Create de-identified copies of data stored in Cloud Storage using the Google Cloud console

This page describes how to inspect a Cloud Storage directory and create de-identified copies of the supported files, using Sensitive Data Protection in the Google Cloud console.

This operation helps to ensure that the files that you use in your business processes don't contain sensitive data, such as personally identifiable information (PII). Sensitive Data Protection can inspect files in a Cloud Storage bucket for sensitive data, and create de-identified copies of those files in a separate bucket. You can then use the de-identified copies in your business processes.

For more information about what happens when you de-identify data in storage, see De-identification of sensitive data in storage.

Before you begin

This page assumes the following:

Learn about the limitations and points of consideration for this operation.

Storage inspection requires the following OAuth scope: For more information, see Authenticating to the DLP API.

Required IAM roles

If all resources for this operation are in the same project, the DLP API Service Agent role (roles/dlp.serviceAgent) on the service agent is sufficient. With that role, you can do the following:

  • Create the inspection job
  • Read the files in the input directory
  • Write the de-identified files in the output directory
  • Write the transformation details in a BigQuery table

The relevant resources include the inspection job, de-identification templates, input bucket, output bucket, and transformation details table.

If you must have the resources in separate projects, make sure that the service agent of your project also has the following roles:

  • The Storage Object Viewer role (roles/storage.objectViewer) on the input bucket or the project that contains it.
  • The Storage Object Creator role (roles/storage.objectCreator) on the output bucket or the project that contains it.
  • The BigQuery Data Editor role (roles/bigquery.dataEditor) on the transformation details table or the project that contains it.

To grant a role to the service agent, see Grant a single role. You can also control access at the following levels:


To create de-identified copies of your Cloud Storage files, you configure an inspection job that looks for sensitive data according to the criteria that you specify. Then, within the inspection job, you enable the Make a de-identified copy action. You can set de-identify templates that dictate how Sensitive Data Protection must transform the findings. If you don't provide any de-identify template, Sensitive Data Protection transforms the findings as described in Default de-identification behavior.

If you enable the Make a de-identified copy action, by default, Sensitive Data Protection transforms all supported file types included in the scan. However, you can configure the job to transform only a subset of the supported file types.

Optional: Create de-identify templates

If you want to control how the findings are transformed, create the following templates. These templates provide instructions about transforming findings in structured files, unstructured files, and images.

  • De-identify template: a default de-identify template to be used for unstructured files, such as freeform text files. This type of de-identify template can't contain record transformations, which are only supported for structured content. If this template isn't present, Sensitive Data Protection uses the infoType replacement method to transform unstructured files.

  • Structured de-identify template: a de-identify template to be used for structured files, such as CSV files. This de-identify template can contain record transformations. If this template isn't present, Sensitive Data Protection uses the default de-identify template that you created. If that is also not present, Sensitive Data Protection uses the infoType replacement method to transform structured files.

  • Image redaction template: a de-identify template to be used for images. If this template isn't present, Sensitive Data Protection redacts all findings in images with a black box.

Learn how to create a de-identify template.

Create an inspection job that has a de-identification action

  1. In the Google Cloud console go to the Create job or job trigger page.

    Go to Create job or job trigger

  2. Enter the Sensitive Data Protection job information, and click Continue to complete each step.

The following sections describe how to fill in the relevant sections of the page.

Choose input data

In the Choose input data section, do the following:

  1. Optional: For Name, enter an identifier for the inspection job.
  2. For Resource location, select Global or the region where you want to store the inspection job.
  3. For Location, select Google Cloud Storage.
  4. For URL, enter the path to the input directory. The input directory contains the data that you want to scan—for example, gs://input-bucket/folder1/folder1a. If you want to scan the input directory recursively, add a trailing slash to the URL, and then select Scan recursively.
  5. In the Sampling section, in the Sampling method list, select No sampling.

    Sampling isn't supported on jobs and job triggers configured with de-identification.

Configure detection

In the Configure detection section, choose the types of sensitive data to inspect for. These are called infoTypes. You can select from the list of predefined infoTypes, or you can select a template if one exists. For more details, see Configure detection.

Add actions

In the Add actions section, do the following:

  1. Turn on Make a de-identified copy.
  2. Optional: For De-identification template enter the full resource name of the default de-identify template if you created one.
  3. Optional: For Structured de-identification template enter the full resource name of the de-identify template for structured files if you created one. If you did not, Sensitive Data Protection uses the default template if you created one.
  4. Optional: For Image redaction template enter the full resource name of the image redaction template for images if you created one.
  5. Optional: If you want Sensitive Data Protection to store the transformation details in a BigQuery table, select Export transformation details to BigQuery, then fill in the following:

    • Project ID: the project that contains the BigQuery table.
    • Dataset ID: the dataset that contains the BigQuery table.
    • Table ID: the table where Sensitive Data Protection must store details about each transformation. Sensitive Data Protection creates this table with the table ID that you provide. If you don't provide a table ID, the system automatically creates one.

    This table does not store the actual de-identified content.

    When data is written to a BigQuery table, the billing and quota usage are applied to the project that contains the destination table.

  6. For Cloud Storage output location, enter the URL of the Cloud Storage directory where you want to store the de-identified files. This directory must not be in the same Cloud Storage bucket as the input directory.

  7. Optional: For File types, select the types of files that you want to transform.

For more information about other actions you can add, see Add actions.


In the Schedule section, specify whether you want to make this job a recurring job:

  • To run the scan only once, keep the field set to None.
  • To schedule scans to run periodically, click Create a trigger to run the job on a periodic schedule.

For more information, see Schedule.


  1. In the Schedule section, review the job configuration, and if needed, edit the job.

  2. Click Create.

If you opted not to schedule the job, Sensitive Data Protection immediately starts running it. After the job completes, the system redirects you to the Job details page, where you can view the results of the inspection and de-identification operations.

If you opted to export the transformation details to a BigQuery table, the table is populated. It contains one row for each transformation that Sensitive Data Protection made. For each transformation, details include a description, a success or error code, any error details, the number of bytes transformed, the location of the transformed content, and the name of the inspection job in which Sensitive Data Protection made the transformation. This table does not contain the actual de-identified content.

Confirm that the files were de-identified

  1. On the Job details page, click the Configuration tab.
  2. To view the de-identified files in the output directory, click the link in the Output bucket for de-identified Cloud Storage data field.
  3. To view the BigQuery table that contains the transformation details, click the link in the Transformation Details field.

    For information about how to query a BigQuery table, see Running interactive queries.

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