Subscription entitlements

Apigee entitlements

The following table compares entitlements for the Apigee offerings:

Standard Enterprise Enterprise Plus

Core Entitlements

Annual Call Volume (1)
additional call volume available for purchase
180 million calls 1.2 billion calls 12 billion calls
Network Data Entitlement (2)
additional network data available for purchase
1 TiB 10 TiB 150 TiB
Analytics Reports 30 days 3 months 14 months
Developer Portals
entitlement limit of 3 custom domains

Apigee Entitlements

additional Org packs available for purchase
1 org & 5 environments 2 orgs & 10 environments 6 orgs & 30 environments
Runtime SLA See SLA

Apigee Additional Features

API Monitoring Included

Hybrid Entitlements

Orgs/Environments Entitled Not Included 25 Orgs (up to 85 environments per org)
Anthos (3) Not Included 300 vCPUs of Anthos 800 vCPUs of Anthos

Add-ons available for purchase (4)

Monetization Available for purchase
Org Pack Each pack adds 1 org and 5 environments
Environment Pack Each pack adds 5 environments
Analytics Data Pack Increases Analytic Reports to 14 months Increases Analytic Reports to 14 months Not applicable (14 months included)
Application Integration
(not supported for Apigee hybrid)
24 million integration calls(5), 10 concurrent integrations(6) across Apigee Orgs (includes 2 orgs), 20 Class G connections(7) & 10 Class 1 connections included
Application Integration Packs (requires Application Integration) Call Pack: 50M additional integration calls
Org Pack: Enables Application Integration for 1 additional org
Concurrency Pack: 10 additional concurrent integrations across orgs
Apigee Connection Packs (requires Application Integration) Connection Unit Pack : 50 Connection Units across all regions(8)

All offerings and add-ons are subject to Apigee product limits.

(1) A customer can use API calls in Apigee, Apigee hybrid, and Apigee Adapter for Envoy use cases. Apigee Adapter for Envoy calls follow a 3:1 ratio for the API call volume entitled.
(2) For information about pricing for Google Cloud networking products, see All networking pricing.
(3) Restricted for Anthos only to run/operate Apigee hybrid components listed here. Additional Anthos entitlements require an Anthos subscription.
(4) Org Pack, Environment Pack, and Network Data Packs are only available for Apigee.
(5) A successful integration call is the completion of an integration workflow without errors due to the incorrect functioning of the Application Integration platform. Call failures not attributable to the platform, such as failures to connect to targets (including other Cloud services) due to customer configuration errors or target server downtimes, do not count against the SLA. Integration UI and Management service requests are not included in this SLA.
(6) Concurrent integrations are the number of integrations that are executing concurrently (at the same time). Total concurrency packs not to exceed a total of 10,000 concurrent integrations. Please contact sales for higher limits.
(7) Class G covers 1st party Google Services (for example, BigQuery), and does not cover hosted/managed services (eg: CloudSQL MySQL). Class 1 covers some basic connectors (for example, REST and SOAP).
(8) Technical limit of 250 Connections per region. Additional connections can be entitled upon request. Connection Units are an abstraction of Connection purchases, which can be used flexibly to consume various combinations of Connections, Connector Types, Classes, or All Classes. Purchased units may be allocated towards the connection options you choose. For example, with one Connection Unit Pack (50 units), you can use 15 units for three MySQL Connections (Class 2 Connectors are five units per connection) for the dev, test and prod instances of your database. In addition, you can use 20 units for the All Class G Connectors to configure as many connections for Google services as you need (up to any technical limits).

For subscription entitlements information on Edge products, see Edge entitlements.