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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

Buccaneer Bay is a natural harbor bordering the south of the island of Madripoor. It is also an industrial district, housing a seaport which operates as the city's main port of foreign trade.


Before 20th Century[]

In the 19th century, pirates seeking sanctuary in Madripoor had sailed the waters of Buccaneer Bay. In the present day, Buccaneer Bay became Madripoor's major seaport, with an active flow of cargo and commerce coming into their container terminals. Buccaneer Bay also became a tourist attraction, offering high-end luxury cruises.[1]

Production of the Super Soldier Serum[]

When the CIA abandoned the Winter Soldier Program in the wake of the Snap, Wilfred Nagel was consulted by Power Broker to continue his work. Establishing a laboratory inside one of the shipping containers at the seaport, Nagel was able to produce twenty vials of the Super Soldier Serum before Karli Morgenthau stole them.[2]

Ambush at Buccaneer Bay[]

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External Links[]
