
Pok�Toon is a series of short animated series that run on the Pok�mon Kids TV Youtube channel. These shorts started in June 2020 and provide various short stories based around Pok�mon in a variety of classic animated styles from the classic 1940s animated short to modern animation.

Episode Listing

PictureEpisode NameRelease Date
Pok�Toon - Scraggy & Mimikyu - Chase The Bean Scraggy & Mimikyu - Chase The Bean June 5th 2020
The Pancham Who Wants to be a Hero The Pancham Who Wants to be a Hero May 5th 2021
A Budding Dream Blossom's Dream June 4th 2021
Please Wait! Magikarp Wait for Me, Magikarp! July 2nd 2021
Please Wait! Magikarp The Slugma-Powered Home August 5th 2021
Please Wait! Magikarp I've Become a Gengar September 10th 2021
Snorunt's Summer Vacation Snorunt's Summer Vacation October 8th 2021
Jigglypuff's Song Jigglypuff's Song December 28th 2021
Pawmi Pawmo Pawmot Pawmi Pawmo Pawmot September 18th 2024
Angry Primeape Observation Diary Angry Primeape Observation Diary September 25th 2024