Bombus melanopygus

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DomainEukaryota • RegnumAnimalia • PhylumArthropoda • SubphylumHexapoda • ClassisInsecta • SubclassisPterygota • InfraclassisNeoptera • SuperordoHolometabola • OrdoHymenoptera • FamiliaApidae • GenusBombus • Species: Bombus melanopygus Nylander, 1848
Bombus edwardsii Cresson, 1878 (from IUCN)
Bombus melampygus Handlirsch, 1888 (from IUCN)
Bombus melanopyge Nylander, 1848 [orth. err.] (from IUCN)

Photographs of living individuals


Photographs of specimens
