Tabitha's aunt directed to him when in fact he was the only character who was nice to her without any ulterior motive. It seemed he did fancy her but that may have been as she wasn't as vapid, spoilt and shallow as the other girls.

So I do think it's unfair that the aunt targeted him with the curse and when he does his best to bring Tabithas spirit some peace he ends up being killed.

Overall was good film to watch but think the anger and haunting seemed to be targeted to the wrong people as one of the cheerleaders who got killed was the one who was appalled and said they needed to go back to rescue her, and of course poor Max who was innocent and even though tAbitha didn't kill him he got killed by one of her killers.
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Beware the Lake
spfldfalconsfan8 November 2020
Was a pretty good movie until the 2 comedic "Sheriffs" showed up... lost my interest at that point because they made jokes about how someone died... as I said... it was a good movie up till that point it became a joke.
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