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Theel also known as Recorder B2H6 was a Recorder for High Evolutionary.


Working for High Evolutionary[]

Illegal Experimentations[]

Theel became a Recorder for High Evolutionary at an unknown date. He, along with fellow Recorder Vim, assisted their master in the creation of the Halfworlders including Rocket and Batch 89, through violent cybernetic augmentations and various other inhumane methods, to create a perfect society. Theel assisted in the creation of 89P13 and was extremely cruel to the subjects, being violent and threatening towards them and locking them in cages. After 89P13's escape, Theel continued to assist High Evolutionary in creating and evolving Humanimals and Star Children.[1]

Meeting with the Sovereign[]

Many years later, Theel continued to serve High Evolutionary aboard ArĂȘte Laboratories. When it became known that Ayesha had known about 89P13's existence for years but had not informed them, Adam Warlock was sent to Knowhere to capture him, but was forced to retreat after coming into conflict with the Guardians of the Galaxy. Ayesha and Adam arrived at ArĂȘte to meet High Evolutionary and when High Evolutionary went out to meet them, Theel placed a stool for High Evolutionary to stand on. Theel then watched as High Evolutionary tortured Adam and warned Ayesha to succeed, or their race will be destroyed by their creator.[1]

As they left the Sovereign, in response to his master's inquiry on how 89P13 survived after all these years, Theel insisted that 89P13 was always clever. This made him an even higher priority, as the High Evolutionary desired to dissect his brain. Theel nervously agreed before asking if he trusted the Sovereign to retrieve their former experiment. High Evolutionary dismissed the Sovereign as a backup plan before ordering Theel to travel to the OrgoCorp to retrieve the killswitch override code for 89P13's implant.[1]

Encountering the Guardians[]

This section needs a rewrite

Once Theel travelled to the OrgoCorp, he retrieved the override code and kept it in his headpiece. He passed the Guardians of the Galaxy on his way out, accidentally bumping against Star-Lord in the process, unaware at the time who they were and that they were also trying to retrieve the override code. He then travelled back to the ArĂȘte Laboratories at Counter-Earth where he later became aware of the Guardian's arrival and informed High Evolutionary of it, just as High Evolutionary was experimenting on Phyla, one of the Star Children. They later encountered Star-Lord and Groot, who were attempting to retrieve the override code from Theel and confronted High Evolutionary over his cruel experimentation of Rocket (89P13). After revealing his intentions of destroying Counter-Earth and its inhabitants, High Evolutionary subdued Star-Lord and Groot while beginning the planet's destruction. Theel then helped corner Star-Lord and Groot, and almost captured the two of them, taunting Star-Lord over seemingly walking into a trap. However, Star-Lord responded that it was a face-off rather than a trap before he and Groot killed many of High Evolutionary's henchmen and recorders except Theel, using an explosive and blasters hidden in Groot's body.[1]


Star-Lord then threatened to shoot Theel who begged him to spare him, with Star-Lord initially relenting only to then comment that Theel's relief was premature before tackling Theel off the ArĂȘte Laboratories, followed by Groot. As they fell towards Counter Earth to their apparent death, a fearful Theel shouted that they would both be killed only for Star-Lord to retort that only Theel would be killed just as Groot grabbed them and grew wings from his branches to glide them. As Groot glided them onto the ground, Star-Lord held Theel against the ground and slammed him against the surface, killing Theel in the process. Star-Lord subsequently cut the code out of the deceased Theel's headpiece before he and Groot escaped in time from the planet with Gamora's help on the Bowie, leaving behind Theel's body to be destroyed when Counter Earth exploded.[1]


Theel was a loyal recorder who follows his master, the High Evolutionary's orders blindly. He, akin to his master, did not show any form of care and empathy towards the lifeforms that they “perfected” by torture and enhancement, and was seen to be extremely cruel and harsh to animals, such as 89P13.

Above all, Theel was a coward. When Star-Lord and Groot did not kill him initially, he thanked the Guardians for their mercy, only to still be killed when he was captured by Star-Lord and brutally murdered.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Mowtio Physiology: As a Mowtio, Theel possessed special attributes, such as cybernetic enhancements.
    • Living Database: Because Theel has the database that can save Rocket Raccoon, he became a target for the Guardians of the Galaxy.


  • Genius-Level Intellect: To be added
  • Master Scientist: To be added
  • Master Engineer: To be added





Behind the Scenes[]

