As this ebook edition doesn't have fixed pagination, the page numbers below are hyperlinked for reference only, based on the printed edition of this book.
2D geometries 148
THREE.CircleGeometry 151-153
THREE.PlaneGeometry 149-151
THREE.RingGeometry 153, 154
THREE.ShapeGeometry 155-159
3D geometries 159
THREE.BoxGeometry 160, 161
THREE.ConeGeometry 166, 167
THREE.CylinderGeometry 164, 165
THREE.DodecahedronGeometry 176, 177
THREE.IcosahedronGeometry 173
THREE.OctahedronGeometry 175, 176
THREE.PolyhedronGeometry 171-173
THREE.SphereGeometry 161-163
THREE.TetrahedronGeometry 174
THREE.TorusGeometry 167-169
THREE.TorusKnotGeometry 169, 170
3DM 241
URL 241
3D object
animation loop, adding 22
lights, adding 19
lil-gui library, experimenting 28, 29
lil-gui library, using to control properties 28, 29
meshes, adding 20-22
rendering 15, 16
setting up 16-18