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Abortion in the deep south

In the conservative deep south US, a wave of strict anti-abortion laws have been passed, making an already difficult decision for women even harder, especially for the poor and people of color.  This four-part series in Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana examines various aspects of the new struggle for abortion rights in the region

  • An abortion-rights demonstrator in front of Hamilton County courthouse in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Photograph: Ben Margot/AP

    Inside Tennessee, America’s most stringent anti-abortion state

    Tennessee has an abortion ban so strict that even its Republican sponsors are having doubts about it. Stephanie Kirchgaessner reports on the reality of women’s rights in the state nine months after the fall of Roe v Wade
  • Rev Raphael Warnock told his congregation, ‘To be anti-abortion does not make you pro-life.’

    Will Black churches throw their weight behind reproductive rights?

    The disproportionate impact of impending bans may dislodge a longstanding ambivalence over abortion
  • Tiffany Pennywell at her home in Shreveport, Louisiana on February 28, 2020. (Annie Flanagan for The Guardian)

    One of the last abortions in Louisiana? Diary of a woman from a clinic under threat of closure

    This week, the supreme court will hear a case that if upheld could threaten the constitutional right to an abortion in the US
  • Inside the 'fake clinics' where women are persuaded to carry pregnancies to term

    ‘Crisis pregnancy centers’ give counseling, pregnancy tests – and outnumber abortion providers three to one in Georgia
  • The Power House.

    The safe house shielding patients as abortion wars rage outside

    The Power House gives women a place of sanctuary as they wait for their procedures at Montgomery’s only abortion clinic
  • Abortion can oftentimes put people over a financial edge

    Poverty is a hurdle for women seeking abortions in rural America

    In the US south and beyond, getting an abortion is not only logistically and emotionally difficult – it can push someone over the financial edge
  • ‘Clinic escorts’

    The 'escorts' who ward off anti-abortion protesters at Mississippi's lone clinic

    ‘Clinic escorts’ create a buffer between protesters and women arriving at the clinic as its role becomes ever more important