Configuring OpenCue

Configure OpenCue with custom settings for your environment

This guide describes how to customize OpenCue’s configuration settings for your environment.


The available Cuebot settings are defined in

All of these settings can be overridden via commandline flags:

java -jar cuebot.jar \
  --datasource.cue-data-source.jdbc-url=jdbc:postgresql://my_database_host/cuebot_db_name \
  --datasource.cue-data-source.username=my_db_user \
  --datasource.cue-data-source.password=my_db_pass \

Alternatively, settings can be overridden via environment variables:

export datasource_cue_data_source_jdbc_url=jdbc:postgresql://my_database_host/cuebot_db_name
export datasource_cue_data_source_username=my_db_user
export datasource_cue_data_source_password=my_db_pass
export log_frame_log_root_default_os="/path/to/log"
java -jar cuebot.jar

Note that environment variable names have all dashes (-) and dots (.) replaced by underscores.


The available RQD settings are defined in

This file defines several settings; look for the phrase config.has_option to see the settings that may be overridden.

Override settings by creating a file rqd.conf:

  • On Linux, /etc/opencue/rqd.conf
  • On Windows, %LOCALAPPDATA%/OpenCue/rqd.conf

You may also specify your own custom path via the -c flag:

rqd -c /path/to/my/rqd.conf

rqd.conf should contain an [Override] heading followed by any settings you wish to override:


Restart RQD to have the new settings take effect.

GUI and Python tools

Shared config directory

All of these tools share a single directory where configuration may be stored:

  • On Windows, %APPDATA%/opencue (typically C:/Users/<username>/AppData/Roaming/opencue)
  • On macOS and Linux, ~/.config/opencue

Create this directory if it does not already exist.

opencue module

The opencue module contains the main OpenCue Python API. Its settings will be inherited by any of the other tools that utilize the OpenCue Python API, like CueGUI and the cueadmin tool.

default.yaml lists all default settings and provides an example for your own file.

To override these settings, create a file opencue.yaml following the same format.

This file may be stored in:

  • the shared config directory
  • or at a path of your choosing, specified via the OPENCUE_CONFIG_FILE environment variable.

outline module

The outline module contains a library for constructing OpenCue jobs. Its settings will be inherited by any other tools that utilize that library, such as the CueSubmit tool.

outline.cfg lists default settings and provides an example for your own file.

To override these settings, create a file outline.cfg following the same format.

This file may be stored in:

  • the shared config directory
  • or at a path of your choosing, specified via the OUTLINE_CONFIG_FILE environment variable.


cuegui.yaml lists default CueGUI settings and provides an example for your own file.

To override these settings, create a file cuegui.yaml following the same format.

This file may be stored in:

  • the shared config directory
  • or at a path of your choosing, specified via the CUEGUI_CONFIG_FILE environment variable.


cuesubmit_config.example.yaml lists default CueSubmit settings and provides an example for your own file.

To override these settings, create a file cuesubmit.yaml following the same format.

This file may be stored in:

  • the shared config directory
  • or at a path of your choosing, specified via the CUESUBMIT_CONFIG_FILE environment variable.


The cueadmin commandline tool does not utilize any additional settings beyond what is configured by the opencue module.