Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

―Phlektik to Star-Lord[src]

Phlektik is a former guard of the ArĂȘte Laboratories.


Phlektik was working on ArĂȘte Laboratories when the Guardians of the Galaxy invaded it, with them calling on their allies on Knowhere to help them save all the innocent lifeforms on the ship. During this, the High Evolutionary called on Phlektik and his fellow guards alongside the Hell Spawn to kill them and apprehend Rocket.

When Phlektik and his co-workers found Star-Lord, they aimed their weapons at him. However, Star-Lord stated that they could kill him, but offered to let them go away to safety with them otherwise. Conflicted, they allowed Quill to go on, with Phlektik wanting him to wait, only to be interrupted by his other partners telling him to just take the opportunity and leave the ship.[1]


  • Marksman: Phlektik knew how to operate and use a handgun, pointing one at Star-Lord.


  • Handgun: During his time in ArĂȘte Laboratories, Phlektik held a handgun when confronting Star-Lord.


  • ArĂȘte Laboratories: Phlektik served on ArĂȘte Laboratories when he and his co-workers were ordered by the High Evolutionary to apprehend the Guardians of the Galaxy. However, when he realized that he was outnumbered and spared by Star-Lord, he was convinced by his teammates to take the opportunity to abandon the ship.
  • Knowhere: Once sparred by the Guardians, Phlekik and his group abandoned the exploding lab for Knowhere.





