
I understand that TO SHIFT is used when departing from an intersection to update the position of the aircraft in the lack of gnss. But how do I know what to put in the TO SHIFT? Is it availabe in the ADC?

Thanks in advance!!

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  • $\begingroup$ You need training on how to use a manual transmission and clutch to use that feature. $\endgroup$
    – John K
    Commented 2 hours ago

2 Answers 2


The TO SHIFT is entered either in meters or feet depending on your operators selection of units ([M] or [FT] will displayed next to the field). This image from the FCOM shows an example with 900 m takeoff shift:

TO SHIFT on the PERF TO page

(Airbus A320 FCOM - Auto Flight - Flight Management - Takeoff Update)

To figure out the takeoff shift for a given intersection, look at the Takeoff Run Available section on the ground chart. Here is an example for London Stansted (EGSS):

EGSS Ground Chart

If you want to takeoff from runway 04 at intersection K1 you calculate the difference from rwy head:

$$ \text{TO SHIFT} = 3049 \, \text{m} - 2823 \, \text{m} = 226 \, \text{m} $$

  • $\begingroup$ thank you very much! It seems not all aerodromes have this info tho. For example, here in Brazil, at SBGO, we don't have the Takeoff Run Available section on the ground chart (at least, I couldn't find it). So, in situations like this, how do we determine what we have to enter in the TO SHIFT? I understand it very well seeing that some aerodromes have this info available in the ground charts because you have the info of the TORA of each intersection. But I'm confused on what should I do if I don't have this info availabe. $\endgroup$ Commented 1 hour ago

Takeoff shift is the Take off Run Available (TORA) minus take off distance available from the intersection.

For example, if a runway has a TORA of 3400 meters and your intersection take off distance is 2600 meters, takeoff shift will be 800 meters.


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