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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

"Why are you dressed so funny?"
"Well, this is my new uniform, son. Your dad's a superhero now, just like those Avengers."
―George Talbot and Glenn Talbot[src]

George Talbot is the son of Glenn and Carla Talbot.


Son of Glenn Talbot[]

Walk in the Park[]

"The Navy? He said that? You must be kidding me."
"Said he likes boats."
"He likes messing with his old man is what it is."
―Glenn Talbot and Carla Talbot[src]

Talbot with his parents

George Talbot was with his parents as they walked through Potomac Plaza in Washington, D.C. jokingly discussing his future. The 11-year-old boy told his parents that since he liked boats, he wanted to be in the United States Navy. Once Antoine Triplett planted a phone on Glenn so Phil Coulson could warn him about the HYDRA Assassin Carl Creel who was coming to murder him, George was grabbed by his mother Carla and told to flee.[2]

Kidnapping by HYDRA[]

TIM George Talbot

Talbot getting put inside the Suspension Gel

"Where's my son?"
"He's still with HYDRA. Hunter found him but he almost blew my cover; I had to hurt him, a little."
―Glenn Talbot and Carl Creel[src]

In an attempt to blackmail George's father Glenn Talbot, who had been appointed at the head of the ATCU, George was targeted and then kidnapped by HYDRA operatives sent by Gideon Malick. He was put in stasis in a Suspension Gel Chamber and hidden in a truck at the Symposium on Alien Contagion.

George Talbot (AoS - Season 3)

Talbot at the Zephyr One

Eventually, George was found by S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Lance Hunter, who informed his colleagues. Although the HYDRA operatives briefly managed to escape, they were caught up by Melinda May, who successfully rescued George. Once George was taken to the Zephyr One for recovery, Glenn sat beside his sleeping son and held his hand tightly. George's rescue cemented a slightly stronger alliance between his father and Phil Coulson.[1]

Losing a Father[]

Carla and George Talbot RAS

Talbot is comforted by his mother

George tried to help his father Glenn Talbot to recover after he was shot in the head and transferred into a military hospital. Despite George's best efforts, however, Glenn was sometimes prone to angry outbursts which frightened George, despite his mother Carla Talbot assuring him that his father would be fine. However, General Hale took his father from George, pretending to take him to another hospital where he would be treated better while he was actually being captured by HYDRA.[3]

23-Talbot Family Reunion

Talbot reunited with his father

Six months later, George was playing with LEGO when his mother went to grab the ringing phone. As she did, there was a knock at the door. George opened it up to find his father. He walked inside with his new suit. George asked what he was wearing, which Glenn responded that it was his new uniform. Glenn then showed George his new powers where he could move stuff with his mind.

31-George You'reNotAHero

Talbot tells his father that he's not a superhero

Carla tried to get George upstairs so she could talk with Glenn, but he got mad. When she explained S.H.I.E.L.D. called her, Glenn got mad, smashing the LEGO and worrying George. He then forcefully pushed Carla against the wall. George cried, telling his father to put Carla down. However, Glenn was mad that Carla helped HYDRA brainwash him. Glenn said he would only trust her if she joined him. Suddenly, S.H.I.E.L.D. arrived, making Glenn walk out. George yelled at Glenn to stop fighting, but Glenn said he was going to save the world. He assured George he would see it on the news soon before leaving.[4]


Other Equipment[]


  • Talbot Residence: George lived in this house in Washington, D.C. alongside both of his parents. However, a family reunion with George's father Glenn Talbot went wrong due to Glenn's empowerment and the effects it had on his sanity.





Behind the Scenes[]


In chronological order:


Transparent Endgame Logo
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to George Talbot.