
Showing posts with the label videoclip

Time in the Age of Acceleration (Lav DIAZ)

  Perception, Stimuli and Narrative: Time in the Age of Acceleration (YouTube) 50'31" Play-Doc Festival (21 June 2024) SPANISH/ENGLISH The fact that film playback software offers the possibility of accelerating the speed of projection is not simply a technological matter; a dominant regime of perception is condensed in this innovation for impatient users. Who can concentrate on watching a film without interruption for more than three hours? Diaz’s cinema has always implied a twofold demand: the long, often fixed, shots and the total time of his films poses a perceptual challenge to the viewer: the dense matter of time, that abstract but real condition, is felt due to a laborious poetics of duration. Indeed, the Filipino filmmaker’s cinema of time constitutes a perceptual paradigm of resistance to the age of extreme acceleration.  Moderated by: Roger Koza

On Cinematic Decline: Goodbye, Dragon Inn and Dorsky's Devotional Cinema

  On Cinematic Decline: Goodbye, Dragon Inn and Dorsky's Devotional Cinema (YouTube) 24'49" The Mouvement Image (24 March 2024) This essay covers the slow death of cinematic movie theaters as captured in Tsai Ming-Liang's Goodbye, Dragon Inn. Viewing the film through the vision of cinema Nathaniel Dorsky lays out in his book Devotional Cinema, we gain an understanding of why theaters mean so much to us, why the experiences we've had inside them are so important, and how sad it is that these shared spaces for connecting with the arts are disappearing from our communities.

Roy Andersson: The Essence of the Complex Image (Pedro M. Afonso)

  The work of Roy Andersson, a Swedish auteur that turned its back to Realism and embraced Abstractionism, embodies one of the few truly defying and groundbreaking attitudes in modern Cinema: the denial of speed. The current essay focus on the methods through which he obtains this effect and the contribution of his body of work to the Aesthetics of Cinema. Roy Andersson: The Essence of the Complex Image   (video essay only viewable on YouTube ) 10'11" Escola das Artes - UCP (Pedro M. Afonso) 6 May 2024 Portuguese, English subtitles Citation : Afonso, P. (2021). Roy Andersson: The Essence of the Complex Image . Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts, 13(1), 87-99.