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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

Gangalor is the home world of the Gangalorian Squirrel Birds.


Visited by the Guardians[]

The Guardians of the Galaxy took the Benatar to Gangalor, leaving Groot to spend time on his own. He came across a puddle and used the environment to create a hot tub, which caused him to grow leaves. Groot panicked, but decided to cut the leaves into a fashion he liked. He returned to the mud and used it to grow leaves in a variety of styles, bothering a Gangalorian Squirrel Bird. The bird attacked Groot, who tried to get more mud, but found that he had run out. The bird laughed at Groot, who cut off its hair and wore it as a scarf as he returned to the Benatar.[1]


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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Gangalor.

External Links[]
