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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
"Prophecies are hard to decipher."
The subject of this article is part of an MCU franchise story whose canon status has been neither confirmed nor denied. It is possible that its story may not be canonical to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
R210 Strike team Livvie hostage
"Nar'dath is out of the picture."
This article has no images as there are no relevant images to use.

Nar'dath is a mountain range on the planet of Sy'gyl containing a base which was infiltrated by Vers.


Starforce led Vers to the Nar'dath mountain region, where Vers was meant to infiltrate a research base located within the region. Minn-Erva provided cover as a sniper while Vers entered the base and searched for Peer Kaal, the scientist whom she was meant to locate. As Nova Corpsmen approached the base, Yon-Rogg and Bron-Char left to fight them. While Vers met with Kaal, who provided her the plans for her Axiom Cannon, Minn-Erva noticed a Stealth Bomb being dropped on the base. It exploded, resulting in Kaal's death. While Minn-Erva reunited with Att-Lass and Korath and returned to the ship, Vers, Yon-Rogg, and Bron-Char struggled. Vers was met by Rhomann Dey, who helped her leave the mountain range and return to Starforce's ship.[1]

