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Hello there, fellow Uncyclopedians. My name is Username18. How original. If you're reading this, then you're an idiot, because I'm not a special user. I'm nothing special at all. But if you insist on reading this, go ahead. do I say now? Something about myself? Ok then. Well, I like long walks on the beach and short, brisk walks in the park at night and OH GOD I'M SO DESPERATE. Ahem. Sorry about that. Must've been something I ate. Or my crippling loneliness.

I live in Australia, so that means I take a kangaroo to school each and every day and when I get home, I have to bat all the dingoes away from my front porch.

So yeah, that's a little bit about me. Wasn't that SO interesting? I thought not.--Username18 KUN FP 22:55, January 4, 2011 (UTC)

Templates[edit | edit source]

This user is an Australian , so don't be surprised if they go on about "barbies", "cuppas", "maaates" and other things.
This user's IQ is over 146.
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This user is a Nintendo fan.
451px-Wii Wiimotea.png
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This user is part of The Proofreading Service.
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This user has written 18 articles because they like to keep busy while shirking real life responsibilities.

Articles[edit | edit source]

Awards/Rank/Nominations[edit | edit source]

Foolitzer Prize Award Foolitzer Prize Winner (January) (2011)
Knight Commander of the Order

This person wrote an article which became one of the Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia. Ain't they clever?!


This person wrote an article which became one of the Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia. Ain't they clever?!