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1153 packages found
The fast, flexible & elegant library for parsing and manipulating HTML and XML.
A pseudo-class for matching elements in a selector list
Style elements relative to other elements in CSS
hast utility for `querySelector`, `querySelectorAll`, and `matches`
PostCSS plugin to transform :not() W3C CSS level 4 pseudo class to :not() CSS level 3 selectors
Prefix all CSS rules with a selector
Use the :dir pseudo-class in CSS
- attribute
- css
- directionality
- directions
- left
- left-to-right
- ltr
- polyfill
- postcss
- postcss-plugin
- right
- right-to-left
- rtl
- selector
The Reference Element Pseudo-class: :scope
Intuitive magical memoization library with Proxy and WeakMap
hast utility to create an element from a simple CSS selector
Manages a set of elements that can be selected
unist utility to select nodes with CSS-like selectors
A utility library that enables you to efficiently wait for an element to appear or disappear.
Tiny switch/toggle component for React️ ⚛
Lightweight and modern event delegation in the browser
Given a DOM node, return a unique CSS selector matching only that element
To avoid style conflicts (CSS collisions/interference side effects) when using Tailwind CSS with other UI libraries like Antd, Vuetify etc.