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For other uses, see Blade (disambiguation)
For alternate versions of Blade, see Blade's Character Hub
R210 Strike team Livvie hostage
"Blade is out of the picture."
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"Sure you're ready for that, Mr. Whitman?"
―Eric Brooks to Dane Whitman[src]

Eric Cross Brooks is a human-vampire hybrid who operates as a vampire hunting vigilante known as Blade. In 2024, Brooks confronted Dane Whitman when the latter unboxed the Ebony Blade.


Approaching Dane Whitman[]

In 2024, Blade was spying on Dane Whitman in London, England when he decided to open a case with the Whitman crest on it that contained the Ebony Blade. When Whitman decided to try using the sword, Blade asked him if he thought he was ready for it, catching Whitman off-guard.[3][4]


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Powers and Abilities[]

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  • In the comics, Eric Brooks is a vampire/human hybrid after his mother Vanessa Brooks was bitten and killed by Deacon Frost while she was pregnant with him. He possesses many strengths of vampires and none of their weaknesses with the exception of their thirst for blood.

Behind the Scenes[]


External Links[]
