The Persona series is a spin-off from the huge franchise (Shin) Megami Tensei by ATLUS, and is one of the most beloved and critically praised JRPG series of this generation, despite the few amount of games. The games mix dungeon crawling, social activities, datesim, and other Visual Novel inspired elements, with a touch of detective work.
While only being a small part of the MegaTen franchise, Persona has been one of the biggest reasons why the franchise has received such popularity in the west, and the reworked gameplay structure and style of Persona 3 and 4 made them very easy gateway games for Anime and RPG fans alike.
So why not join and share your love for the series, or join and learn why it's so beloved? Trust me, you'll have a beary good time!
What? You thought it was a coincidence that I created the club the same day as her 20th birthday? *Tsk tsk tsk* Naïve fool! It was all part of my keikaku!
post #4 by Blazebor on 22.09.2022 16:29
post #3 by MunchieManga on 11.03.2021 20:09
post #2 by kingsword on 09.08.2014 18:28
post #1 by Mortsyn on 30.07.2014 08:48
What? You thought it was a coincidence that I created the club the same day as her 20th birthday? *Tsk tsk tsk* Naïve fool! It was all part of my keikaku!