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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

"We broke into this spooky ass house, didn't we?"

Pym Residence is a classic manor owned by Hank Pym.


This section requires expansion

Owned by Hank Pym[]

Having a Family[]

To be added[1]

Hank Pym's Experiments[]

To be added[2]

New Ant-Man[]

Planning a Heist[]
"No alarms have been triggered. He's in like the Flynn."
―Kurt Goreshter[src]

In 2015, Scott Lang and his friends Luis, Dave and Kurt Goreshter planned to break into the Pym Residence after hearing a rumor from Luis' cousin that there was a large safe in the house. When they arrived, Kurt disabled the security systems and Lang broke in. While investigating the house, Lang found a fingerprint scanner which surprised the heist team, making them think that whatever was in the safe was even more valuable. Lang disabled the Scanner and encountered the safe underneath the house. In order to open the safe, he froze the lock and smashed it open. Inside, he found the Ant-Man Suit. Believing it to be a Motorcycle Suit, Lang claimed the heist was a bust. Lang exited the house and Dave drove the disappointed team home.[3]

Returning the Suit[]
"But I didn't steal anything! I was returning something I stole!"
―Scott Lang to the SFPD[src]

At home, Scott Lang had tried on the suit and was horrified by the affects. He once again broke into the Pym Residence to return the Ant-Man Suit. This time, however, Hope van Dyne called the San Francisco Police Department who promptly arrested Lang on the spot.[3]

Scott Lang's Training[]

To be added[3]

Visit from Darren Cross[]

To be added[3]

Wasp Suit Reveal[]

To be added[3]


In June 2016, Hank Pym was forced to shrink his house using Pym Particles, as he and Hope van Dyne went on the run as their equipment had violated the Sokovia Accords.[1]

Temporary Relocation[]

Pym house beach

The house on the beach

In May 2018, Hank Pym relocated the house to a beach on the coast with Janet van Dyne, where he enlarged it back to its normal size. However, due to the Snap, the house was left abandoned for five years.[1]


Transparent Endgame Logo
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Pym Residence.