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About Me

Well...I'm LordArceus! This is my name on a bunch of different games and stuff. I play all the main series games, I used to collect/play the TCG...really the only part of the Pokéverse I dislike is the anime (even that I can enjoy with the movies). As far as Bulbapedia goes, I started Project SpriteDex, I helped with a somewhat ridiculous Japanese name redirect project, and I go around cleaning up the often atrocious grammar of various articles.


What?! LordArceus overcame his laziness and added usertags?! Speaking of laziness, I will eventually organize these into show/hide lists.

Spr 4p 493.png This user is Arceus, the Original One.
034.png This user identifies as male.
Bulbapedia logo.png This user aspires to be an administrator..
Spr FRLG Oak.png This user knows what he is talking about.
487.png This user's favorite color is black.
480.png This user is intelligent.
118.png This user is a Pisces.
493-Unknown.png This user's favorite form of Arceus is ??? Arceus.
491.png This user has a Darkrai.
151.png This user has a Mew.
Spr 4d 386D.png This user has a Deoxys.
143.png This user is a slacker.
None.png This user's Wii friend code for Super Smash Bros. Brawl is 1504-5400-1546.
Project SpriteDex logo.png This user is a member of Project SpriteDex.
This user has too many more usertags to add..


Please note that none of the sections of this userpage are anywhere near complete.


Current Projects


  • Japanese kanji-to-English letters redirects. Kkllnn deserves the most credit for these, however.