Middle East

The region known as the Middle East has been conquered and reconquered by every super power in the West. This has created a region rich in a culture of resistance and thousands of ethnic groups looking for their piece of land. This has created a complicated region and Jpost's Middle East News simplifies it.

US must reevaluate Mideast ties with terror enabling countries

The US must rethink its relationships with allies like Egypt, Qatar, and Turkey, who have supported or enabled terrorist organizations, to better safeguard its national security.

Netanyahu: Israel will not bow in face of Iranian-guided destruction threats

Netanyahu warns of dual Iranian threats as Israel strikes Hezbollah targets following unprovoked attacks.

Northern Israel’s cities are caught in the crosshairs

Reporter’s Notebook: Bent but not broken, the Krayot need shelters.

Iran scolds Taliban representatives for refusing to stand up for Iranian anthem

Taliban claimed that these are “costumes” and added that instrumental music is ‘forbidden by Islam.’


Ahead of UNGA session, Iran on a diplomatic offensive amid Hezbollah-Israel flare-up

Iran is also working with non-western groups at the UN. IRNA noted these include the Non-Aligned Movement, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, BRICS, and others.

Netanyahu: Israel inflicted strikes on Hezbollah 'it could not imagine'

"In the last few days, we inflicted on Hezbollah a sequence of blows that they could not imagine."

 (L-R): Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyah & Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah

Israel’s current strategy against Hezbollah won’t restore North, Brig.-Gen. says

Haimovich stressed that while Israel’s tactical operations have been impressive, they are not enough to force Hezbollah's Nasrallah into a truce.


IDF intercepts cruise missiles, rockets from Iraq near Golan Heights

Iranian-backed militias in Iraq fired rockets to the southern Golan Heights, while an additional drone approached Israel from the east.

Three wounded when houses hit in Kiryat Bialik during Hezbollah attack

Home Front Command personnel arrived at the scene and conducted searches in cooperation with the Israel Police, the Fire and Rescue Authority, MDA, and local authorities.

Iran’s multi-front strategy faces its greatest test

A knock-out blow against one of the Iranian proxies might help Israel return to the deterrence that it once had.

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