

Emphasising incremental modernisation and cost reduction, LzLabs supports both legacy and modern programming languages while ensuring seamless cloud integration.


Zurich, 16 April 2024 – 95 percent of IT leaders across industries have voiced concerns over the implications of not modernising[…]
ISG Study
“Risk of Doing Nothing”: 95% of IT Leaders Concerned About Mainframe Modernization Backlog – ISG Survey Reveals 
Zurich, 16 April 2024 – 95 percent of IT leaders across industries have voiced concerns over[…]
ISG Study
„Das Risiko, nichts zu tun": 95 % der IT-Führungskräfte besorgt über Modernisierungsstau bei Mainframe-Systemen - ISG-Umfrage veröffentlicht
Zürich, 16. April 2024 – 95 Prozent der IT-Führungskräfte sind darüber besorgt, dass Anwendungen und[…]
ISG Study
"Le risque de ne rien faire" : 95% des responsables informatiques s'inquiètent du retard pris dans la modernisation des mainframes - selon une enquête de l'ISG
Zurich, le 16 avril 2024 – 95 % des responsables informatiques de tous les secteurs[…]
aws partner page 1
Amazon Web Services (AWS) Certifies LzLabs Software Defined Mainframe®
Wallisellen, 09 January 2024 – LzLabs today announced that it has successfully completed the Amazon[…]
aws partner page 1
Amazon Web Services (AWS) zertifiziert den LzLabs Software Defined Mainframe®
Wallisellen, 09. Januar 2024 – LzLabs gibt heute bekannt, dass das Unternehmen den Amazon Web[…]
aws partner page 1
Amazon Web Services (AWS) certifie le LzLabs Software Defined Mainframe®
Le 9 janvier à Wallisellen – L’entreprise LzLabs annonce aujourd’hui qu’elle a passé avec succès[…]
CIO Jahrbuch 2024 LzLabs Artikel
Partnering for Complex Transformation 
Adapting to evolving business conditions is challenging. “Continual reinvention is essential to avoid stagnation, which[…]
CIO Jahrbuch 2024 LzLabs Artikel
Partnerschaft für komplexe Transformationen
Dieser Artikel erschien im „CIO Jahrbuch 2024 – Prognosen zur Zukunft der IT“   Thilo Rockmann,[…]
Why mainframe modernisation is a business-critical priority
Why mainframe modernisation is a business-critical priority
LzLabs_Striking the balance- navigating mainframe modernisation for a future-ready enterprise external
Striking the balance: navigating mainframe modernisation for a future-ready enterprise
Modernization Survey 2021
LzLabs featured in Sunday Times “Cloud for Business” report  - Summer 2023
The full report from Raconteur is also available to be read at your convenience.
Piecing together the digital transformation puzzle
Piecing together the digital transformation puzzle

Consult our experts.

Are you interested in discussing our solution and learning how we can help you reach your enterprise goals? LzLabs has legacy experts, thought leaders, and modern system architects ready to assist you.