Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

The SEPTEMBER EDITING EVENT is now ACTIVE! See here for full details:


Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki is continually revising our policies.
If you locate any unwritten rule that should be clarified, use the talk page to make a proposal

The Article Creation Policy is a basic guideline used when deciding whether a page should be created or not. The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki aims to cover everything within the Marvel Cinematic Universe, while maintaining a high-quality level in each and every article. Therefore, not every article that could be created must be created.

Keep in mind that, sometimes, if an article does not exist, it is not intended to be created. Of course, a non-existent article can be created if it presents official and relevant information from the point of view of the subject of the article, and it follows our different policies. Users should also *not* create pages with the expectation that "someone else will fill it out down the line." Users who create pages are of course not required to be the sole contributor, but users who create pages just for the sake of creating them and do not intend to fill it out whatsoever will have the page(s) deleted. Frequent infractions may result in the user being blocked from creating pages.

This policy focuses on whether or not an article should be created, check the Manual of Style and the different Layout Guides for a guide of the content the actual article should have.


Character articles are eligible to be created upon their first appearance or mention in any official media, which includes but is not limited to movies, television and web installments, official canon comics and books, reference material as well as reliable articles and interviews with Cast and Crew who reveal additional in-universe information. Characters who appear in said official media who are based on comics characters are also eligible for page creation. However, these pages should ideally have enough relevant information to warrant their existence. In order for a page to be created, two of the following three stipulations must be met:

  1. Character pages must have at least a few sentences on their page, whether it is Biography, Powers/Abilities, Trivia/Behind the Scenes content, or a mixture of those. Biographical and Powers/Abilities information must be specific to the MCU, and must not be derived from installments outside of the MCU, such as Marvel Legacy content (examples of Marvel Legacy content being the Raimi Spider-Man trilogy or the 20th Century Fox X-Men movies.) Exemptions are offered for information sourced from interviews, as well as Staff discretion regarding promotional material.
  2. Characters must have a name.
  3. Character is a Variant of a character that already has a page.

To specify, a Variant is an alternate version of a character. For example, Elektra from Deadpool & Wolverine is a Variant of Elektra from Daredevil. However, Mary Jane Watson from the Raimi Spider-Man movies is not a Variant of Michelle Jones-Watson, even though the latter is the MJ Watson equivalent of the MCU. Because Mary Jane Watson is not a Variant of MJ nor does she have enough information that comes from Spider-Man: No Way Home, and therefore is not eligible to receive a page.

In the case of Asgardians, a mention in the patronymic surname does not make the father of said character eligible for page creation. To give an example, Sylvie, who is listed under the full name "Sylvie Laufeydottir", did not result in the creation of a page for her biological father, Laufey, despite her surname being "Laufeydottir"; while the wiki may consider it as a mention of Laufey for Appearances purposes, it is not considered eligible for page creation purposes.

Sometimes characters that do not meet the word count limit may still receive pages because they have met two of the other three requirements: they are a Variant of a character who has an existing page and as a Variant of a named character, they are accredited with that same name as well.


  • In an effort to maintain quality control, exceptions to the stipulations may be granted by Staff at their discretion. For instance, the Variants of Peter Wisdom that are friends of the Deadpool Corps do not have enough information to warrant the existence of separate pages, but are technically allowed to exist by virtue of having a name (Peter Wisdom) and being the Variant of a character that already has a page (Peter Wisdom). As such, upon meeting two of the three requirements, their pages were eligible to exist. However, given the sheer lack of information pertaining to those versions, along with the lack of any images, the MCU Wiki Staff has disallowed the Variants of Peter Wisdom affiliated with the Deadpool Corps to have their own pages. Instead, the information is relegated to the page "List of Minor Mentioned Characters".

In the cases of characters confirmed to appear in upcoming media, character articles can be created if the character is confirmed to appear in said media by an official source along with their full name or comics codename officially revealed as well as at least one piece of information specific to the MCU version of this character. This page creation is done with the expectation that additional relevant information will be added to this page as new information is released.


  • The creation of articles as stubs for unnamed characters, with no comics codename or civilian name, is strictly not allowed. Instead, add them to the corresponding List of Minor Characters.
    • Examples of unnamed characters with no comics codename or civilian names are unnamed background characters, such as bystanders and customers as they are usually uncredited for their work, and their biography is not substantial enough to warrant an article.
  • Characters appearing in lists, files or newspapers can be added to the Mentioned section of the Movie or Episode they are mentioned in, while a relevant in-universe article that would cover their mentions (e.g. Project Insight#Named Targets or Culver University#Academic Staff can be created.

Alternate Counterparts to Characters

Articles for alternate counterparts to existing characters can be created when they follow one of these two circumstances:

  • Characters that are a recreation or copy of another character, including, but not limited to: Life-Model Decoys, Monolith Recreations or Shapeshifters taking their resemblance. Despite sharing memories with the character they recreate, the biography section must be adapted to the actual biography of the subject of the article, and not the memories of the character recreated.
    • Rebooted Synthezoids are not bound to this stipulation. An example would be White Vision, who possesses the same Vision body along with his original memories, and therefore is not required by policy to have a separate page.
  • Variants, a term that refers to characters that are alternate versions of a character who originate from an alternate reality/timeline/universe, typically tend to meet the requirements for page creation.

In both cases, there is need for an adequate differentiative to be chosen prior to the creation of any of these articles. Most Variant pages are given a differentiative (e.g. the Variant of Loki from the New York Time Heist is given the page name Loki/New York Time Heist), although certain Variants may be allowed to have their own page if they have a unique codename and/or have been given an exemption by Staff.

However, differentiatives are not to be determined by users. When a Variant page is to be created, Staff members are to create placeholders. A discussion and vote for the differentiative name would later be held at the Citadel, where a majority vote determines the differentiative used. Users who create pages for Variants by coming up with their own unapproved differentiative may find their created page deleted; users who continually do so may be blocked. If a user attempts to create a page for a Variant but notices that the page name they wanted is protected to prevent page creation, they should not try to find a loophole around it. For example, if a user decides to create a page called Human Torch/Void but Staff have locked that page to prevent page creations, then a user should not create "Johnny Storm/Void" to bypass this page restriction. Users who display a pattern of intentionally circumventing page restrictions to create character pages with unapproved differentiatives may find themselves blocked.


Item, Weapon and Vehicle articles can be automatically created upon their first appearance or mention in any official media for:

  • Items or Weapons that are fictional from a real-world point of view, but considered "real" within the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The vast majority of item and weapon articles that have been created fall under this criteria.
  • Items or Weapons that have a real-world counterpart, but are unusual or important enough to grant the creation of an article, having enough relevant information about the item covered in the History section, e.g., Particle Accelerator, Semtex, Hyperbaric Chamber.
  • Vehicles that are fictional from a real-world point of view, but considered "real" within the Marvel Cinematic Universe, e.g., Helicarrier, Quinjet.
    • Creation of articles for different models of a single vehicle is not allowed, as they should be covered in the general History section of the main article.
  • Vehicles that have a real-world counterpart, but are unusual or important enough to grant the creation of an article, having enough relevant information about the item covered in the History section, e.g., Humvee, F-22 Raptor.
  • Individual vehicles that have a proper noun, e.g., Norco, Lemurian Star, Milano.
  • Pages for individual costumes used by characters should only be created if they are unique outfits (ex. Spider-Man Suit, Ant-Man Suit, Daredevil's Suit, Captain America's Uniform. Pages should not be created for the outfits Black Widow or Hawkeye wore in The Avengers, for instance, because they are not unique. However, exceptions may be made for regular items of clothing if they have history attached to it beyond just the wearer using it, such as Yelena Belova's Vest.
  • If a user wishes to create an page for an Item, Weapon and/or Vehicle (that is eligible under the stipulations mentioned above) but is part of an installment that has already released (ex. noticing that an Item from an Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. episode in 2013 does not have a page) there are additional guidelines that come into place. If the Item, Weapon and/or Vehicle in question appeared in just one or two episodes, the User should consider just filling out all appropriate information rather than just creating the page and adding a Stub template. However, if the Item, Weapon and/or Vehicle in question has appeared in three or more episodes, then they may put a Stub template.


Location articles can be automatically created upon their first appearance or mention in any official media for:

  • Articles that cover a real-world continent, country, state or city.
    • Articles about neighborhoods or boroughs are, as a general rule, not allowed. The specific information about them should be added to a "Layout" section in the article about the city, which would include a list of specific landmarks within the neighborhood or borough.
  • Articles that cover a region that is either a natural region (eg: Death Valley, Everglades, Lake Ontario), or a First-level administrative country subdivision, analogue to a state from the United States of America, e.g., California, Tuscany. Articles for lesser subdivisions are, as a general rule, not allowed.
  • Articles that cover a fictional (from a real-world point of view) planet, continent, country, region or city, that is "real" within the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
  • Articles for real world facilities, establishments, prisons, universities, etc. that have appeared in a substantial role within official media.
    • Articles for real world background establishments, such as a 7-Eleven in the background or the Broussard's Pharmacy close to the L&L Automat, cannot be created unless the location plays a role in-universe.
    • Articles for single rooms or areas within a facility are not allowed. This does not apply for apartment complexes, as each tenant's specific apartment is to get their own page. However, this does not apply to shared living spaces such as Avengers Compound, where we would not have pages for Wanda Maximoff's room or Vision's room. However, a "Layout" header section can be added to the page, i.e. Avengers Compound#Layout.

Alternate Universes

Alternate Universe articles can be automatically created upon their first appearance or mention in any official media for:

  • Articles that cover an alternate universe undoubtedly presented as such, and whose name has been either given or chosen to comply with the Naming Policy. Pages for Alternate Universes can be created as soon as a designation is approved. Placeholder names are to be created by Staff only, and placeholder pages created by Users may be deleted.

Races and Creatures

Race articles can be automatically created upon their first appearance or mention in any official media, with the requisite that their History section could potentially cover enough relevant information about the race itself.

  • Every sentient races, especially extraterrestrial or extradimensional races.
  • Non-sentient races, of extraterrestrial or extradimensional origin.
  • Articles for real-world species of animals are, as a general rule, not allowed. If one of these species has a notable role in one or more of the Marvel Cinematic Universe products, or a series of appearances across several products, an Administrator will decide, on a case by case basis, if the article is worthy of being created.


Organization articles can be automatically created upon their first appearance or mention in any official media for:

  • Organizations and Companies that are fictional from a real-world point of view, but considered "real" within the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The vast majority of organization articles that have been created fall under this criteria.
  • Organizations that have a real-world counterpart, but are unique or important enough to grant the creation of an article, having enough relevant information about the organization covered in the History section, e.g., United Nations, NASA.
    • Alternate universe versions of organizations can be created even if they do not have any new information pertaining to them, as they would be eligible for page creation so long as an "original timeline" version of the same organization exists.


Event articles usually highlight only major events in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Events articles can be created for:

  • Major "battles" or action scenes in a movie.
  • Major "battles" or action scenes in TV episode, especially for the mid-season and/or season finales.
  • Major "battles" or action scenes in other media that can be considered analogue to the ones from the movies (e.g. Battle of Hong Kong, Battle of Sudan).
  • Event articles can be created if they are important enough in the plot and have relevant information to properly warrant an article.


War articles are usually created to collect the major battles in a movie or TV series. War articles can be created for:

  • Conflicts specifically denominated as "wars", covering a series of organized and prolonged conflicts between at least two factions.
  • A collection of related major "Events", usually portrayed in a single Marvel Cinematic Universe movie or TV series season.

Pages for wars should be created under a "non-obsolete" name. The term "Obsolete" on the Wiki does not refer to the general usage of the word obsolete, which means "no longer produced", but rather means that the same prefix cannot be generated for unofficial names to avoid having multiple names start with the same prefix. For example, pages that start with "War" should only be used for event names who have an officially stated event name that contains the word. Unofficial event names, which refers to names the wiki coins to give events a name, should not all use the same prefix. Instead, if a few pages already have the name "War", then the term is considered "obsolete" for page naming purposes. Users should instead come up with a different name. Keep in mind the first name will most likely serve as a placeholder until the community can approve one.


Hubs are visual disambiguation landpages that collect all alternate versions of three sets of articles: Characters, Teams & Organizations, and Wars & Events.

Hubs can be automatically created upon the first appearance or mention in any official media of at least two alternate articles collected within each hub, provided the articles themselves could be created according to this policy. Such alternates are usually alternate universe variants of the characters, organizations and events of the main universe, but could also be considered from impersonators, illusions or recreations of the characters, organizations and events.

Hubs are to be created using the given/civilian name of a character. Characters whose given names are also their codenames (e.g. Thor, Elektra, Shang-Chi, Yondu) as well as characters whose codenames are based on their given names (Blackagar Boltagon → Black Bolt) retain their codenames for their Hub: links. Characters whose given names have not been stated in the MCU and thus have their full names listed on the Conjectural template fall under an administrative case-by-case basis. While most characters would possess their given names in Hub: links, exceptions can be made at Staff discretion, as is the case with Howard the Duck, who retains Hub:Howard the Duck instead of Hub:Howard Duckson.

Hubs created for upcoming alternate version characters with no known universe designation fall under Staff discretion.

Actors and Crew Members

Articles for actors and crew members involved in any kind of media can be created as soon as their involvement is confirmed. All additions from upcoming projects must be accompanied by a source.

Due to past instances of incorrect information being listed on IMDb, the Marvel Cinematic Universe wiki has established guidelines for the use of IMDb as a source for details that come from IMDb in order to ensure the accuracy and reliability of information added to the wiki.

  • Restriction on Use: IMDb information cannot be added to the wiki until the project (movie, TV show, etc.) has been officially released by Marvel Studios.
  • Allowed Use: Once the project in question has been released, IMDb can be used as a reference for information that it not usually provided in the projects' credits. If users find out the information added to the wiki post release using IMDb is erroneous, then they can add a Deletion tag explaining why the article in question should be deleted.


Articles for different media are usually created when Marvel Studios officially confirms their actual development.

  • Media articles can be created only if they have been officially confirmed by Marvel Studios or a reputable trade. For instance, if a trade said "Marvel Studios is making a movie about Alpha Flight" then creating "Alpha Flight (film)" would be allowed, although a notation is to be made that the title is a placeholder. When it comes to movie sequels, pages are allowed to have the movie title with the corresponding number to serve as a placeholder. For instance, the announcement of Shang-Chi 2 allowed for a page with the name "Shang-Chi 2" to be created.
    • Movies that are considered but never confirmed cannot spawn new articles, instead, they should be added to the List of Undeveloped Movies.
  • TV series articles can be created once the series is confirmed to be developed in a future. Placeholder titles can be used to collect the information prior to the announcement of its official title. For example, the announcement of a Nova television series allows for the creation of "Nova (TV series)" as a placeholder title.
    • Season articles can be created as soon as the release date and official synopsis of the season is released.
    • Episode articles can be created as soon as the official title of the episode is released or officially known.
  • Other media, such as tie-in comics, video games, books or art books, can be created once their title and synopsis is released.


Articles for individual songs that are created for the Marvel Cinematic Universe franchise are eligible to be created, especially if they have lyrics and appear in an MCU installment itself instead of just being on the soundtrack. Track compositions from the score do not count and should have its information relegated to their respective score/soundtrack articles. Licensed music also is not eligible to receive their own pages.

Media Subpages

The different templates for Movies or TV series automatically link a page to a series of sub-pages that can be created:

  • For /Credits pages, as soon as a major actor and/or crew member (other than regular executive producers like Kevin Feige) is confirmed.
  • For /Awards pages, as soon as the movie or TV series in nominated for an official award, such as People's Choice Awards, Saturn Awards, etc.
  • For /Portal pages, as soon as a character is confirmed to appear and there is an official Marvel Cinematic Universe promotional image of the character belonging to said media that can be added to the Portal.
  • For /Trivia pages, as soon as any relevant trivia fact is confirmed.
  • For /Home Video, as soon as the Home Video release is announced and its features are revealed.
  • For /Release Dates, as soon as the Release Date is announced.


Gallery pages for images should only be created if there are ten or more images that would be added to it. Galleries are also not to be created for organizations or agencies (ex. S.H.I.E.L.D., HYDRA, TVA). However, galleries can be created for files that come from said organization, i.e. S.H.I.E.L.D. Files.

  • Galleries for wars, events and common locations (countries, regions, states, cities, etc.), should never be created.


Quote articles should be created in order to collect quotes from or about the following subjects:

  • Quote pages for characters are eligible to be created when at least five quotes are available at the time of the page's creation.
  • Quote pages for movies and TV series are eligible to be created by users following the installment's release, so long as at least five quotes are available to listed during the page's creation.
    • Quote pages for TV episodes are not allowed; they must be added as subsections of the general TV series Quote page. However, pages for episode transcripts may be created under Staff discretion and approval.
    • Quote pages about other in-universe subjects such as items, locations or events are not allowed. Quotes about those topics must be collected in the general page about the subject, either as a general quote, or as a quote in each of the sub-sections of the main History section.