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"Strucker and List have been running experiments on enhanced people. They've set up a base in the Arctic."
―Phil Coulson[src]

The Arctic is a polar region located on Earth.


Sinking of the Valkyrie[]


Steve Rogers is frozen in the Arctic in 1945

In 1945, Steve Rogers, piloting the Valkyrie after Johann Schmidt was presumed deceased, sent a transmission informing Peggy Carter of Schmidt's apparent death and the status of the plane, en route to New York City. To save millions of innocent lives, Rogers decided to sink the plane in the Arctic Region, with Carter tearfully saying goodbye before losing contact.[1]

Search for Bruce Banner[]

The United States Armed Forces lost Bruce Banner in Greenland, in the Arctic. While in the frozen wasteland, Banner attempted to commit suicide by shooting himself in the mouth with a gun, however, this did not work and instead turned him into the Hulk.[2]

Search for Captain America[]

"How come nobody spotted it before?"
"It's really not that surprising. This landscape's changing all the time."
―S.H.I.E.L.D. Tech Agent and Search Team Leader[src]

Director Nick Fury ordered to send a series of expeditions to the Arctic Region, hoping to find the remains of the Valkyrie, as Fury oversaw some of these expeditions with Phil Coulson. One of the expeditions revealed the location of one of the HYDRA Parasits that abandoned the plane during the battle between Captain America and the HYDRA soldiers inside, a signal that they were approaching the right location of the plane.[3]


S.H.I.E.L.D. teams searching the Valkyrie

A year later, a Russian oil team discovered the crashed Valkyrie. Eighteen hours later, S.H.I.E.L.D. agents arrived at the location of the plane, exploring the wreckage only to find Steve Rogers, still alive and cryogenically preserved in the ice, as the agents immediately informed Fury.[1] Fury briefed Coulson about the discovery, and assigned him to fly to the Arctic, while Fury would join him there after taking Clint Barton to the Joint Dark Energy Mission Facility.[3]

Search of the Clairvoyant[]

"Cruising altitude reached, bearing 90 degrees just over the North Pole."
―Melinda May[src]

Phil Coulson and his team traveled over the Arctic region inside the Bus with fellow agents Victoria Hand, Jasper Sitwell, Felix Blake, Antoine Triplett and John Garrett, so that Coulson and Garrett could inform the rest of senior agents about their plan of investigating the candidates rejected from the Index as possible identities for the Clairvoyant.

Coulson and Garrett decided to be as far away as possible from his presumed psychic powers over the North Pole. Blake reminded Coulson about S.H.I.E.L.D.'s stance on psychic powers, but Coulson's recent experience with Lorelei's power to bend men's will with her voice made him be more open-minded.

As Deathlok attacked Garrett and Triplett in Sydney, they thought Garrett's plan of reviewing the Index rejects was getting them closer to learn the Clairvoyant's identity. Garrett managed to reduce the list to 13 potential candidates, an idea that Coulson agreed as S.H.I.E.L.D. interviewed dozens of people claiming to have psychic abilities, even though S.H.I.E.L.D. dismissed each and every one of them, so it is probable that they had encountered the Clairvoyant before.

Hand asked that, assuming what they said was possible, how they were going to combat the Clairvoyant's ability, and Garrett said that they were going to compartmentalize the information regarding the mission. Coulson said that a member of his team was an expert at pattern recognition and analysis, and then she would prioritize the candidates, locate them and pair the rest of the agents into random teams to apprehend them.

Hand said that this member would need to be a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent to have the proper clearances to access all the information she would require to do that. Grant Ward then asked Skye to join their reunion, and she suggested to improve the compartmentalization by giving a member of the team the coordinates of the suspect and the other the identity of the same suspect, so that nobody knew the full specs of the operation until being on site.

Skye asked how would she access the classified files without another agent in the room, and Coulson promoted her to being an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., handing her a badge. Skye was left speechless and overwhelmed with emotion and thanked Coulson, who said that there was no need to thank him, as she earned it assisting them on multiple missions, even putting her life on the line.

Her friends Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons embraced Skye to congratulate her, and she specially thanked Ward, her Supervising Officer, who answered that she could have done it without him, as he thought she was destined to become an agent.[4]

Attack on the Arctic HYDRA Research Facility[]

Arctic H

The Arctic HYDRA Research Facility

"The base is in the Arctic Circle with nothing around for miles. HYDRA will see us coming."
"Which is why it's critical I take in a small team."
―Bobbi Morse and Phil Coulson[src]

Planning a mission to rescue Lincoln Campbell and Mike Peterson from the Arctic HYDRA Research Facility, Grant Ward and Coulson's Team sent Sunil Bakshi into the base as a double agent. A plan was hatched to get the Bus blown up to trick HYDRA into thinking that the S.H.I.E.L.D. team had been killed so they could infiltrate on foot.[5]

Once inside the base, the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents split into two teams, one tasked with finding Campbell and Peterson and the other tasked with disabling the base's missile defense system. While Daisy Johnson, Jemma Simmons, Ward and Bakshi went to find the prisoners, they discovered Campbell had flatlined. Johnson was able to restart his heart by using her powers. Just before they took Campbell out of the base, Simmons attempted to kill Ward but killed Bakshi instead, leaving Ward at the base.[5]

While the other team went to find the prisoners, Phil Coulson, Melinda May and Leo Fitz went to disable the base's missile defense systems. While Fitz hacked into the computer, Coulson went into a nearby office and began downloading files. When May saw this, she told Coulson that that was not the plan and they needed to leave immediately. Coulson then finished what he was doing, and the S.H.I.E.L.D. team reunited and left the Arctic base before having the base bombed.[5]

Explored by Roxxon[]

WHiH Roxxon

In 2016, Roxxon Corporation was illegally drilling in the Arctic. Footage of the illegal Arctic drilling was filmed and acquired by WHiH World News who later used it to expose the company on social media, most notably, their Twitter account.[6]

Alternate Universes[]

Avengers Assassinated[]

What If..

Nick Fury uncovers Captain America's Shield

With the Avengers all assassinated and Loki laying claim to the nations of the Earth, Nick Fury traveled to the Arctic in search of Steve Rogers. When Fury eventually found the Valkyrie, he uncovered Captain America's Shield and found Rogers frozen in the ice. He was then met by Carol Danvers whom he had called to help with the situation.[7]

A.I.M. Operative Controller[]

Iron Man vs Controller

Tony Stark confronts the Controller

In an alternate universe, a group of A.I.M. soldiers led by the Controller took over a Stark Industries-made ship owned by the United States Air Force, hoping to steal nuclear power sources. Tony Stark was sent to the Arctic to recover the ship, but was attacked by A.I.M.'s forces. Stark fought through A.I.M.'s forces and freed the soldiers which had been taken hostage. He then focused his energy on A.I.M. and prevented the organization by stealing the power sources, destroying them. Stark wondered about the organization attempting to steal nuclear power twice and then returned to California.[8]


Appearances for the Arctic

In chronological order:

Out of Time:


External Links[]
