23 people found this review helpful
2 days ago
40 of 40 episodes seen
Completed 2
Overall 9.5
Story 10
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Brilliant scheming drama full of smart characters, equally matched in term of wit and mind games.

I always want Ren Jialun in heavy scheme political drama and I finally got my wish with Love of Nirvana. I love how clever and matched everyone is in this games of wit and how everyone literally aware of everyone's scheming and mind games. The steps are either 2 or 3 ahead and you only see it when it happens. Some of the chess moves are really unexpected, surprising and also served as plot twists. I usually can only guess the first step as the 2nd step usually comes later when you see the water repels on the course of the actions.


At first, you need to understand the premise of this drama on how the ML and FL first met each other. The ML is from Yueluo, a slave nation while the FL is from Liang, the nation that enslaved his people -- so obviously, he only has contempt and hatred towards the Liang people. The point when you watch this drama is see the leads as enemies at war instead of love interest since that is what they truly are -- all they wanted to do is to kill each other, genuinely. The romance only come much later when they finally see each other for who they truly are -- which is the same kind of people of the opposite sites. They did not romanticize it at all which I appreciate. It supposed to be seen as torture and nothing else -- she is a Liang woman assisting a Liang official and mess up his missions again & again -- its as simple as that. If you can get over this part, then you gonna enjoy the ride since this drama is full of twist and surprises.


All the three leads are characters who is not only complex, but also full of layers with very clear motives. You are not supposed to judge them at first glance since they are all wearing masks intended to misled your first impressions. The 'mask' that Wei Zhou is wearing is a symbol not only used literally to hide his identity but as well as figuratively for the audiences not to judge him and perceived him on the surface -- the cruel assassin mask he put on during his missions, then another façade he is putting when he is in his official robes in front of everyone and his real face -- the look of sadness and helplessness like how everything inside of him is crumbing down when he put the names of his fallen people inside the box after failed missions. The same can be seen with Jiang Ci, our female lead -- on the front she is just this bubbly girl who smile a lot but she is actually one of the cleverest characters on the show. She knew she being used but regardless of that, she wont let anyone used her as can be seen in this drama -- Wei Zhou can used her as a pawn and looks where it got him. Same with Pei Yan trying to control her freedom -- and look how she ended up doing thing exactly where her heart tells her to. Same with Pei Yan -- do not be fooled with his nice and gentle demeanor as he is as manipulative and cunning. Under his good guy persona, he fools everyone to get what he wants. But at the same time, his concern towards Jiang Ci is genuine which add to the weird complexity of his character. Between his loyalty to his country and his filial piety towards his mother who raised him, its all adds up to make him the man that he is.


The scheming and mind games in Love of Nirvana is so well written as it involves really high level chess game moves from both sides. They are all shades of grey which makes everything even more interesting since they basically have no limit. How brilliant is the scheming? It even involves planting a wrong thoughts on innocent person to give misleading impressions towards the enemies. And the drama does a lot of ''show'' instead of ''tell'' so you have to be aware of every clues, smirk, moves and objects as they are used to show the characters motives and actions as well as their thoughts.

The symbolisms used in this drama is really a lot. I love how they show Wei Zhou kept a white bird in a beautiful big cage as the bird represent himself -- the hidden identity of lavish lifestyle with richness and adoration but actually trapped and wanting to get the freedom and justice he longed for his people who being sold as slaves and prostitutes and they humiliation they faced under the Liang's tyranny. Also, the symbolism of Pei Yan repelling the water in a calm pond of fish is the literal things he did to his corrupt family members which turning their peaceful world upside down like he has the hands of God. Aside from that, the use of object to show intention of the character is done marvelously. In one of the scenes, they show Wei Zhou rejected Madam Ronggue's offer of collaboration with tea; 'The tea is quite nice, but it's not to my liking' then the camera proceed with the focus of Madam Ronggue pouring the tea anyway inside his empty cup after he leaves and said 'It's not up to him to decide.' -- thus we knew what is her next chess moves after that.

Also, I love the metaphor of the black orchid seed which being used and described by Jiang Ci -- again, figuratively and literally. The black orchid seed can't be washed no matter how you try to get rid of it which she used on Wei Zhou to track where he goes as evidence. Just like the seed of doubt he planted on Pei Yan or the Emperor (no matter how much Wei Zhou try to wash it later) and these doubts will kept on growing and will crack with times if they managed to read her letter.

Aside from that, the foreshadowing -- there are so much of it all over the drama. From the song lyrics (which has hints of the ending) to all the leads' conversations with each other like the conversation that Jiang Ci had with Pei Yan about the big responsibility or big picture and how admirable Pei Yan is for holding out to that one. No, it wasn't to show where love blooms between them but it is to give us the insight of what's inside her head -- the understanding and admiration she has towards people who fight for what is right which is what Wei Zhou is doing for his people. It wasn't the red flag where he torture her that made she fall for him, but she finally see him beyond the façade he put or the masks he wears -- he might fool other people like the sword dance he did in front of everyone but she truly see him as what he is beyond the act he put in front of her. I thought the directing is great for the particular scene and the point of turn where Jiang Ci finally see Wei Zhou in different light.

The drama also trust you as an audiences to remember the details and make the connections and compare on the actions and behaviors of the characters. For an example, the contrast of actions of the characters of the 2 male leads -- it is done so subtlety to show to the audiences the swift change in state of mind of Jiang Ci. For starter, we all know how free spirited is Jiang Ci -- while Pei Yan clipped her wings, Wei Zhou in the other hands lets her fly and spread her wings. Pei Yan will limit what Jiang Ci wants to do while Wei Zhou will praise her and ask her to show more of her skills and abilities. Also, when Jiang Ci wants to join any investigation, Pei Yan will stop and forbid her while Wei Zhou will open the door for her. And while doing good deeds to the poor people, Wei Zhou did it at the back without anyone knowing while Pei Yan doing it openly and get adored by everyone. Apart from that, when Jiang Ci gave them the food of the poor, Wei Zhou accept and eat it while Pei Yan left it untouched. This all have the same situation but produce different kind of results between these 2 characters. As to why this 2 gives a very different reactions to the same situation? It comes back to their childhood. While both of them are caged birds, Wei Zhou grew up in a loving family during his fundamental childhood development years where he is taught compassion, love and also understanding -- he only caught later and become slave after that. While Pei Yan grew up in a completely toxic environment the whole of his life which build this very obsessive traits inside of him. While Wei Zhou only become ruthless and unhinged when he's in a mask, he is become kinder to everyone once they are in his intimate circle just like what Jiang Ci has becomes. Thats why Jiang Ci is no longer afraid of him since she seen him without the 'mask'. While Pei Yan in the other hand become completely different when someone become closer to him -- he ended up becoming controlling and taking away their agency just like the 'love' he knew from his mother. Thus, this completely different result of the same situation from the 2 of them.

Also, the use of deceptive storytelling. The fun part of scheming drama is for you to guess the outcome and Love of Nirvana done this part really well. They will show misleading scenes but at the same time giving different clues so you can guess together with the main characters until the truth is revealed. A lot of plot twists are happened this way that totally caught you off guard but once you know it, it made complete sense and how those clues aligned like pieces of puzzles.

Aside from that, the use of poems to convey emotion are done brilliantly. The prime example of this is the Poem Banquet at the Eastern Palace. All of them are speaking in riddles with flowers as the topic but actually sending their personal message to Jiang Ci. And Jiang Ci, the clever girl that she is responding the opposite and burnt them with her replies. The whole scene is like a smart people conversation with each other -- poetic, seemed unharmed exchanged of literature piece to outsiders but laced with poisonous message to those people it directed to. Not to mention the conversations full of riddles. Like the conversation that Wei Zhou have with the Emperor. They are talking in metaphor but both understand each other clearly.


From how restricting on 'freedom' did to people and the baggage they have to carry and live with -- which can be seen with Jiang Ci's characteristics (a free bird) and both of the MLs' characteristics (caged beautiful birds) and how they turn out to be. Also, the message of 'Hope' is all over the drama -- how the Liangjiu flowers has stopped blooming for 20 years due to the mass grave but has bloomed again. And also the theme of prejudice -- how Wei Zhou is also shedding his prejudice slowly towards the Liang people and also helped them fighting against their corrupt officials.

This drama also deals with really heavy themes, decisions and choices. And the complexity of it makes it a very good watch as they are not sugar-coating it. We see Pei Yan's dilemma when he wants to stop the case only at corruption only at Nanling. Did he made the right decision to cast aside the SA victims? Of course not. But if the case go beyond corruption only, his clan, hundred of people will be annihilated since rebellion is a huge crime. Do you hate him? Of course! But do you understand his reasons? Yes as well. This also can be seen when Wei Zhou has to make the hard decision of opening the city gate or let all the hostages die. Not to mention in the last arc where he need to chose his own wish or the safety of his people. All these difficult decision making are done carefully without taking lightly of subject matters.

But despite this, there so many silver linings in the drama -- like the Lingjiu flowers that blooms again at Yueluo. Or the friendship that Jiang Ci form with all the Yueluo people -- at first they hate her but then they ended up really adore and love her. The hope of message is everywhere. Wei Zhou once told Jiang Ci that she cant change people -- him or anyone else. But we see how untrue is that. The irony of that statement and how its killing him later to make that difficult decision to deceive her. The drama deals with lots of heavy stuffs. It certainly not for everyone but it made sense, you understand the characters and why they are making those choices.


While the romance is really slow burn, the progress of the 2 main leads' relationship was done delicately. Ren Jialun has amazing amazing chemistry with Li Landi. Lots of their scenes together involves staring into each other but instead of it being awkward, all those scenes glows beautifully. I love how she touched him with his childhood swing and tease him with it or how he drew on her face to cheer her up or just their interaction with each other -- it was really wholesome and sweet.

And I love the scene where Wei Zhou is having a nightmare and Jiang Ci pet his hands to calm him down. He was so restrained even when he's in his private time -- he just grip his blanket tightly and still suppressing whatever things that haunt him in his sleep. Then you realized that Wei Zhou as a character is actually very restrained even in his crazy and unhinged phase -- he could make a new wound on Jiang Ci everytime he faces her but instead, he just poking her wound instead to remind her. I love the consistencies in the writing and you can see how its all adds up to the layers of his character.

Also, the depiction on how Wei Zhou slowly wear himself down around Jiang Ci is a joy to see. In the straining of his shoulder scene where she is putting medicine on him, the stare that he gave her is the confident stare -- like he had her on the palm of his hands. But later, all those confident stares are gone -- when she falls down on him or when he saw her washing his face and neck or when he found her hugging him in his sleep, it was 'Oh noes, I'm in deep trouble!' face since now it is him who is at her disposal.

On top of that, I love how even when they are at their angsty part of the relationship but the show still managed to make it healing as well. There is thorn, but there is hope as well. Just like when Wei Zhou was given the poisonous flowers by Jiang Ci, but he gave her back small red flowers that she placed on his hair at Yueluo to show that all flowers will bloom again just like their love. I love how this small red flowers are used as their language of love towards each other as he used the same red flowers later to tell her that he will protect her. I really love all this hidden message that we can get from the subtle storytelling.


The drama is so well written with lots of heavy themes and they were handled brilliantly. I love how it did not shy away to show how all these characters are making really hard decisions and they are not sugar coating or give them the easy way out. And all the scheming and mind games are top level but most of all, the amazing script! The conversations full of riddles, the use of symbolism, metaphor, analogy, foreshadowing and deceptive storytelling made it such a fun ride.

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18 people found this review helpful
17 days ago
40 of 40 episodes seen
Completed 8
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 10

NO SPOILERS . Is it stockholm syndrom or can love bloom from overcoming hardship together?

The story : On his quest for revenge, Wei Zhao crosses paths with Jiang Ci, who spoils every plans he makes.
However, getting to know each other they are drawn to one another.

First of all, when I saw how Male Lead treated Female Lead, I could not help but wondering if Female Lead suffered from stockholm syndrom ? How can she fall for someone who harmed her like that ?
Then, as the story progressed I understood that those two share a special / unspeakable bond.

Pros :
- Smart countryside Female Lead .
- Smart high ranking court officer, Male Lead.
- Good action scenes.
- Mortal Enemies to lovers trope. Male Lead's killing spree goes far, as he is aiming at Female Lead and that's surprising.
- Great acting.
- Great revenge quest for the hero whose kingdom's population was slaughtered and enslaved.
- The plot is complex. That's a good thing because it is promising and can surprise the viewer. At times your blood might boil for witnessing injustices. But this is proof of a good story.
- Very emotional topics are dealt with : genocide, slavery, fight for survival, conspiracy, rebellion, human trafficking...
- Sprinkle of romance, which I think is great because the emotional and political story make the romance more endearing.
- Well written script filled with symbolism and duality (every plot point faces its opposite) : slavery/freedom, conceal /show, belitteling/praising... So you can have different level of understanding of the narrative because the writer thinks that you are smart enough to piece them together. I like that.

Cons :
- One of the last performances of Jeremy Tsui as a Second Male Lead before retirement. How sad ?! I hope to see him again.
- Sadistic assassin Male Lead who supresses his emotions and live like a machine. That's a Red Flag.
- There are some glitches in the CGI. For example here : they stopped the CGI before finishing the scene (^_^) I laughed so much o_O
Are they saving money on CGI budget ? This is weird to see the raw images with subtitles.

Overall this is a good show : I laughed, I was afraid, relieved... until the very last minutes. The ending was a climax.
Highly rewatchable because there is hidden meaning everywhere, you will discover new clues and symbols at every rewatch.
If you like enemies to lovers stories with intelligent leads, this is for you.

The songs of the OST fit the story perfectly :

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3 people found this review helpful
23 hours ago
40 of 40 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 8.0
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─ Beautiful things are often like this; ephemeral, unapproachable and indistinguishable.

Love of Nirvana wasn’t on my watchlist initially, but it quickly captured my attention after I stumbled upon intriguing spoilers on social media. What really drew me in was the famous scene from EP9 that showcased the dynamics between the leads.

As I enjoy watching the enemies-to-lovers trope, I appreciated how Love of Nirvana presented characters who genuinely start as adversaries and gradually learn to understand each other. It was refreshing to see their perspectives; the time they took to witness each other's lives made their eventual feelings believable and earned.

Some viewers might find Wei Zhao to be cruel and ruthless, but understanding his backstory and the immense pressure he faces helps clarify his initial attitude towards Jiang Ci, especially after she disrupts his crucial plans. Jiang Ci, on the other hand, is portrayed as resilient, maintaining her composure in the face of adversity, though it’s poignant to watch her vulnerability surface after a significant loss. Their flaws and strengths add depth to their characters, making their journey engaging.

I particularly enjoyed the cat references that both characters naturally acknowledged; these moments added a lighthearted touch. Also, since cats are believed to symbolize balance ( like yin and yang ), and even have been seen as spiritual guardians in some places, the reference matched the characters so well.

Watching them collaborate was a highlight, especially when Wei Zhao recognized Jiang Ci’s strengths. The scene where he bowed to her for saving his people was beautifully executed, symbolizing the respect he developed over time.

The chemistry between the leads was compelling, enhanced not just through their interactions but also through their individual arcs. The side characters were well-crafted as well, each bringing their own loyalty and obsession to the story. I found Yueluo’s arc especially captivating, with its constant character and story development ─ so I was actually glad to see them return there towards the finale.

After their return to the palace, the pacing slowed a bit, but the last few episodes till the finale picked up the pacing once again ─ although it ended with tragedy and left us with bittersweet feelings. Part of me thinks it fitted the whole storyline while the other part expected a happy ending.

The OST was another highlight; each song complemented the scenes perfectly, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

In conclusion, I recommend Love of Nirvana for its storytelling, characters ( and their dynamics ), beautiful OST and cinematography!

Link to edits:

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Ongoing 40/40
2 people found this review helpful
9 days ago
40 of 40 episodes seen
Ongoing 1
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
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JiaLun As A Masked Man, NICE!! Handsome, & Gorgeous!! But Pissed Off, Because His Voice Is Not HIS!!

Happen To Come Accross The 1st Episode When I Turned On My T.V. And Checked If All The Episodes Were Available, Only 20 Were... I Was Excited To See JiaLun As A Masked Man... Very Handsome, And Mysterious, But When He Talked It Wasn't His Own Voice!!! Very Pissed, And Angry That It Isn't His Voice!!! I LOVE HIS VOICE!!! I HATE IT WHEN THEY DON'T USE THE REAL ACTORS VOICE!!! Anyways I Started Watching This On September 25, 2024 And Finnish The 1st Episode At 9:38 A.M. Probably Will Finnish All 20 Episode Today... ??? Yes, I Bing Watch!!!

So My Thing Only Went Up To Episode #10, Finnish All 10 Episode By 7:00 P.M. Now I Have To Wait Like Everyone Else For The Rest Of The Episode... ?☹?
So Far My ONLY BEEF IS JIALUN VOICE IS NOT HIS, BUT SOMETIMES IT IS... CONFUSING!!! Another Thing Is JiaLun's Character Being So Mean, And Cruel To The Female Leads Character.
In Episode 10, He Gets To Be A Little Softer, Because He Loses Alot Of People He Cares About. He Is Obviously Growing Feelings For Her Too...
I Have To Say So Far I Am Really Liking This Drama... I Like The Story Line, And Everything About This Drama. What Crazy, And Intresting At The Same Time 2 Different Men Work For The King, Both Plotting Against Each Other, But Helping Each Other At The Same Time...
At The Same Time This Poor Girl Kind Of Gets Dragged Into The 2 Male Leads Drama, And All She Was Trying To Do Was See A Certain Person, And Just Enjoy Some Wine... JiaLun's Character Already Tried KILLING HER 3 TIMES. JiaLun, And The Male Lead At 1st, And Probably Still Are Using Her To There Advantage.
ONE THING I TURELY LOVE IS THAT JIALUN'S CHARACTER WEARS A FACE MASK THAT COVERS HIS NOSE, AND MOUTH... I Ain't Going To Lie... It Makes Him Look So Handsome, Gorgeous And Mysterious All At The Same Time. (Ever Since I Saw Him In The Blue Whisper, 3rd Chinese Drama I Ever Watched. I Have Always Thought He Was So Handsome, And Gorgeous.)
Will Write More When Other Episodes Come Out. 7:37 P.M.

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1 people found this review helpful
1 day ago
40 of 40 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
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I really hate the Emperor, very ungrateful!!!

I got tears when it ends. It ends tragically but beautiful. Kudos to the writers , director, actors and everyone behind this drama. This drama is created and executed beautifully.
I'm still overwhelmed on how RJ's character ends. He sacrifice everything, he is so selfless. But still, he is not safe from that scheming emperor.
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introverted kdrama lover
0 people found this review helpful
3 hours ago
40 of 40 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 3.0
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Tbh this show was amazing! I feel like the mission was accomplished though not in the way everybody wanted but think about it. What I understood from this drama is that every character was yearning for their own version of Nirvana but it will cost you something that you hold dear. From the beginning that is 20 years ago, both the brothers wanted something but fate would not allow them to get what they wished for. The Emperor wanted his father's love and acknowledgement but at what cost? His nirvana was his father's love and getting the throne was his wicked way of having something common with his dad on the other hand, Prince Qi wanted to live like a commoner but at what cost? Pei Yan's mother wanted power so bad but at what cost? Pei Yan wanted Jiang Ci's love in his wicked obsessive way but at what cost? Jiang Ci's kind of nirvana was to be free and roam around the world but it sadly later cost her so much loss and my guy Xiao Wuxia, (may you rest in peace) wanted to free his people from slavery and clear his father's name not knowing that his enemy is the Emperor. I feel like my guy won; the people of Yueluo were freed, Jiang Ci is free doing whatever she wants and got to the truth that he most wanted...THIS WAS HIS NIRVANA! In my opinion, it's not a sad ending but a realistic ending. Just think about it...What would have happened to Jiang Ci if the emperor or Xiao Wuxia stepped out of that temple alive? What of Yueluo people? This was a well played match...CHECKMATE EMPEROR!!!

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Ongoing 40/40
0 people found this review helpful
14 days ago
40 of 40 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
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Much more than a love triangle

The story shows a simple girl from the hills (with a suspicious identity) learning that the world is not black or white and that every thoughtless action has consequences.

The hand that extends to you is not always friendly or out of pure altruism, and those who seem to want to do harm have a thousand reasons to be suspicious.

Yes, the heroine matures and learns to distinguish the millions of colors between black and white as well as the causes she should embrace.

The two male protagonists are fantastic and their characters are complex and captivating.

While Pei Yan is a nobleman who walks on thin ice and is cunning with master moves, Wei Zhao / Xiao Wu Xia has a noble cause, is suspicious and full of traumas and after overcoming the barrier of trust with Jiang Ci begins to explain to her the twists and turns that each thoughtless action causes….

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1 day ago
40 of 40 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
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Life after Love Of Nirvana, Wei Zhao, and Jiang Ci

Overall I would say that this show had me interested 75% of the time but the 25% really REALLY got to me.

First things first credit where credit is due.
1) Li Landy, Ren Jia Lun, and Jeremy Tsui all did a wonderful job at their respective roles and were able to truly bring them to life, these roles felt 3 dimensional and not just 2D.

2) The writers truly fleshed out the Li Landy and Ren Jia Lun's characters. They each had a back story that unraveled as the drama unfolded, their motives were clear, their priorities were set and they did what they set out to do. (Win my heart that is.)

3) Jeremy Tsui was truly able to make me fall in love and hate the Second Male Lead, I don't know if that was the intention but...

4) Yueluo's arc is truly phenomenal from the story line to the development and the future of Yueluo.

The 25% that truly bothered me
1) Jeremy Tsui or Pei Yan and his mothers story could be made into another drama altogether and that could have been interesting instead of roughly meshing together 2 stories. There were parts in the second half of the drama that I was truly skipping because of this and funny thing is it did not take away from the story. If these parts were made shorter and brief it would still have had the same effect desired. I feel like this drama did not do Pei Yan or the second storyline justice.

2) I have not read the book and I will not claim to do so just to prove my point but from my engagement with the viewers who had, it was clear that the drama did not follow the same storyline as the novel. If we assume that that is the case then I do not understand WHY they HAD to give it the novel's ending. For a character who is shown to have mental, and physical prowess, I do not understand why the drama ended the way it did. One situation that I truly found ridiculous was the last episode and everything has gone to hell he says - “Today's story is mine to tell. The Emperor of Liang died at the hands of a sycophant, Wei Zhao.” If you are so keen on telling the story then you need to be *alive* to do that. He could have left, he could have been alive but maybe it's the actors love for sad endings, honestly I could have done without this.

3) Minor details - It truly made be scoff when the emperor reveals who killed Wei Zhao's sister and why. Like Sir are you okay? This could have been SOMETHING but she died for what. Also Pei Yan's unnecessary overbearingness and obsession is rough to witness, I'm just glad he realizes it and moves on. Lastly, one night and pregnancy is a bit much even if it's a period drama like can there be some build up, some fluffy domestic scenes, etc. I have no problem with a pregnancy trope but do it right instead of just throwing it in at the last moment.

I know it may seem like I truly disliked the drama - that is not the case. I encourage anyone who reads this review to watch the drama at least once and skip when you feel like it too. Its a good watch and you can learn a few things from it about life.

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Ongoing 30/40
0 people found this review helpful
5 hours ago
30 of 40 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 9.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 6.0
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Shameless Cat

Oh, Commander Wei. Oh, Sanlang! Oh, my heart!? I have yet to finish but without a doubt! As I’ve said it once, I’m going to say it again. This is hands down one of the very best in a long, long time. After Love of Nirvana, I’m afraid too many other series will only be faulted in my eyes. It’s not so much that this was perfect, but it was nearly perfect! The story was well-written and executed! There was never a need to become skeptical or go beyond belief to accept the plot or its logic, neither having to constantly question any of the characters or their level of maturity and mentality. And that’s how I know it’s a good one!

Indeed, Love of Nirvana showcased a very political sense of plot and complex roles with every episode climatically opening up to the next. The longer I stay with Nirvana, I see a masterpiece, an intricate level of many things fitting into the big puzzle———proving to further and thickened the plot and unexpectedly entwining everyone and their actions together! Clearly, the author knew her intended audience and she wrote a keen story to match!

My only disappointment in the drama were the lack of romance for our leads and no finer strategies regarding Sanlang’s plans. Regarding Yuelo, he was at a total loss of what to do, hence more clansmen have to die. I was keen on him preparing something ahead, manipulating a plan. But over and over, he had nothing up his sleeves only depending on his moles and watching his people die one by one ultimately failing to keep himself alive, too. I’m not a fan of neither Allen Ren and Jeremy’s acting, but I have to say here their dullness becomes their roles most enigmatically. Allen’s seemingly reserved and aloofness embodied as Sanlang was very much appreciated.

I personally found Lord Pei the most conflicted, and pitiful and relatable character in the show. I applaud Jeremy for his showcase of the role, he really gave his all, knowing that he went against his agency to take the supporting role! A righteous lord fighting for justification but filled with greed. He seeks greatness but unable to live up to the name. Torned between his duty and selfishness, yet trying to keep up with his heart and wild emotions at the same time answering to his kin and King. He is the epitome of only wanting to do good but everything only proved wrong. I feel for Lord Pei.

I absolutely adored the very-unlikely-and-subtle bromance between Commander Wei(Sanlang) and Lord Pei. They might think they are sworn enemies of the court but really their quiet animosity is based on some respect and of their own tasks. It was pretty interesting to watch the two opposing men occasionally throw together by the King, and other times Sanlang was plotted to keep an eye on Lord Pei as the latter was tasked to work with the former aka the mask man. Even after Lord Pei discovered Sanlang’s identity, no real harm was done? They are quite the wholesome duos!

Last but not least, Jang Ci is by far one of the most likable heroines ever! She’s consistent, reasonable, and super smart! Very practical. Very mindful, Very demure! A great actress!

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Ongoing 12/40
3 people found this review helpful
9 days ago
12 of 40 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 7.0

A bit of toxic love never hurt somebody..much

A mountain girl gets caught up in two plotting Lord's schemes. Neither lead seems completely good for her lol.
So, the male lead wants revenge for his father who was unjustly murdered by a previous general. He taunts FL often because she interrupted his undercover activities. She tries to kill him 10 episodes in, which makes great bonding time. XD

I'm honestly more interested in the overall plot of this drama. Not too much the romance.

Now for the 2nd male lead - he wants to do what his father could not(become prime minister). His dad died too early. and the king has inferiority views towards his Pei clan. However the 2nd male lead's mother had a thing with the king in the past, so she has some leverage over the king's emotions.

Side notes- I thought jeremy was retiring but i still love him in this one! To be honest, only brother Cui the physician is truly nice to her! If you're looking for healthy romance it won't be here lol.

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Ongoing 28/40
3 people found this review helpful
19 days ago
28 of 40 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 8.0


real enemies to lovers. People were complaining that they were not getting any good enemies to lovers drama and now their mad bffr.Do not let the ratings deter from the show a chance. ANYWAYS
The ml tries to kill the fl so many times throught the first episodes,I know if they continue on this part we might gets some good/real ROMANCE. minor spoilers ahead.

Political/Revenge-Driven Plot: The heart of the drama lies in its intricate power plays, revenge schemes, and dangerous politics. Every move is a calculation, and alliances can shift at a moment’s notice. The romance is a/will be slow burn, carefully woven through layers of betrayal, power struggles, and manipulation.
Love Triangle That Actually Works: You know it's rare to find a good love triangle where both leads are on equal footing, but this one nails it. Both male leads are charismatic, cunning, and each have their own complex motives. They see the FL not just as a love interest, but as a key player in their plans, and they use her as a pawn in their high-stakes game. But the chemistry between them? ?
Mature Script: The dialogue and storytelling are sharp, it's gripping.
Cat and Mouse Games: Expect a lot of who’s-playing-who moments. These characters are always two steps ahead, and the mental chess games between them will have you hooked, unsure who’s really in control.
Double Hotness: Let's talk about the two male leads—RJL, whose badass attitude and deep, sexy voice gives him that dark, irresistible edge. Then there’s JT, who’s a revelation, all intense stares and calculated moves, equally sexy and a match for RJL in every way.

This drama is a slow-burn, tension-filled ride with every twist and turn pulling you deeper into its ruthless world. Whether you're here for the romance, the mind games, or just the pure ? factor, it delivers.

so far so good.i hope this continue because its the only cdrama thats airing that im watching

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8 hours ago
40 of 40 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
This review may contain spoilers

A gem I picked up on the journey

I originally wasn’t familiar with this drama, nor had it been on my watchlist for the longest time. One fine day, I accidentally clicked on the ad when I launched my iQIYI app, and now here I am, writing this review after spending the entire night sorting out my thoughts after finished watching. It was quite the rollercoaster ride with this one. It felt like so much was happening simultaneously, and simply judging this drama as good or bad doesn’t quite capture its essence.

Personally, I thoroughly enjoyed every second of the journey. Here’s why:
The characters. While a few lack depth, the main characters served their purpose beautifully until the end. Wei Zhao, the poor guy who lost his parents and ran away from home with his sister, fought relentlessly for his family and his tribe. I’m not trying to ignore the bad deeds he committed, but he never wavered from his goal and was always clear about his intentions. Then there’s the happy-go-lucky girl, Jiang Ci. She found herself on the wrong tree at the wrong time, but somehow encountered the right person. Some may argue that Jiang Ci was foolish for caring about Wei Zhao and her Master the way she did, but it aligned perfectly with her personality. She also balanced the resolute and stern Wei Zhao with her own playfulness. And there's also the lovesick puppy, Pei Yan. Bro experienced love for the first time and lost himself for a moment—which honestly frustrated me. I’m glad he finally came to his senses and realized that forcing a marriage was never a good idea to begin with.

However, when it comes to characters like the Emperor, the Master, and Madam Rong, the writing was largely subpar. These characters seem completely disconnected from reality. It feels like there isn’t enough rationale behind their despicable actions. While it's true that the Emperor didn’t physically murder his brother, he undeniably played a significant role in pushing him to his death. The Master, on the other hand, was a source of frustration for me about 80% of the time she appeared on screen. For someone who is "supposed" to be an assassin, it’s baffling how she’s managed to survive this long given her sheer stupidity. As for Madam Rong, her character arc felt mired in petty grievances from two decades ago that she simply can’t seem to move past.

Another reason I enjoyed watching this drama is the acting. The actors and actresses did an outstanding job. Even with zero physical contact (yes, no kissing scenes) between Wei Zhao and Jiang Ci throughout all 40 episodes, their relationship still feels incredibly romantic. You can argue with the wall on this one, but the way they look at each other, their shared hugs, and the mutual pining are off the charts. Truly, you don’t need toe-curling kissing scenes to define a romance, do you? ?

And, if we're discussing the ending, it would be a blatant lie to say I’m not the slightest bit sad or disappointed with how the story unfolded. However, upon reflection, Wei Zhao was doing what he believed was best for everyone involved. He single-handedly took the blame for the Emperor's death. If he had survived, there would still be people in the palace trying to pin the blame on him, which would only implicate his tribe further.

Well, I also couldn't stop myself from sobbing as I watched Wei Zhao prepare the 'gift' for Jiang Ci. Deep down, he knew he was embarking on a suicide mission, and there was no turning back for him. He was painfully aware of how slim his chances of surviving the poison were. And the way he decorated the house, incorporating the little details that Jiang Ci had shared during their time together, just made it all the more heartbreaking.

All in all, I’m really glad I stumbled upon this drama. While there were aspects I wasn't entirely satisfied with, it didn’t diminish my overall viewing experience. This drama has easily earned a spot on my favorites list.

And oh, extra credit goes to Wei Zhao's velvety robe when he entered the slave arena. That attire was pure elegance. He strutted in with such flair, fully confident that he would come out alive. ?

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