Arrowverse Wiki
Arrowverse Wiki

"The Queen Consolidated's success of late is a result of its targeted diversification. We have been making impressive inroads in cutting-edge fields like bio-tech and clean energy."
Walter Steele[src]

Queen Consolidated is a company founded by Robert Queen and run primarily by the Queen family. It is located in Star City and was its head business.

It was run by Robert until his death in 2007, then taken over by Walter Steele. After Malcolm Merlyn kidnapped Walter, Moira Queen became the acting CEO. Walter stepped down from his position as CEO after being rescued by The Hood. In 2013, with Walter's help, Oliver Queen became co-CEOs with Isabel Rochev. Later though, Isabel took over Queen Consolidated and became CEO with Slade Wilson's help until her death.

In the aftermath, the company was bought by Ray Palmer and rebranded as Palmer Technologies.

Queen Consolidated has subsidiaries all over the United States[1] and abroad, including Vancouver, Canada[2] and a prominent corporation in Moscow, Russia.[3] The company also has a holding in Melbourne, Australia.[4]


Queen Consolidated was founded by Robert Queen. After Robert's death in 2007, CFO Walter Steele took over as CEO.

In 2009, Moira Queen withdrew $2.6 million of company funds from a Vancouver subsidiary to set up an offshore LLC under the name "Tempest".[2]

Over the next few years, Queen Consolidated began modernizing as it expanded into cutting edge fields such as biotechnology and clean energy, bringing the company to new heights. In late 2012, a separate site was commissioned for the Applied Sciences division, named in honor of Robert.[5]

Queen Consolidated in 2012 after Oliver Queen return

Queen Consolidated in 2012 after Oliver Queen return.

In October 2012, Walter acquired Unidac Industries as a subsidiary for Queen Consolidated.[6]

The compliance department of Queen Consolidated tagged Moira's $2.6 million variance in November 2012, prompting Walter to investigate in order to prevent the company from facing an IRS audit. Later, Walter seemingly closed the proceedings, but had I.T. specialist Felicity Smoak look into the transaction off-the-books.[2]

After Walter's disappearance, Moira took over as acting CEO.[7] Walter was eventually found and rescued by the Hood.[8] Despite this, Walter resigned from his position as CEO, as he had figured out that Moira was involved in his kidnapping and wanted to keep as much distance from her as possible.[9] Moira continued to serve as acting CEO until she was arrested for conspiracy to commit murder; due to her involvement in the Undertaking, the board of directors removed her as the acting CEO for good.[10]

Moira's involvement in the Undertaking not only resulted in a huge scandal for Queen Consolidated, but it also almost resulted in the company becoming bankrupt.

Queen Consolidated in 2013 after Oliver Queen return

Queen Consolidated in 2013 after Oliver Queen return.

In 2013 to early 2014, Oliver fought to save his family's company and with help from Walter Steele, became a 50% shareholder in Queen Consolidated and he became co-CEOs with Isabel Rochev.[11] As CEO of Queen Consolidated, Oliver made Felicity his executive assistant, much to her dismay, so she would be in close proximity, he needed her help to run the company and he trusted her completely. John Diggle remained Oliver's bodyguard and driver, while also helping him run the company. Oliver planned to use Queen Consolidated's resources to help repair the city after the Undertaking and restore the good standing of the Queen name.[12] In this endeavor, he began working with alderman Sebastian Blood while supporting his mayoral campaign.[13]

Oliver and Isabel had a rivalry running the company as her full focus was on business and turning a profit. While Isabel had business experience, Oliver's secret responsibilities as the Arrow often made it hard for him to prove himself as a capable CEO to the board. Getting investors to help fund Queen Consolidated also posed a challenge.

In April 2014, Slade Wilson returned and Oliver focused more on stopping him than running the company. When Thea Queen was kidnapped by Slade and an important board meeting came up, Oliver made Isabel temporary CEO so he could focus on saving Thea from Slade. Isabel used the opportunity to her advantage and became full CEO of Queen Consolidated with backing from Slade after deceiving Oliver; until her death.[14] During that time, she deliberately ran the company and many of it's assets into the ground, looking to strip Oliver of his financial resources.

Palmer Technologies in Queen Consolidated building

Palmer Technologies in a former headquarters of Queen Consolidated.

In late 2014, Oliver attempted to bid for his company back, but ultimately the board named Ray Palmer as CEO. As a part of his new vision, Ray eventually re-branded the company under his own banner, Palmer Technologies.[15]

Oliver and Felicity's afterlife

Queen Consolidated HQ in the Afterlife.[16]

Erased future[]

On April 25, 2024, one of The Central City Citizen newspapers from 2024 (the future where Nora West-Allen hails from; held by Eobard Thawne) announced a merger with Wayne Tech of a Queen Inc.. It is unclear if the Queen Industrial Inc. sub-division remained active under that name after the Palmer re-brand or if control of the company eventually reverted to the Queen family.[17]

In another erased future where Barry Allen lost his powers, the merger fell through.[18]

Known employees[]

Former employees[]




Season 1

Season 2

Season 3

Season 4

Season 5

Season 7

Season 8

The Flash[]

Season 1[]

Blood Rush[]



Arrow: Season 2.5[]

Arrow: The Dark Archer[]



  • Queen Consolidated generates over 240,000 watts of electricity.[19]

Behind the scenes[]

