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"The Queen of Blackhawk Island": The synopsis for this issue has not yet been written.

Quote1 It seems hopeless! It would take months for them to get back their split-second timing and initiative that made the Blackhawks invulnerable! Quote2
— Blackhawk

Blackhawk #99 is an issue of the series Blackhawk (Volume 1) with a cover date of April, 1956.

Synopsis for "The Queen of Blackhawk Island"

Appearing in "The Queen of Blackhawk Island"

Featured Characters:


  • Zera (Dies)
    • her troops: Ardo, others
  • Captain Wolf (Dies)
    • his submarine crew (Dies)



  • Zera's electronic amnesia-inducing device
  • Blackhawk's electronic memory-stimulation device


Synopsis for "Fear and Flight"

Appearing in "Fear and Flight"

Featured Characters:

  • Lazarov Karpovitch, arch Soviet spy (Dies)
    • (posing as Professor Novac)

Supporting Characters:

  • Red Spy Group 67 (smashed by FBI)


Other Characters:

  • key scientists and flight specialists
  • Captain Merriman, test pilot


  • USAF Testing Base
  • Cape Dunning
    • Rendezvous Site, 50 miles away


  • hangars full of experimental fighter jets
    • X-6582, experimental jet (abandoned in mid-air)
  • Soviet Submarine

Synopsis for "The War That Never Ended"

Appearing in "The War That Never Ended"

Featured Characters:


  • stranded unit of the Red Army (captured)


  • uncharted Island of Lisa, off the coast of Korea

Synopsis for "The Underground Menace"

Appearing in "The Underground Menace"

Featured Characters:


Other Characters:

  • enslaved Polish Miners: Jan, many others




  • Queen of Blackhawk Island
    • Blackhawk wears a Geiger Counter in his belt.
    • Blackhawk invents a high-frequency beam to stimulate memory cells.
    • Blackhawk gets head-punched unconscious. This is his sixty-eighth concussion.[1]
    • Blackhawk Island has an auto-radar anti-aircraft gun, and some Nike anti-missile missiles.
    • In the woods on Blackhawk Island is a pit, about the same size and shape as a grave but deeper, where the Blackhawks dump radioactive waste from their atomic experiments.
    • The Blackhawks all sleep in the same open-berth barracks.
    • Captain Wolf and his crew wear Red Star insignia on their hats, and the villains wear military uniforms, but they do not call each other "Comrade" or boast about Communism.
    • Captain Wolf's submarine is sunk with all hands.
  • Underground Menace
    • Blackhawk Island has a seismographic laboratory, and Stanislaus is a very capable seismologist.
    • Western Europe is extensively undermined, at a depth of five miles, with Russian tunnels, lined with railway tracks. A company of rebel Polish miners has promised to destroy the tunnels. They possess Vladimir Delski's Giant Drill, so this promise is not unrealistic.
  • Also featured in this issue of Blackhawk was:
    • Blackhawk: "The Perfect Plan" (text story)

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References

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Summary Needed

This page is missing a well-written and detailed synopsis. If there is already a synopsis here, it might need to be modified or expanded. You can help the DC Database by adding a summary of the story.
Look at how sad this is making Batman. You did this.
Superboy Vol 4 69
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