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For alternate versions of Aamir Khan, see Aamir Khan's Character Hub

"Look, that was a bold move. Not very well thought out, but I respect you for trying."
―Aamir Khan to Kamala Khan[src]

Aamir Khan (Urdu: عامر خان) is the older brother of Kamala Khan.


Early Life[]

Living in Jersey City[]

"Your father and I dreamed so much of coming here, and when we finally came it was so hard. He worked very long hours for very little money, and Aamir was barely out of diapers."
Muneeba Khan to Kamala Khan[src]

Aamir was the first child of Yusuf and Muneeba Khan, and was born in Karachi, Pakistan. After moving to Jersey City in the United States of America as a young child, his parents initially struggled to earn a decent living.[2] Aamir later had a sister, Kamala, with whom he had a loving relationship, and attended Coles Academic High School.[3] During his youth, he had a time during which he wore a lot of black clothes, which his family jokingly referred to as his "goth phase".[4] Aamir was also noticeable for being the most religious member of the family.[5]

Marriage to Tyesha Hillman[]

Helping Kamala[]

Kamala Khan & Aamir Khan

Aamir talks with Kamala Khan

Before his sister Kamala went to have her driver license exam, Aamir jokingly advised her to pray to God since she would have all the help she could get, even though Kamala noticed that Aamir himself did not have a license. He later watched over some stuff sent by his grandmother Sana Ali, before witnessing Kamala's unsuccessful attempt to convince her parents to let her go to the New Jersey AvengerCon. Aamir visited Kamala in her bedroom with tea and complimented her on her attempt, promising to talk to their parents, even though he also made fun of her since he believed her to be childish. On the day of the event, Aamir had dinner with his family before going to see his fiancée Tyesha Hillman.[5]

Meeting Kamran[]

Aamir greets Kamala

Khan meets Kamran

Out with Tyesha Hillman for the day, Aamir saw Kamala Khan with a boy in a restaurant. He walked in and said hello before asking who the boy was. He explained that he was Aamir's cousin Kamran who was Uncle Choudhury's son. Aamir said that he did not recognize him, but was confused on the British accent. Kamran apologized and said he was doing a bit. he then changed into his Indian accent, which Aamir found impressive.

Muneeba, Yusuf, Aamir & Tyesha

Aamir checks on Kamala Khan

Later, they had dinner as a family and Yusuf Khan told Hillman the story of how Sana Ali, Muneeba Khan's mother, found her father during partition. Suddenly, Kamala passed out. Worried, Aamir sang a prayer as she woke up. Later, Yusuf helped Aamir get ready for Eid Mubarak. Aamir celebrated the holiday until Hameed suddenly found himself hanging from the mosque. Aamir watched as Night Light saved him.[4]


Aamir talks about his finances

Aamir is helped by Yusuf Khan

While preparing for his wedding, Aamir searched for his shoes, only to find none of them. He walked back into the party, telling everyone that the prank was supposed to be to take one pair of shoes, not all of them. Everybody laughed at the failed prank. Later, Aamir talked to Yusuf Khan as he was stressed about money. Yusuf sat Aamir down and told him that he was brave for choosing family over fear.

Tyesha Hillman and Aamir Khan

Khan marries Tyesha Hillman

Aamir declared his love for Tyesha Hillman at his wedding as the two were professed wife and husband. They then sat down and watched a dance routine put on by his family. Aamir then danced with them. Suddenly, the fire alarm went off. Aamir grabbed his gift money before running out to join everyone else. They all sat outside, but could not find Kamala Khan. They finally reunited with her at home, but she refused to say where everyone was.[2]

Kamala's Revelation[]


Aamir learns Kamala Khan is Night Light

"Well in classic Khan gossip train. You tell Ammi, she tells Abbu, and we overhear because he always has his phone on speaker."
―Aamir Khan to Kamala Khan[src]

Muneeba Khan approached the family, telling them that Kamala was Night Light. When Kamala went to tell everyone herself, they all acted shocked as to not reveal that they knew. Aamir explained that if she told Muneeba, she would always tell Yusuf Khan. Then by association Aamir heard because Yusuf does not know how to turn off speaker phone. He then asked Kamala many questions. One being if she meant to drop Hameed. Yusuf told him to stop teasing her.[3]

Battle at Coles Academic High School[]


Aamir helps Kamala Khan

Later, Aamir was tasked by Muneeba Khan to check on Kamala Khan, who was helping Kamran escape the United States Department of Damage Control. Aamir arrived at Coles Academic High School as Kamala was giving a plan. He listened and said Kamran should go out the back while they distracted the officials. Kamala asked how he got there, and he reminded her he also went to that high school and just sneaked in the window.

Nakia, Aamir & Zoe

Khan fights Damage Control

As Damage Control entered, Aamir told Kamran that he was helping him because Kamala only helped people that deserved it. Later, Aamir went to a room with Zoe Zimmer and set up softball machines. As the officers arrived, Aamir, Zimmer, and Nakia Bahadir pummeled them with the softballs until more troops came up from behind and arrested them.

Aamir, Zoe, Nakia & Bruno

Khan and company in a van

In a police van, they watched as Kamala was shot at. Suddenly, Kamran's hard light energy accidentally came at the arrested Aamir and the others. Kamala then calmed Kamran down and contained him. When Damage Control moved in, Aamir ran out and got in between Damage Control and Kamala. Other bystanders did this as well, eventually forcing Damage Control to leave because of bad publicity.[3]

Otherworldly Events[]

Confusing Swap[]

Khans See Carol

Khan confused to see Captain Marvel

"No, no, they're clearly working together. Look at her face. Look at her smile."
"Aamir, stop it."
"She’s being super secretive as always."
―Aamir Khan and Yusuf Khan[src]

In 2026, Aamir was in his living room watching television with his mother and father when he suddenly heard a gasp from his parents. Aamir looked over to see none other than a confused Captain Marvel looking back at them. She said they had a nice living room before exiting abruptly, leaving Aamir and the parents very confused. They then checked on Kamala Khan, only to see she was not there, but her closet door was broken.

Look at Herrrrr

Aamir teases Kamala Khan

When Kamala came back, she tried to explain she was in space, but the parents did not believe her, saying that she was dodging the question of what happened to her closet. Kamala was adamant she did not know. Muneeba and Yusuf then sarcastically asked if maybe Captain Marvel broke it. This made Kamala very excited as she had no idea Danvers was there. Yusuf was worried Danvers was a bad influence, but Aamir argued that they must be working together. Yusuf told Aamir to stop picking on his sister.[6]

Broken Glasses[]

Aamir Scared

Khan scared to see Goose

"Oh, no, no, no."
―Aamir Khan[src]

Kamala Khan suddenly disappeared, only to reappear again with a cat in her hands. While freaking out, Kamala tried to explain that the cat had tentacles, but this only confused everyone more. Suddenly, Goose spread out her tentacles, scaring Aamir and the others as she spat out two Kree guards that she had eaten earlier. The Kree then started to attack, prompting everyone to run.

Yusuf and Aamir Trap Kree

Aamir and Yusuf Khan fight a Kree

As Aamir saw a guard attack his mother, he leaped over the couch to help, but ultimately hid behind a chair as he watched Captain Marvel and Kamala fight. Suddenly, Monica Rambeau appeared, prompting Aamir to try and cover his dad near the door. Rambeau ultimately punched a soldier to the ground, so Aamir and Yusuf came to the rescue with Aamir plowing a coat rack onto the Kree's face. The Kree eventually got the upper hand and punched Aamir in the face, breaking his glasses.[6]

Visited by S.A.B.E.R.[]

Aamir Broken Glasses

Khan holds his broken glasses

"Where’s my sister?"
―Aamir Khan to Monica Rambeau[src]

When everything died down, Aamir and the Khans went to clean up their now destroyed home. Aamir picked up his glasses, which were split in two, and looked at Kamala Khan in disappointment before walking away. The Khan family then stood in front of Kamala, demanding answers when there was a ring of the doorbell. Yusuf answered to find Nick Fury and Monica Rambeau of S.A.B.E.R.

Khan Siblings

Khan looks at Ms. Marvel's intel

As S.A.B.E.R. tried to explain what was happening, Aamir looked at his broken glasses, then joined Kamala in viewing her S.A.B.E.R. file with her intel. Aamir listened as Rambeau explained they were switching places when they used their powers. He kept listening until the topic got to powers, prompting Kamala to use hers. Suddenly, she disappeared and swapped with Captain Marvel. Aamir lunged out of the way as Danvers appeared.

Aamir, Muneeba & Yusuf Khan

Khans are informed by S.A.B.E.R.

Danvers and Rambeau started making conversation on the past and what was happening. An impatient Aamir asked where his sister was, but this got ignored. The conversation continued until Muneeba repeated the question. Rambeau answered that Kamala would be wherever Danvers was before. This prompted Danvers to fly off to her destination. Aamir and others then watched as Danvers disappeared mid-flight and was swapped with Kamala, who started plummeting to the ground. Rambeau tried to save her, but luckily, they were both swapped with Danvers, who got up and flew off again.[6]

Journey to Space[]

Aamir calls Tyesha

Khan calls his wife

"Come back safely, beta."
"You better. I don’t wanna be an only child. Not again. Not with these two."
Yusuf Khan and Aamir Khan[src]

As Kamala Khan, Monica Rambeau and Carol Danvers left Nick Fury and the others, Fury allowed the Khans to join him on the S.A.B.E.R. Space Station, given that their house was destroyed. On the S.A.B.E.R. Space Elevator, Aamir recorded a message for Tyesha Hillman. However, he was worried and unsure if they were going up or down. Fury told him that they were going up and that he was not allowed to record.

Yusuf Talks to Dag

Aamir mocks Yusuf Khan

Aamir put his phone away and saw them approach the space station. Aamir explored the space station as he waited for his sister to return. While on his phone, he saw Yusuf Khan talking to Dag. He overheard Yusuf ask for Dag's age, only to get the response of over three hundred years. Aamir then made fun of his father, saying that Dag was almost as old as Yusuf.

Fire on the Station

Khan helps extinguish the fire

Aamir continued to explore until the station was hit with a surge from the Universal Neural Teleportation Network, forcing an evacuation despite there being not enough S.A.B.E.R. Escape Pods. To make matters worse, a fire started, forcing Aamir and Yusuf to help others in extinguishing it. Fury soon realized they could use Flerken kittens and have them eat personnel to transport them, then spit them out later. Aamir then helped others herd Flerken to eat the personnel. He stopped briefly when Kamala returned.

Don't Stop Praying

Khan praying

Once the Flerken were gathered and sent off, Aamir joined his family for a talk with Kamala as she prepared to go fight Dar-Benn. Aamir told her not to die as he does not want to be an only child again with his crazy parents. Once Kamala left, the Khans joined Fury on an escape pod. However, the escape pod had trouble with the controls. Aamir started praying out of fear, so Fury told him to keep doing it as they needed all the help they could get.

Khans in NYC

Everyone after crash landing in New York City

Aamir and the others soon crash landed in New York City and watched as the Sun was eclipsed by an Accuser Warship. Later, Kamala returned, but without Captain Marvel or Monica Rambeau. Aamir and the parents hugged Kamala, but realized something was wrong. Kamala explained that they lost Rambeau and Danvers went to reignite the sun on Hala.[6]

Helping Danvers[]


Aamir reacts to his mother's remarks

"Aamir... this would be a lovely house to raise a family in, you know?"
Muneeba Khan to Aamir Khan[src]

With the conflict ended, Aamir and the Khans agreed to help Carol Danvers move in to the Rambeau Residence in Louisiana. Aamir hauled boxes while talking to Yusuf about how the whole experience made him see the world in a new light, which Yusuf agreed with. Muneeba then remarked how the house was a great place to raise kids in, prompting Aamir to take a television remote and jokingly hit the mute button on his mother.[6]


"May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala[7] forgive you one day."
―Aamir Khan to Yusuf Khan[src]

Aamir Khan is the most religious of his family, faithfully following the precepts and beliefs of Islam. Under the influence of Islam, Khan has a pleasant and calm personality, as well as a good sense of humor.

Khan genuinely cares and loves his family very much, especially his sister, and is willing to put himself at risk to keep her safe.


  • Bilingualism: Khan is fluent in English and Classical Arabic.


"I went to school here too."
―Aamir Khan to Bruno Carrelli[src]






In chronological order:

Behind the Scenes[]


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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Aamir Khan.
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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of quotes related to Aamir Khan.

External Links[]
