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Page Section 127 of the Constitution of Australia (Log · Page History)
User EdChem (Edit Counter· Top Edits)
Total edits 23
Minor edits 0 (0%)
(Semi-)automated edits 0 (0%)
Reverted edits 0 (0%)
atbe1 0.9
Added (bytes)2 17,686
Deleted (bytes) -71
Minor edits · 0 (0%)
Major edits · 23 (100%)
(Semi-)automated edits · 0 (0%)
Manual edits · 23 (100%)
Reverted edits · 0 (0%)
Unreverted edits · 23 (100%)
1 Average time between edits (days)
2 Added text is any positive addition that wasn't reverted (approximate)
Date Links Size Edit summary
Diff · History -18 tweaks
Diff · History 74 better placement
Diff · History 4,682 Text: expand handling of Aboriginal status around Federation, add comparison to three-fifths compromise
Diff · History -32 Repeal: remove duplicate wikilink
Diff · History 76 Text: add link to Constitution of Australia
Diff · History 275 update refs
Diff · History 63 wikilink publisher
Diff · History 478 Other constitutional treatment of Aboriginals: add other sources
Diff · History 631 Text: add ref
Diff · History 26 References: add category
Diff · History 224 ref to the race power
Diff · History -19 ce
Diff · History 139 Repeal: cross ref
Diff · History 11 Text: name ref
Diff · History 2 Other constitutional treatment of Aboriginals: heading level
Diff · History -2 Repeal: heading changes
Diff · History 667 Repeal: earlier data + headings
Diff · History 1,319 Text: updates
Diff · History 50 add ISBN
Diff · History 744 updates
Diff · History 2 fix broken ref
Diff · History 0 Other constitutional treatment of Aboriginals: fix red link
Diff · History 8,223 start page
All times are in UTC.