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"You're a decent pilot, but you're too emotional. You do know why they call it a "cockpit", don't you?"
―Bret Johnson to Carol Danvers[src]

Bret Johnson is an officer within the United States Air Force.


United States Air Force[]


"Good luck. Danvers. I said good luck."
―Bret Johnson to Carol Danvers[src]

Bret Johnson enlisted the United States Air Force, serving together with Carol Danvers and Maria Rambeau. On the first day, he went for a morning run with Zoë Noble, then trained with her. Johnson led a squadron during Field Day called the Demons, and micromanaged the team before deciding to do the competing himself. This resulted in the team having less spirit. Johnson's energy increased when he realized that Danvers' squadron, the Aggressors, were in the lead by a significant margin. He saw Danvers getting ready with Bianchi and commented that she should be playing softball or figure skating. Danvers retorted that she would be better at him in those activities, entertaining Tom Bianchi.

As the relay race began, Johnson was ready to run last, expecting to be running against Bianchi. However, as Bianchi prepared for the third leg, Johnson figured out that he would be running against Danvers. As Bianchi left, he sarcastically wished Danvers luck, but she ignored him. The two started running, and Danvers easily passed him in the race. She proceeded to win the race by a significant margin.[1]

Flying Falcons Tryouts[]

Johnson went to try out for the Flying Falcons, an elite squadron operating out of the United States Air Force Academy. He fell in line with the other cadets who were trying out as Captain Jenks explained how the tryout process would work, explaining that the name of the people who were chosen would be posted at the end of the week. The group were then instructed to sit on wooden benches and told the order in which they would be flying. Johnson was among the first three to fly, so he approached the plane to fly with Jenks. Jenks took Johnson through safety procedures and circled around the airman, inspecting him. He ordered Jenks through several procedures, leaving him to do them himself. Johnson was then selected for the Falcons.[1]

Antagonizing Carol Danvers[]

Bret Johnson

Johnson mocks Carol Danvers

Danvers eventually rose through the ranks to Captain, so Johnson had to accept her service within the military. He told Danvers that while she was a good pilot, she was too emotional and that he did not believe women belonged in the cockpit of a plane.[2]



