
26 Reviews
Corleone (2007)
A story of the Mafioso based on real events....Superb !
14 June 2013
A TV series I liked after a long time. Watched it on TV as a 12 part series. Engrossing from the beginning. They could have easily made it a much longer series as there are so many stories within the story it its the editing and streamline presentation which makes it that's much more intense. Not being Italian had to use the subtitles which I think is more beneficial as you tend to have to concentrate and hence enjoy it more. Also not being Italian I didn't realise notably that these were based on real events but got the clues when I started to see real clippings from TV news etc. The acting from all the central characters is so laid back and real that you'd be forgiven if you thought they were the real characters. The direction is good and does justice to such a difficult story and like I said earlier the editing was the key and a job well done. Occasionally story flow seemed disjointed but I almost felt like it added to the whole charm. A must watch series !
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Wonderful series
2 January 2013
Having watched all the 4 episodes have to at this one was superbly made. The story itself is quite a simple one but wonderfully narrated , hence the most accolade should go to the author.Mostly dark humour but will be liked by most and hopefully will have a sense of humour to laugh about some medical topics. The editing is good too especially considering the number of episodes they were aiming for. The direction does justice to the story and the story and plots essence is never lost. Radcliffe is almost made for his role with the boyish looks and is very well supported by Jon Hamm. All the the supporting actors are very good and offer comic support just with their superb expressions.The half hour episodes make it quite easy to watch too . An easy watch but very entertaining.
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Secret State (2012)
Gripping and refreshing ! Must watch !
27 December 2012
Loved this series from the first episode. The plot is superb and the story draws you in beautifully and keeps you wanting more hence the writer deserves the highest accolade. The cast is perfect and do a stellar job. The direction is fabulous too as no thriller can do with sloppy work. Only negative is that it ends too soon, it deserved at least 10 episodes. Thats one view point, other view point says that maybe it was exciting because it was a short series. Hopefully we'll have a longer series 2. Kudos to Channel 4 for this one. So political thrillers are back and back with a bang and this one matches the era we live in.
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Hunted (2012)
Exciting stuff but not spectacular
22 November 2012
Interesting concept for the Spy or Action thriller. 8 episode series which is built up quite well but there have been many more better and more exciting suspense thrillers. The direction is average, could've been much more slicker and should have aimed for a shorter series maybe. There were too many entanglements which were not needed and was distracting focus from the main story. Editing is a key in a story like this and feel should have been much better for the story as the pace fails at some times and the final episode ends just average. The casting was pretty good and most of them do a good job. Now the question of a second series, I would suggest not to go there, they have kept quite a few opening for another but should resist the temptation.
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Superb , Fast paced Underworld Thriller
14 November 2012
What a wonderful series. Just finished watching the finale of series 2 and it has be breathing hard. And it's not just becomes its the finale, its the whole series and every episode with has been like that. Yes it's in Italian so the subtitles are key, that way I think we tend to focus more and are less distracted by other things at home, and that makes it much more enjoyable. The storyline itself is quite good which makes the core of the series of great quality. The direction keep the story moving fast , though it feels that the transition sometime isn't that smooth. But I thought the crude sense makes the series even more charming. The main leads do a great job and are quite ably supported. I have manly seen series2 and now have to see the first series for sure , the other way round would be much better but I think it'll be great fun all the same. The editing is brilliant and hence thrill of the series is kept alive through every episode because of that. A must watch for people who love good action TV ( it is a crime series so expect a lot of gun related action) ....a have to have to watch for people who love mafia related television.
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Prime Suspect (1991)
Superb Police Mystery drama
16 October 2012
This just is the best of the lot. I have seen many a police drama but this one near perfect and very believable. The key here is the story and the in each of the 3 seasons I've seen it just gets better and better. The emphasis is here is on good old policing involving evidence gathering , deduction , and superb interrogation technique within that permitted by law. There's very minimal use of science and technology. Also the conclusions are very realistic and almost true to what happens in reality. The direction is superb and is well matched with the editing. The casting crew needs to be be given a pat on the back. And last but not the least Helen Mirren is superb . I saw all the 3 seasons in 2012 and probably was as entertained by it as anyone so would've seen it on initial release, if not more. A must watch !
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Maison close (2010–2013)
An entertaining series
18 September 2012
Just came across the series by chance. And was happily surprised with it. In French with subtitles so have had to concentrate more than I usually do. Based in a Frech brothel it makes an interesting concept. The story starts off slowly as all the characters are introduced, but it catches on some pace in the last two episodes hence don't give up watching once you start it. The direction is pretty good and subtle which has allowed the story to be told without too much interference. The editing could have been better and the series been a bot shorter for what it was trying to portray, may have had many reasons for the number of episodes they finally come up with. The acting is quite intense and very good, overall a very character based series hence this was the key. Hence the casting crew has to be commended. Overall a good series to watch but not spectacular.
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American Experience: The Polio Crusade (2009)
Season 21, Episode 2
4 September 2012
Of course we all know about polio. All we here nowadays is about how it's being eradicated in most countries and in the world. This documentary shows us how it was achieved. The gravity of the situation is understood here as it was a generation ago when I created havoc, ofocourse this shows only the American side of the story. But the initiatives created to so,be the problem has probably stayed in today in various social and health care endeavors especially in generating funds and getting a while population behind a programme. Also highlighted is ow the vaccine was produced and how the the inventors of the vaccine actually did it. Roosevelt belong affected by it was probably a big push which was needed to get polio recognised and luckily he chose the right man to spearhead the project when he became president. Good watch
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Sherlock (2010–2017)
Superb reincarnation
17 August 2012
Its simply awesome how they've constructed the story here with the old detective working away in today's times with modern gadgets and science...superb..have to give it to the story writers here. The titles used are of the original Conan Doyle stories and they try to stick to the theme of the original story but with such a refreshing touch to it that it almost seems like a original new story. Cumberbatch is simply amazing in the role , the seriousness , the style just makes the whole series . Ably aided by Mr Watson as he should be who does a pretty good job. Direction and editing is great and makes it a drama full of pace. For fans of mystery and drama it's amuse watch. For Sherlock Holmes fans its again a must watch, it's a new makeover but the charm remains.
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Exciting even for someone who hasn't watched the First Series !
17 August 2012
Had heard a lot about this TV series but didn't get to watch series 1..... But I thoroughly enjoyed this one. A fast paced story with fortunes changing in an instant makes for a super exciting watch. There is no expense spared in showing blood and violence in the most grotesque way possible on TV, makes you wince time and again and at times feels unnecessary the same way I feel about the show of skin in the series. But I guess the idea is to shock and awe and it succeeds very well with that. The performances are quite good and powerful as is needed for a series like this. Good direction and editing both of which are essential for the success of a 6 episode series. If you haven't watched the previous series I'd suggest that you see it before this one as otherwise like for me the suspense of the original series has been lost in a way. But I will still try to watch the one I've missed. Watching it in HD was especially good fun .
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Playhouse Presents: Care (2012)
Season 1, Episode 6
10 July 2012
Part of the Playhouse presents series. Was quite a short one this one. But seemed quite fast paced. The story itself is quite intriguing and builds up quite nicely though being short. Without too much background it tries to delve into the personal life and the work life of the district nurse being portrayed here in a round neighbourhood. The acting is pretty poignant and serious but a good job on that. The director does a good job in making the short story work as you'd be tempted to lengthen the story to give it more structure and completion so that's a job well done by the editor and director together. Loved the camera work as it was crucial in giving that chilling feel to the whole episode, it's very tough to film in this kind of setting but is captured and portrayed immensely well. All I. All could give it more than 6 stars as I thought the build up would lead to something more substantial or maybe I've just got used to commercial TV and cinema.
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The Jesse Owens Story (1984 TV Movie)
Exteremely insightful
30 June 2012
Story of Jesse Owens and his struggle against racism during and after the Olympics. Very well made and entertaining to watch. The story is well researched. The videos of the Olympics were especially good. The insight provided by the people around him is what makes the story. The director does a great job of presenting the story to us. I guess the editing. Also highlights the Nazi movement and how it was trying to use the Olympics as a stage to further their agenda. What is also surprising is how the US caved to the demands of the Nazis when it came to fielding their athletes. And what he faced in the US after he successfully represented the country isn't pretty either. A must watch to learn some good historical points.
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The Borgias (2011–2013)
Excellent series...hopefully lots more to come !
7 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Loved it when it aired first. The trailers didn't do justice to the plot but I thought that was a pleasant surprise anyway. Almost seems like they were the first crime family from Italy the way they're portrayed and how so many crime movies are based from there. The storyline itself was pretty good and moved at a quick and exciting pace as the Borgia family tries to usurp more and more power. the political and military moves are superb. The direction is very good and is the essence for the pace in the series. The casting is superb too and Jeremy Irons is made for the role. The other leading characters do a great job too. Am not sure of the historical accuracy of the story but it is loosely based on historical characters, all in all makes for an interesting watch of fiction at least. This was the take on series 1, anxiously awaiting 2 and 3.

And now I have watched series 2 and man the twists in the story are amazing and builds up beautifully to the finale. Spectacular and exciting. Must definitely watch this after Series 1. Even more exciting.
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Touch (2012–2013)
Interesting First Series..let's see where we go from here !
7 June 2012
The advertisements were an instant attraction and made the series a must watch. The concept is quite good and the research gone into it is commendable. The story lines in the first series were just OK in some and good in other episodes, but it almost always culminates in an emotional or heart wrenching manner. The concept of interlinking various happening from around the world is great and well executed. The direction is pretty good as should be for a complex plot like this. The casting is pretty good. Jack Bauer without a gun is refreshing, though his perplexed look continues to fascinate. The other main characters especially the kid do a great job. The series 1 culminated quite well with lots of open ends. My skepticism lies in how they will manage to continue make it more interesting if more series are to come, the classic example being Heroes which was such an excellent concept but just got too complex to handle. Can only hope this goes in a better direction and we'll have something interesting to watch in the years to come.
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Homeland (2011–2020)
Spectacular drama...can suspense get better ?
8 May 2012
Loved the concept from episode 1, but got a bit apprehensive about it a few episodes wrong was I....the plot just gets better and better and not too complex that you can't understand. Superb performances from all the actors,what sometimes seemed like poor acting just made sense in the end. Have to say whoever was involved in casting should get a big pat on the back. The direction was spectacular, I'm always amazed about how a director manages to keep his/her wits when managing such a complex and constantly changing plot. The way the plot builds up and culminates in the end is mind blowing and not seen in any recent TV series of this genre. Now just can't wait to see the next series , also planning to see the original Israeli series to see how much it actually inspired this one. Anyone who loves a suspense/action drama..go for it and watch it now or you'll regret it !
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Playhouse Presents: The Minor Character (2012)
Season 1, Episode 1
Very average
7 May 2012
Was a surreal presentation this one. But didn't seem very original. You knew what was happening all the time I thought. The story itself didn't have much, seemed more like a thought, than a story..maybe should have been a bit longer. But guess the concept itself wasn't unique anyway. The direction was just OK, nothing to wrote home about. The actors did a fair one except Tennant had a major role. The cinematography was pretty good. The interior design with all the classic furniture and iconic home gadgets were on full display here. Overall expected more, hopefully the other stories in the series are better. Hope the concentration is on story rather that the performances or picturisation.
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White Heat (2012)
Entertaining Watch
23 April 2012
Have to say I loved the drama. The story itself is well laid out and doesn't let go of you till the end. So in terms of dramatization have a say a job well done. The direction of this kind of work can be a tough job but has been very well handled. The constant shift between the past and the present can be tough to portray but here occurs quite seamlessly. The use of historical events does tend to give us a time line to follow and keep things in perspective. The actors have to say do a wonderful job especially the ones from the past, who tend to have most of the screen time. The actors in the present are seasoned and didn't have any problems with acting out their parts. Was hooked onto it from the first episode and it culminates well in the last, though it does leave you with the feeling like wanting a bit more. If it did continue then it'd become a soap hence thankfully it doesn't. All in all, an emotional drama which will hold sway with most of us and will manage to pull on a few heart strings too
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Big Love (2006–2011)
Entertaining series
18 April 2012
A very interesting concept and story. It develops quite well as the seasons progress and generally kept you wondering as to how it'll end. Non action dramas are generally not what I watch but this did keep my interest going. The direction is pretty OK but mainly held together by the story. The actors do a pretty good job and the melodrama is well enacted. The lead character is quite good and the stress of the three wives is so evident on his face. Just didn't think it'll ever end as the story just gets more and more complex. they could've easily got a few more seasons out of it but I thought it ended quite well when it did. A good watch especially for the drama lovers almost like a soap.
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Six Feet Under (2001– )
Dark, Comic, Sad, Intense....Powerful and Entertaining
13 April 2012
Didn't know anything about this series till I watched it. Watched it over a year so much faster than when it was released. When it started off, wasn't sure of the whole theme off it, but it grows on you. Each episode has a slight variation though the main story continues. The concept is unique and superb. The story writers do a great job. didn't know if I was weird to actually continue to have an interest in this series but somehow I ended up watching it. The director is superb too, to make such a dark concept interesting is an art. The actors are quite good, so many weird characters makes you wonder if that's the real world and if you are living in in cocoon on Mars. One of the few series which culminates superbly...last few and especially the last episode are classics. You should watch it but be prepared to be a shocked in a weird way.
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Luck (2011–2012)
A good beginning but lots more hopefully
9 April 2012
Of course lots of us will see it for the big star here...but there's much more than him. The story itself, in series one ,starts off at a slow place and tends to keep the same pace till the end. This isn't an action series , it's a drama. But as we start understanding the plot it just pulls you in. I feel in this series they just have scratched the surface and story writers have lots more up their sleeve. So will be a superb series to start following. The cast is quite good and don't thing there needs to be any change to that.Though there are quite a few of them it doesn't tend to be confusing as they are grouped well with the race track being the common focal point. The director has done a good job in working towards the series finale but each episode in itself could have been a it more exciting. The soundtrack suddenly gets quite exhilarating but tends to be drab at other times. All in all, a well recommended series and will be looking forward to the next season.
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State of Play (2003)
An exhilarating Drama
9 April 2012
As far as TV thrillers go, this must must be right up there. It's a six episode series which keeps you engrossed and at the edge of the seat almost throughout. The cast is really good and each of the 5-6 main characters are equally important in making the story work and they do a splendid job. The director does a superb job and probably along with the story writer is the one who gets the tempo going and keeps it going almost till the end. The main reason for not getting a10/10 rating is the fact that the way story ends and how the last episode transpires is a huge let down, especially when the first five episodes are spectacular. But let that not deter you because it still makes for a very entertaining, taut,suspense thriller, which not many TV series have ever done.
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An amazing and intense mini series
3 April 2012
As a novel it's superb and it's screen adaptation is astounding. A story spanning a few generations with a huge number of characters, I'm surprised the author could even keep track of all of them, let alone the director and actors. Kings and queens, betrayals and romance are always a very entertaining combination and this one doesn't disappoint either Wouldn't be surprised if it needed a few directors to complete such a huge undertaking like this. The director has done a great job well supported by an able editor. A screenplay like this is a huge undertaking and has to commended. The actors ,have to say , were average but the story is so powerful you hardly notice. Well I watched all the four episodes one after the other so probably could keep track of the characters better, even otherwise you should be able to eventually. Just couldn't stop till I finished the whole thing, was like watching four movies one after the other, though I gave myself 2 days for the undertaking. All in all...a series not to be missed !
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The Sopranos (1999–2007)
Superb in every way possible.
3 April 2012
If there was one TV Series you have to has to be this one. Of course will be more liked by the ones who like to watch gangster flicks but this story has such an original take on the usual gangster, almost turns him into the man/family next door. The central character Gandolfini is amazing as Tony Soprano, it was like he was born for this role and looks like he has lived the lifestyle all his life. Each character in the story has such quirks and the story takes such surprising turns at times that you literally wait for the next episode. The story writers are the ones to deserve most accolades for the success of Sopranos. I didn't watch it when it was first aired so have only completed watching it a few months back and as I couldn't stand the suspense I always recorded a few and watched them together. And am watching it again now slowly just to make sure I didn't miss anything.

Watch it, even if it's the last thing you'll do on planet earth.
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Interesting crime drama
2 April 2012
Watched the whole series and thought was quite good.... The plot is different in each episode but tends to have a psychological thought behind each of the murders..which the lead is adept at recognizing...of course not before a few lambs have been sacrificed to the killer The direction is pretty good and makes it a fast paced interesting watch The fact that we have to follow the English subtitles probably means we pay more attention and in the process we tend to get less distracted and like it more. Somehow felt better than the various US crime series, much better than the psychic ones. The research done on the thought process of the human mind is what makes this a intriguing series and a must watch for the people who like crime thrillers.
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Hawking (2004 TV Movie)
Entertaining and Insightful
8 March 2012
Initially thought it'll feel like a documentary. But was pleasantly surprised. Not many of us know of how Hawking came to be and how his formative days were. Hence from a biographical point it was very insightful, though it covers only the first few years of his professional life. And the various facets showed in the series is what keeps it from being a documentary and more of an entertainer. The direction is quite good and so is the editing , considering how much they could show and how much they actually had time for. One of the first times I saw Cumberbatch and he is really great,he has the ability to take on any role and make it his own, the energy and passion he shows in this one is no less,wonder if there's a lot of method acting training in his past or he is naturally gifted. Overall a great watch, so see it.
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