
Strengthening the National Protected Areas System of Swaziland

Lead country


Participating countries


Project status

Under implementation

Implementing period

From October 3, 2014 to December 31, 2021

SDGs addressed by this project

SDG targets

  1. 15.3 Combat desertification, restore degraded land and soil
  2. 15.5 Reduce habitat degradation, halt biodiversity loss, extinction
  3. 15.a Mobilize resources for biodiversity conservation, sustainable use

Project ID: 4932

*The boundaries shown and the designations used on the above map and included in lists, tables and documents on this website do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations or UNDP | References to Kosovo* shall be understood to be in the context of UN Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).

Technical team

  • Ecosystems and Biodiversity Programme

Technical area(s)

  • Ecosystem management and restoration
  • Mainstreaming biodiversity


  • Wildlife conservation


  • Conserved areas
  • Wetlands


  • OECM (Other effective area-based conservation measures)
  • General

Transformed sector(s)

  • Forestry and other land use
  • Other sectors

UNDP role(s)

  • Capacity development / Technical assistance
  • Institutional mechanism and system building
  • Optimising financing


  • Management operation
  • Governance
  • Enabling


  • Conserved areas/ protected areas management
  • Institutional framework
  • Participatory governance models
  • Mainstream
  • Institutional capacity building

Social inclusion


Gender equality

  • Livelihoods for women

Gender result effectiveness scale

  • Gender targeted


  • Systems pathway

Risk reduction target(s)

  • Hazard control/mitigation
  • Improve resilience
  • Reduce exposure

SDG target(s)

  • 15.3 Combat desertification, restore degraded land and soil
  • 15.5 Reduce habitat degradation, halt biodiversity loss, extinction
  • 15.a Mobilize resources for biodiversity conservation, sustainable use

Conventions and protocols

  • Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
  • National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs)

Private sector(s)


Hot topic

  • Structural/system transformation

About this project


This project satisfies the requirements for GEF financing by directly addressing the primary goal of the Biodiversity (BD) focal area strategy, namely: ÔÇ£the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and the maintenance of ecosystem goods and servicesÔÇØ. In particular, the project will address strategic objective one (SO1): ÔÇ£Improve Sustainability of Protected Area SystemsÔÇØ. Secondary gains from the project are expected to address two further BD strategic objectives indirectly, namely, to mainstream biodiversity in production landscapes and to integrate Convention on Biodiversity (CBD) obligations into national planning processes through enabling activities. The project strategy takes an integrated approach, in linking its primary focus to protected area sustainability in the biodiversity focal area to indirectly addressing strategic approaches in the two related focal areas of land degradation (LD) and climate change (CC).


To effectively expand, manage and develop Swaziland"s protected area network in order to adequately protect the biodiversity and landscapes of the country.

USD $5,540,000

Grant amount

USD $23,900,000

Leveraged amount (co-financing)


Source(s) of fund

Sources of fund


  • Global Environment Facility – Trust Fund ($5,540,000)

Implementing partner(s)

  • Government of Eswatini

Project metrics

Related resources

Geospatial information

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Strengthening the National Protected Areas System of Swaziland