Guidelines to name a Google Cloud Managed Service for Apache Kafka resource

A Google Cloud resource is any component that you create or use within the Google Cloud. These resources form the building blocks of your applications and systems running on the platform.

Resources in Managed Service for Apache Kafka include the following:

  • Cluster

  • Topic

  • Consumer group

For more information, see Resource names.

Resource naming format

Here are the formats for the different resources:

  • Cluster: projects/{PROJECT_ID}/locations/{LOCATION_NAME}/clusters/{CLUSTER_ID}

  • Topic: projects/{PROJECT_ID}/locations/{LOCATION_NAME}/clusters/{CLUSTER_ID}/topics/{TOPIC_ID}

  • Consumer group: projects/{PROJECT_ID}/locations/{LOCATION_NAME}/clusters/{CLUSTER_ID}/consumerGroup/{CONSUMER_GROUP_ID}

Here's a breakdown of each component:

  • Project ID: Must be the project ID or project number, available from the Google Cloud console. For example, my-cool-project is a project ID, while 123456789123 is a project number.

  • Location: Must be one of the supported Managed Service for Apache Kafka locations. For a list of available locations, see Managed Service for Apache Kafka locations.

  • ID(name): Must conform to the following guidelines:

    • Not begin with the string goog

    • Start with a letter

    • Contain between 3 and 255 characters

    • Contain only these characters: Letters [A-Za-z], numbers [0-9], dashes -, underscores _, periods ., tildes ~, plus signs +, and percent signs %.

Special characters

You can use the special characters listed in the previous section in resource names without URL-encoding. However, you must ensure that any other special character is properly encoded or decoded when used in URLs.

For example, mi-tópico is an invalid ID. However, mi-topico is valid. This format is important when making REST calls.

If you're referencing a topic from the Kafka client libraries, the full resource path is not used. Only the topic name itself is used.

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